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Confused about UNN UNM UNAF UNSM


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From the macross.anime.net, I see the glossary of the following terms:

UNN United Nations Navy

UNS United Nations Spacy

UNSAF United Nations Space Air Force

UNSM United Nations Space Marines

Now I am confused. Why do you need an air force if the Spacy is your air force. Also I thought Spacy was the Space Navy, so why the Navy? Am I to assume the UNAF and UNN are for earth atmospheric force so-to-speak? And Spacy is devoted for space naval forces?


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I'm confused as well. A suggestion I have is that, if you are taking the latter 9 episodes of SDF Macross into consideration, the Air Force side was probably wiped out in the bombardments of the Bodolza Fleet. With the main effort based on rebuilding Earth and those troops gone, UN Spacy took over their role. You don't see any signs of them doing this in later Macross productions.

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ok, here goes.

*the Army got the Destroids, that's it, they got nothing else but destroids.

*the Marines got both Valks and Destroids,

*and finally the Navy and AF got Valks.

*the Space Air Force's Jurisdiction is the Satellite orbit around the colonies/planets that UN/Earth "controls"

*The marines are used for making beachheads/LV's for the incoming UN forces.

Edited by Lightning 06
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and finally the Navy and AF got Valks.

Navy would have sea ships like the Daedalus and Prometheus, as well. Just like the UN Spacy has the capital (star) ships.

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Almost all the planets the United Nations colonized have waters. A UN NAVY is used to patrol the seas and to take the battle to the section of the planet thats causing a conflict. Valkyries, submarines, ships, helicopters

UN Army- Troops, Destroids, Attack Helicopters

UN Marine Corps - The infantry of the UN Navy, the fly Valkyries, Helicopters *Limited Destroid battalions

UN Air Force- They are the transportation of the UN ARMY, and some of the UNMC. The Air Force also flyies Valkyries, and long range Bombers, helicopters

UN Spacy- The Sword of Humanity, Valkyries, *Destroids, Space vessels - In charge of exploration, colonization, patrol. UN Spacy can fulfill the Role of the UN Navy and Air Force with its Fighter Wings. Also it will have the UN Army's Destroids for conflicts or for additional security

*Limited Destroid Companys

UNS Air Force- Valkyries, Bombers. Planetary Defense,and fulfill the role of the regular UN Air Force

*Personaly I dont see a need for a UNS Air Force, if there is a UN Air Force that has space cabalities

I with both junior and senior ROTC experience did this little chart, some wonder why Army has more destroid battalions than the marines. The Marines in reality dont have nearly half of the armored Divisions than the Army has, Marines, are the first ones in, Army comes n finish off whatever the Marines Didnt. I dont know why the UNS Air Force was created if there is a UN Air Force already. Also Remember, the UN Spacy cant do all the jobs plus patrol, explore and colonize. So in planets, all the branches are critical.

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i would imagine that if such divisions remained after space war one that the would be more specified references. navy personel are those personel running the capital ships in space and any remaining wet navy ships. air force personel are the pilots and their ground crews. marines would be the destroid forces on capital ships as well as the human security and soldier forces on-board ships and stations. if the army was retained (and it probably was) it would probably consist of those personel used to physically occupy young worlds, as well as to maintain permanent bases on earth and the colonies. the term spacy probably refer to the combined forces, with the probable exception of the army, the role of the army after space travel and combat are realized decreases significantly, especially if one isn't subjegating hostile populations.

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