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Macross Zero, what exactly is the Tori no hito

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I still say Max & Milia's aging is due to being Macronized for the filming of DYRL. Since Zentradi live longer, only stands to reason it strengthens their bodies.

I was thinking the same thing; after all, Milia does say that doctors haven't determined what the miclonization process does to lifespans.

I don't think micronizing/macronizing is so much dissolving & copying memories, as it is a biological representation of whatever iti s star trek transporters do.

I used to think that, but I've begun looking at as more of a clone/destroy process lately. It started when thinking of the use of the word Clone, and the notes about Zentraedi cloning tech. But, also, we all know of the physics problems of having actual humans the size that the Z's are. Since it's not really gone into detail in the show, I've used this as a little way to fill that plothole.

Totally off-canon, but I look at it this way: In the process of macronization and cloning of Z soldiers, they are semi-organic, utilizing OT materials and biotech to compensate for the physical limitations. When micloned, a body based on the original DNA used for th soldier is created, which is identical to a human. Bioneural interfaces such as those seen in DYRL, M+, M7, & M0 could be utilized for knowledge & memory transfer.

Hmm, of course, this is totally off topic as well...

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The U.N. program probably used used Zentraedi technology. Zentraedi "micronizing" seem to transfer the whole personality. Then again Zentraedi micronizing/macronizing seems to dissolve the original body. Who's to say how the cloning program post SW1 worked? It's not documented on screen.

I'm sure there was a sort of flash personality in Zentradi tech. Was pretty much a requirement for zentradi civilization.

I just doubt they xerox'ed entire people. I figure each new clone started with a base personality and from there individual experiences made them progress differently.

Either way, xeroxing whole adults would seem uncomfortably close to the zentradi post-war.

I've always assumed they cloned babies and had a VERY generous incentive package on the foster parent program.

Sorry - we're well off topic now...Quick, somebody slag Macross 7 then we can call the thread closed!

Me Grimlock no want listen to him Basara's song!

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Cloning in Macross refers to a more general genetic engineering process, rather than straight copying. Taking the Zentradi specifically, it would appear rather than being straight generational copies, cloning applied to them would be more akin to creating genetic test tube babies, possably still created from mixing genetic mateiral, or posibly some other PC process of randomizing pre-existing DNA, who knows.

It just doesn't make sense to create & destroy entire bodies for shrinking/enlarging processes. For one thing, it'd be way too wasteful. Reconstructing & expanding/removing materials would make more sense.

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Cloning in Macross refers to a more general genetic engineering process, rather than straight copying. Taking the Zentradi specifically, it would appear rather than being straight generational copies, cloning applied to them would be more akin to creating genetic test tube babies, possably still created from mixing genetic mateiral, or posibly some other PC process of randomizing pre-existing DNA, who knows.

It just doesn't make sense to create & destroy entire bodies for shrinking/enlarging processes. For one thing, it'd be way too wasteful. Reconstructing & expanding/removing materials would make more sense.

Maybe they recycle the necessary parts & CHON raw materials to the next batch of soldiers? It's not something I've lost sleep over. Honestly, I always thought it was rather contrived that they even had miclone chambers in the first place. Here's a manufactured race of giants with a directive not to interfere with the civilization that created them - so why give them the ability to infiltrate that civilization? Oh, for the plot; that changes everything...

Back on topic, just watched M0, ep 5 again last night. As nifty as the birdman looks, I always wished that it would have looked a little more like it's skeleton. The head had a very Zentraedi feel to it, and I thought that fit well, since this was the first piece of PC technology we'd seen since Altlita (which may or may not have really existed in the Macross timeline). The body also had a really cool, semiorganic look to it. But then it metamorphosed, and the blue snake popped out of the side of the Asuka; and it grew into it's full body. Even then, the only thing that really bugs me is the giant foppish flower collar that it sprouts. Love the buster cannon, though...

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Maybe they recycle the necessary parts & CHON raw materials to the next batch of soldiers? It's not something I've lost sleep over. Honestly, I always thought it was rather contrived that they even had miclone chambers in the first place. Here's a manufactured race of giants with a directive not to interfere with the civilization that created them - so why give them the ability to infiltrate that civilization? Oh, for the plot; that changes everything...

They don't know how to remove the chambers even if they wanted to. I'm also pretty sure that Zentraedi were never meant to survive as long as Breetai and Exedol have (and thus acquire wisdom and experience), either.

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