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Manga Macross Plus OVA Edition Question


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Hi all,

This is kinda an odd question that won't take much to answer but doesn't really fit in the newbie area... I was going thru my DVDs and wanted to watch Macross Plus OVA again, and when I opened the Vol 1+2 case, the disk said Movie Edition. The 3/4 disk was there and labeled as such, so I figured I must have switched the disks when comparing them at some point... I went to my Movie Edition case and found a disk labeled movie edition in there as well... weird, right? I popped both in and found the Movie Edition disk in the Movie case WAS the movie, but the disk in the 1/2 OVA case is the first two parts of the OVA, but the disk is labeled Movie Edition and looks identical to the Movie version disk... does anyone else have this? I have the Manga releases, and it is the 'Digitally Remastered' OVA collection that came out to or three years ago.


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I think they initially intended to include the ME in with the set, but axed it at the last minute. Likely someone also axed the wrong label.

I think it may be the same error that the UK R2 "boxed set". That has both the movie and OVA versions on three discs. However, the movie edition is labeled as "Episodes 3 +4" and as I recall, Episodes 3+4 are labeled as "Episodes 1+2" and Episodes 1 +2 are labelled as "Movie Edition" (I think, the OAV version doesn't get as much play in my house as the movie edit). I can't speak for the US release but as far as I know the entire UK R2 release had the same error. (I ended up swapping the discs between cases so that at least I knew which disc was which, even if the labels are all messed up.) It sounds like they may have used the same labels for the US discs as for the UK pressings.


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Hi all,

This is kinda an odd question that won't take much to answer but doesn't really fit in the newbie area... I was going thru my DVDs and wanted to watch Macross Plus OVA again, and when I opened the Vol 1+2 case, the disk said Movie Edition. The 3/4 disk was there and labeled as such, so I figured I must have switched the disks when comparing them at some point... I went to my Movie Edition case and found a disk labeled movie edition in there as well... weird, right? I popped both in and found the Movie Edition disk in the Movie case WAS the movie, but the disk in the 1/2 OVA case is the first two parts of the OVA, but the disk is labeled Movie Edition and looks identical to the Movie version disk... does anyone else have this? I have the Manga releases, and it is the 'Digitally Remastered' OVA collection that came out to or three years ago.


My DVDs are like that also. I probably asked that question here long ago.

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