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What About Claudia?


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This is Macross - anyone remember mass cloning to restore humanity?


Exactly what I was thinking! :p

A child of his clone or even a test tube baby of Roy and Claudia is another possibility.

Edited by Zinjo
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Haven't you guys seen the movie (or read the book) "the human stain"?


Spoiler: it's about a black guy who, due to nature, becomes white - and hides that truth to both the people he meets in life, and eventually himself. It's probable, in light of this, that Aegis Fokker could be Claudia and Roy's secret love child - without having to go the plastic surgeon route like MJ.

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Claudia was a minor character, after Roy died and Hikaru and Misa got together, not sure what was left for her to do or accomplish in the series.

In that regard, I think it's one thing the Robotech series got right, they just killed off the bridge crew. From a story perspective, it makes alot of sense, too many characters complicate things. Traditional Macross ended, doesn't matter if Claudia lives or dies. Robotech's version of Macross had two large sections of story left to tell.

To work Claudia back into a storyline, the typical route is probably to introduce a new generation of characters and make her a mentor or give her a small cameo in a series. (Look at TV series, this rarely works. For every Frasier, there's 20 Joanie Loves Chaci or Joeys. God I'm old) But for all intents and purposes, she was a minor character and making her a major character could be troubling.

It's like baseball players. Some people are meant to ride the bench. Great for a few at bats, some pinch hits or spot duty, but once you make them a starter, their flaws start to come out.

Young Roy and Claudia would be interesting. But it would be dependent on Roy's involvement. But older Claudia, not sure where the story could go.

Personally, whats going to be a bigger problem for Kawamori isn't the characters he chooses, but this apparent hard on for these mystical philosophical surreal storylines. SDF Macross and many elements of Macross Plus was about complex characters in relatively simple situations. Over time, I feel the trend has been to show simplistic characters in complex situations. Macross Zero had some great animation and action sequences, but other than Roy, I didn't care who lived or died. And since I knew Roy wasn't going to die, I felt very little for the characters.

Claudia was a great character because the audience learned to care about her. Even if she was a minor character. Bringing Claudia back would be more than just finding the right story for her, it would also be about going back to the kind of characterization and depth that made the original a classic in the first place.

I wasn't thinking so much that she SHOULD come back as if anyone had seen any info about her-I have an Animerica magazine(can't find it just this moment,of course) from late '98 on'99 that tell the fate of the Bridge Bunnies,Breetai,and Global-and I was wondering if there was some info about Claudia that had come out since then.I just don't have the skills to translate my Macross artbooks,and I was hoping that some translated stuff from VF-X2 or Macross Zero would mention Claudia.

Edited by Maxtype
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I still don't think that Claudia is Aegis' mother, no matter how many theories are thrown out there. Yes, nature can be weird and on rare occurances make kids that should be black, white. Or make children have blue eyes when their parents are both brown eyed without recessive genes for blue (rare but possible), or have blond hair when both parents are dark haired. But those types of occurances are extremely rare, and I don't put any faith in such far-fetched theories to put Claudia LaSalle as Aegis' mother.

Yes, it's possible Aegis took the Michael Jackson route with advanced medicinal knowledge in that time period. You could explain it as he smears himself in special lotions to make his skin white, or he has some kind of birth defect from clone Roy or just a plain old birth defect.

I'm just don't find these far-fetched ideas to be very plausible (about Claudia being the mother).

I felt sorry for Claudia, but I wouldn't jump for joy if she was included in a new series. I wouldn't feel let down if she was left out either. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I prefer the Robotech version (just for this one time) of what happened to the supporting Macross characters. Global, Claudia, & the Bridge Bunnies would be dead weight in any Macross sequel (if they ever make one). Besides, their deaths serves as an inspiration to the surviving crew and their mission. So it's makes them bigger than what they were.

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