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Pic Request: Sdf-1 Head Antenna


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Does anyone have or can take a close-up pic of the head antenna on the 1/3000 sdf-1 for me? Mine broke sometime ago and is long gone.

I'm going to try and make a new one up.... I just need a good pic of it.


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  • 17 years later...

any help on how to remove the antennas from the 1/3000..i just broke half of main and rear one moving unit.  i want to repair or replace but affraid to ise to much force. any help would be awesome.

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Unless you can get a good angle on those screws in the main tower and the radar part, you probably have to unscrew a whole bunch of stuff to properly access the tower and the radar components (that the antenna are all locked into).

Considering their size, I’m sure someone has already 3D printed these antenna parts.  Either that, or just superglue the bits back into place (if possible?).

Edited by Mog
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