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Perhaps Theres A Way? Ot Forum Maybe?

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Name what you want to talk about, outside of sports. I'm serious. List subjects you want to talk about that have a history of being deleted or locked on MW or which are not TOS violations. I need to have some idea of what people are clammoring about, because for the life of me I don't see it. And if I, one of the self proclaimed "more liberal minded" mods doesn't see it, then there is a good chance the people who make the decisions don't see it either. Or they don't want to see it, which possibly relates back to what people want to talk about.

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parking tickets

chicks youve seen at the mall

boxers or breifs,,,,,,,thongs?????

one lump or 2

godzilla vs macross sdf1

my dad and your dad

what did you eat for breakfast this morning

whats the average peanut count in fecies

toenail fungus

lemme know what ya guys think

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Why why do some people want OT? Why are here? To discuss Macross or everything under the sun? Sure if you like Macross your likely want to discuss other animated show, different robot toys and other sci-fi programs. Yet some want to use the place for a variety of topics for general discussion. The place is Macross Themed. OT is OT. Sure some OT is allowed to stay and other gets closed.

The rules say nothing about OT talk being outright banned or prohibited, just that threads that are OT can be deleted at any time.

When that happens the person of the closed topic sees another wasn't closed and makes a fuss. If people are really bothered by it. Why don't we then allow no OT at all. We won't try to justify or be kind today. If it is OT well just zap it.

Btw are we including whole peanuts or peanut weight?

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Hot pics of Miria thread... oh wait no, we're kiddy safe sort of. :p lol


Hot pics of Miria wouldn't be OT and who says we're suppose to be kiddie safe? As long as were not pornographic or blatantly perverted. I think as long as the animation allowed it then we should stick to that, after all that's what this site is about. I dont see Yamato making tyco valks either, so why are we relegated to G rated material?

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Oh, but when I think "hot pics of Miria" it's for 18 and over audiences. :D lol But now that you mention it, it wouldn't exactly be off topic either. Hmmmm... Maybe I should ask my wife to draw some hot pics of Miria... :D She's a doujinshi artist that publishes stuff at comike and other conventions.

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Name what you want to talk about, outside of sports. I'm serious. List subjects you want to talk about that have a history of being deleted or locked on MW or which are not TOS violations. I need to have some idea of what people are clammoring about, because for the life of me I don't see it. And if I, one of the self proclaimed "more liberal minded" mods doesn't see it, then there is a good chance the people who make the decisions don't see it either. Or they don't want to see it, which possibly relates back to what people want to talk about.


I can't remember exactly which threads have been locked and such, but this is what I'd like to talk about:


Anything and everything related to science...technology...break throughs...etc. The console threads are a good start, but I wouldn't mind talking more about new discoveries, technologies, theories and such. Anything someone feels is worth mentioning that is science.

Other than Science, sports. I'll add more to the list as when I think of legit topics I'd like to discuss that I'm not allowed to.

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