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Can I Convert A Bittorent Avi To A Avi File?

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What OS and what bittorrent software are you using?


I have XP Home and I don't have any bittorent software. I downloaded a file from a RAR archive and I extracted it. The file came out as avi torrent. Do you know what software I can use?

Edited by terry the lone wolf
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I reccomend ABC, mostly for its ease of use. After you've installed it, right-click the torrent file you downloaded, then choose the "Open With..." command. If ABC isn't on the list, browse for it. Then, assuming that there are people seeding the file, ABC will download the avi that goes with your torrent file.

In the future, instead of downloading a torrent to your computer and opening it with ABC later, you'll be able to instruct your browser to open torrent files with ABC to begin with (the one real advantage to Windows and ABC over Mac OS and Transmission).

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