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Plastic Quality - 1/60 Vf-0s


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Someone should let Yamato know that for the amount of money they're charging for valks, we should be getting plastic that doesn't yellow over time.

Am I crazy? well maybe but I've seen PVC pipes that lay outside for years that don't yellow. I'd be preordering right now if I didn't think the thing was going to turn a nasty shade of bright orangish weird color in the future. And yes yes..keep it out of the sun I know.

- end rant -

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i'm so eager to get this one. This one would be a lovely item for my collection. BTW, where would be the cheapest to buy this item? Online? Anyone know where? I'm from Canada and I don't know any place here that sells this item.


Edited by snooze
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It's all in the amount of UV shield they add to the plastic. The next best thing is to keep it out of the sun or direct sunlight. Second, keep it out of direct flourescent lighting as most flourescent light pump out decent amounts of UV rays. I learned this the hard way over the years. Keep to incadescent lamps or LED's in your display case or shelving if you can.

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All the yellowed Yamatos I've seen seem to be pretty uniform in color change (for the plastic parts), vs. what you see with old Bandais. Does this imply reaction with impurities in the air, vs. UV degradation? Either way, uniform yellowing doesn't bother me much. I guess the only other advice would be to keep it stored in a dry, cool, smoke-free place.

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I'm starting to think humidity/heat are the culprits for yamato plastic yellowing? If it was due to user handling, the yellowing wouldn't be so uniform. I compared my 1/48 to another from an owner in TX - his was uniformly aged, but not due to smoke. Mine, kept in cool cabinet in northern CA, is still bone white.

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