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  1. I saw carrot-Klan in 4chan, I forgot to save it Maybe the guys on animesuki have one.
  2. I saw it in 4Chan a while ago... Damned good fan art... I just can't wait to see Ozma hand Brera his own ass... Man... I just hope he doesn't die in the process... (And I mean Ozma... screw cocky Brera).
  3. The character name of Grace O'Connor was listed at the end credits of episode 10... and she never appeared... apparently. Ergo, the agent was Grace... I never said anything about the seyuu... And I didn't come with any of this. Most ppl in these forums did a couple weeks ago... Where have u been? Watching soccer games or what? Actually is more like this... Galaxy Fleet Cyborgs = Cylons I'm telling you ppl... what remained of Sharon Apple got into the Galaxy Cyborgs CPUs and is controlling them... DUNE all over again!!!! Btw... Many ppl in 4Chan are saying that the image of the Quamzin clone during the preview at the end of episode 11 maybe a severed head in life support... kinda like Boddole Zer in DYRL... Some even say that it is what remains of the original Quamzin. Could it be...?
  4. Just found this in 4chan... The real ending of Macross 7, hehehe...
  5. Welcome to the Macross Frontier News Thread Previous thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24672 Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers (episode descriptions, magazine info, etc). Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. (i.e. Do not post a critique or comment about episodes when this thread covers an article about the series or spend entire pages talking about mecha specifically). Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. Useful websites MacrossWorld's Macross F Page MBS' Macross Frontier Website Macross F/Frontier Official Website Macross Official Website Translation Tools: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ http://tool.nifty.com/globalgate/ http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dict http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi Image hosting services Flickr ImageShack Photobucket
  6. while i hate to see my buddy wolfx BANNED for this. at the same time i gotta side with the mods, they clearly stated what would happen if offencive material was posted. maybe "offencive" wasn't defined clearly or what ever. as far as i'm concerned MW is one of the best sites on the web for an anime fan site. routeinly this site has clashes of ideas that DON'T erupt into the retarded rantings that are so common on the internet. i appreciate the family friendly nature of the site (it's a site i generally never have to worry about opening in a public setting or at work) and the generally even handed. Personally i'd rather my MW devoid of the indulgent smut so common on the web and steriotyped in anime. If that's what you want to see step on over to 4chan or some other site where that's what it's all about. Anyway Wolfx is a long time member and it really sucks he has to be banned for this one thing. I could understand a week suspension of hsi account or something as a warning to follow the rules. but that's not up to me. I hope things can get sorted out maturely. I've very much hate to see this awesome web comunity get fractured and "angryfied" by this thread and it's consequences...
  7. I found a couple of images in 4chan that is somewhat riske... Well... One is of Michael's VF grabing one of Klan's boobs in a joking manner... Could I post it? The next image shows Klan punching Michael's VF in the head after that... Those are supposed to be satirical/funny pics, not erotic... But with the mods, who knows... Whaddyall think? Do I post them? Need some help here...
  8. I invite you to AnimeSuki, which is the only anime forum I actively posting. Never been on 4chan so I have zero idea about what you mean. Let me have a look on dictionary, "wrongdoing" is 1. behavior or action that is wrong, evil, or blameworthy. 2. an act that is wrong, evil, or blameworthy; misdeed; sin. Ranka must be saint to not have done any. Kidding aside, I said this only because I have seen bitch this and bitch when Sheryl does something wrong or not wrong just some people are too lazy to think, but I am only taught by them about forgiving and tolerating when Ranka is in the question. Well, after all she is new, young, inexperienced and still growing so we are responsible to forgive her and say she is always a nice and cute girl, so we must not call her a bitch. Maybe I need wait a day there is the flying knife instead of a frying pan hitting up with Ozma's forehead to call it wrongdoing. Maybe not. Ranka-chan justifies anything by her existence.
  9. "Wrongdoings"? What show are you watching? Ah fandom. I had no clear this sort of debate was raging. On 4chan maybe, but here?
  10. Hmm, this news must be taken with a grain of salt since I took it from 4chan
  11. Just checked gg's IRC channel and it was a troll apparently. Should have expected it with them being a 4chan group. But I just don't know. One of the shared bots has Episode 10 subs out anyway. I'm downloading it now to see if it's another troll or what. Still, subber drama and trolling What can you do?
  12. I'm there tonight. But again i can't find the channel. Gah! According to 4channers....the channel isn't appearing....OH NOESS http://zip.4chan.org/m/res/1648914.html#q1648914
  13. Same thing. Many of the people who use Internet language are also anime fans. It's no coincidence that 4chan and Internet speak tend to go together.
  14. GAR is a misspelling of the word gay. It started during the broadcast run of Fate Stay/Night when the character Archer sacrificed himself to buy his friends time. An Anonymous on 4chan posted that the act was so manly that he would go "GAR" for Archer. All this fandangled nonsense is what people who didn't know what the word meant decided GAR to be since that's what they could make out from the subsequent posts. When you say that something is GAR, you're saying you wouldn't mind if it had sex with your butt.
  15. This coming from a Zeta fan.... [huge Z fan myself, especially of the drama] Well to each there own, but a mecha show about just action would be boring as F*ck in my opinion. Let the action serve the story, not vice versa. Not everything has to be about stuff blowing up to be good... Little action or no, episode five's finale still satisfies more than some entire shows on the battle scene level. ----------- Anyway, on the personal front, I've returned from a mostly gratifying Fanime. On the Gunbuster/Diebuster front, more happened than usually expected. I found Film Book 1 at the swap meet for five bucks. Love the group shot in it. Managed to catch the end of Gattai for Gunbuster and, the following day Diebuster. So I basically saw "At the End of Endless Stream". In Diebuster's case, it was actually the first time I'd seen any of that footage outside of pics on 4chan, or skimming the DVD. I enjoyed it for the most part, even if I didn't fully understand the earth or second cockpit things. Nono's sort of grown on me, though Lar'c (Lal'c?) is still somewhat eh. I think that may be why I've never really gotten back to the OAV, the characters don't really excite me much [making me something of an anomaly amongst like fans who are usually repulsed by the art/tone, which I had little problem with]. On Monday, picked up two Nono Gashapons [one maid, one BM] in the dealers hall to reflect my somewhat reconciliation with the character. I would've picked up the Bome if it weren't so damn overpriced ($20, and not a penny more, and yet everyone's selling her for $28-30, even Noriko was $30, and I got her for $18). They go rather nicely next to my Bome and Koto Norikos. Could not find any Wave Norikos or GX-34s. Big shock, but the Wave was sort of plausible, and would've been my only high priced figure purchase if found. Anyone actually got one of these? Speaking of GX-34s, not finding one turned out to be a non-issue. It turns out my friend ordered me one for my birthday. It's somehow unsurprising (in a "what took you so long" sort of way) but still amazing. It made me glad I grabbed him a super rare autograph to cover his and Christmas. What autograph, you ask? Well, Yamaga brought with him this time a slew of Gurren-Lagann artists and other Gainax big wigs, including Diebuster chara designer and Gunbuster chara adapter Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. Not knowing this, I left my Der Mond at home, but picked up a Groundwork of End of Eva 1 book at the swap meet for 30 bucks. Sad thing was that after two people, someone came by and said his manager had forbade him signing, or photos for that matter. Fortunately, later at the meet, someone got his manager away from him and I got the book signed (one of eight of the only people there actually involved with Eva or at least around long enough and willing to actually sign the book) and a photo. I picked up a signature for my friend when he was signing in the hallway afterwards. Some such people even did work on Gunbuster. One of them being Fumio Iida. I found out at the last second that sketches were being done following a Gainax panel I had to leave. I had a chance for one. I saw a guy with a Noriko sketch, asked who did it, and decided to gravitate towards him. Sure enough, I got one myself on request thanks to one guy following the staffer's advice to let some other people get some. So I got his last sketch that day on a piece of borrowed sketch paper. It was only later that I learned he had indeed worked on Gunbuster, and not just able to sketch it. He also signed the Eva book (though ANN says he didn't work on it), and I got a photo with him after telling him Gunbuster was my favorite (his too apparently). I didn't get everyone, and missed at least one major GL artist, but I got the most important ones. One guy was even wearing a BM 7 shirt (I think he signed the book, I'm not sure), and the producer like my Kare Kano shirt. So I may finally have something on the level of my other unappreciative friend's Mikimoto Noriko sketch. So yeah, great con in the end, even with a few early signature snafus bungling me up.
  16. Sadly, the 4chan Klan fan art thread is gone... finito!!!
  17. Nice ones. By the way, is there a way to search for pics on 4chan? I usually get mine from Danbooru.
  18. Thanks all, hehe. Hehe... just made it last night. I'll make some later. Just posted it in 4chan. Btw... there are lots of fan art pics there... some are really disturbing!!!
  19. Sadly no... I can't remember exactly where I found it... Maybe it came from 4chan...
  20. Its the channel 4chan recommended, below ABC Radio 1008. Enjoy guys.
  21. Battroid mode is off in a lot of ways. *ehem...repost what I said from 4chan*... There should be no flaps on the legs. The 3d model clearly showed that those flaps are attached to the wing swivel area. Also, shield feels too thin...too short perhaps.. Crotch isn't set at an angle either.
  22. Can somebody tell me where is this from? Found a link in 4Chan to a download site. The file is called animation_note_apr_2008 (is like 20 megs or so). It contains several designs from macross Frontier. This image seems to be about some Junya Ishikagi design notes... There are more from the VF-25, the large Vajra and some other mechanical stuff. Is this from some magazine or is this actually from the Macross Chronicle?
  23. Found this in 4Chan... Junya Ishikagi VAJRA designs... Now... take a look at the designs that haven't appeared in the show yet... will give u a heart attack... (specially the one that looks like certain enemy mecha from the old Macross series... a Protoculture connection?).
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