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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. I read about 4 different versions of the translations (into Korean from Chinese). Although not as authentic as the Chinese version, the Koreans simply love this story and it's been translated by many prominent authors over the past century (some in abbreviated form). I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time (in grade school) and since then, I've been a big fan. I do agree that the ending is a bit of a let down but it is part history. There has been attempts to shed Cao Cao in a new light over the recent years.

    So THAT explains it...a Korean-American guy I know saw me reading the book at the coffee shop a while back, and he insisted that the story was Korean, not Chinese. I finally showed him the book's introduction, which settled the matter...

    And you read FOUR different translations?!? Wow...that's dedication!

  2. Nice. How MUCH Seatbelts memorabilia exactly? I'd love to meet Yoko Kanno. I want to find out how Ed-like she really is in person. Wonder if she plays piano with her toes.

    It was a few years ago, but IIRC, she got a concert program, some stickers, and a tote bag.

    I'd like to meet Yoko Kanno, too, but I get the feeling it would be more fun to work with her...you can tell the Seatbelts were having a damn good time making the Bebop albums...

  3. It was Tomo who should have done the singing in the first place.

    That's going a little far, isn't it? Both of them are good. Besides, Chie wrote the lyrics for most of Mylene's songs (yes, she's "M. MEG"), so OF COURSE she should get to sing them.

    Tomo's voice works better with Mari Iijima's on "Friends" than I think Chie's would've, though.

  4. Hmm, M7 hatred again.

    Going back a few posts, I have this image of Mylene & Basara appearing in Frontier having aged into a Sharon and Ozzy Osborne type couple. That would be a good way to bring aspects of 7 into the anime.

    "Listen to my f@#!in' song, M&^@#?f*&@ers!"

    "Oh, shut the f%^# up, Basara!"

    Actually...as I said before, I'm in the middle of rewatching M7 right now, and the thing that REALLY bugs me about it is not the goofiness or the lack of intense mecha scenes, or the cartoonish villains...but the fact that the animators seem to have no idea how to play a guitar...really blows all the concert scenes for me.

    I have no idea why that has become my ultimate M7 pet peeve, but it has.

  5. I am more worried about this not having an English translation for some of you guys to read, rather than bore you out. :D

    I looks like onemanga.com has English scanlations of the first 80 chapters...I'll check it out after I finish the novel...since I'll probably want a little break before diving right into The Water Margin...

    (And yes, I'm going to read all Four Chinese Classics, but it'll take me a while...)

  6. I read about half of the saga (novel), in Chinese too, but eventually lost interest to keep going. Its pretty good, but gets confusing and fluctuates a lot. Sometimes its very interesting, sometimes its very boring. And a lot of characters to remember to a point you really need a reference guide or something to figure out the relationships between each other. And quite often, important characters die an insignificant death.

    In terms of anime. I've always remember(vaguely) this one show that I watched when little and really liked it. Its sort of an OVA or 3-4 part movie. The style is very anime-ish, and made in the 80s. Liu Bei dress in red & white typical cool looking main character look, while Zhuge Liang is very girly in this one in pale purple with girly make-up, like a transvestite. But its action packed and fun, not very accurate to the orginal source though. But I don't even know what the show is called anymore, and don't seem people know about this one. Its not the ones that other posts had mentioned here.

    If you can read Chinese, or find translation for it somehow, there is an on-going manga/comic from Taiwan named The Ravages of Time that is very good. Pretty much Romance of Three Kingdoms, but tell it in a very different point of view, breaking the stereotype on a lot of these well known characters. The art is very good too, like a blend between Hong Kong style and Japanese manga, in black & white, but not one of those cheapy looking wannabes trying to rip off someone's drawing style. Highly recommended, and is pretty popular among the Chinese.

    You read it in Chinese? Wow...was it modernized, or was it all in 13th Century Chinese? Either way, I'm impressed!

    As for the Ravages of Time, I've heard of it, and I'd like to see it...but I'm still about 20 chapters away from the end of the novel, and I'm already thinking, "Thanks, I've had enough." So it may be a few years before I get around to looking at it.

    I saw the Japanese manga that the anime is based on, but it was done by the guy who drew "Iron Man 28," and was a little too cartoony for my taste. Plus, it didn't look terribly Chinese...

  7. This and Battle Royal has left me wondering if the Japanese lack of war has made them totally forget about how blood pressure works.

    You mean the human body isn't filled with forty gallons of highly pressurized blood...? Man, Hokuto no Ken LIED to me!!!

  8. Put simply, Dune has already been done. Twice. Both efforts failed to impress most people. What are they going to try to do differently that will make this version "work".

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy most of Lynch's work in his effort, but is it really too much to ask for the producers to spend their money instead on a more original project? There are thousands of popular works of fiction out there that could be adapted instead or maybe some writers could be hired and a completely original work created.

    Remakes are really getting tedious, look at this one.....


    More originality from Hollywood, please?


    Agreed. Dune is a great BOOK. But the depth and richness of it that make it great book are exactly the reasons it will never make a great film (or even miniseries). Most of the greatest scenes are very...interior. I'm thinking especially of the banquet scene where everyone's jockeying for power and sending hidden messages under the guise of innocuous small talk...how the hell can someone film THAT?

    Most good books aren't merely screenplay adaptations waiting to happen. Most good comic books are not well-colored storyboards. Most good older movies are not springboards for a remake.


  9. ? Ok Whats up with the personal attack, anyway Kawamori or anyone else working on Macross has never said how the love triangle ends. If you take into account how Mylene acts with each person in the series this pic wouldn't be unusual. It also implies nothing as they clearly have their shoes on and a guitar is present in the frame. If you remember how Basara's room is setup the only way for two people in the room to be by his window is on the bed and they appears to be there cause of heat if you look at how he and Mylene are dressed. But that is also an assumption on my part as we can never know what the artist of the pic had in mind, but without official word even a pic showing Mylene and Gamlin kissing means nothing or her sleeping in his tent like in the series without word a drawing is a drawing.

    Well, I can't speak for Ginrai, but I was more or less joking...I've always said that the Mac7 love triangle would have been more convincing if Basara had shown even the slightest interest in Mylene. Hell, he doesn't even seem to have any interest in Rex, and she's hot AND sassy!

  10. That would be assuming, of course, that Milliard didn't cover for him. That is something we could debate until the cows come home, but we'll never really know an answer unless they give us one.

    IIRC, in the Move Edition, Millard very strongly implied that would cover for Dyson. So I figure he did. But, then, Isamu and Guld wrecked a large part of a city (I hope everyone was out that day), which is kinda hard to cover up...

    OK, I see your point.

    Me, I like to think that Isamu formed a search party to go find the Megaroad-01...a story that will be told once "Macross Sentinels" makes it's debut. :lol:

  11. Back in, oh, '90 I guess it was, I wrote a paper in history class on the Three Kingdoms period writing directly out of the original RotTK instruction book. :lol:

    I hope you got a good grade on it...

    (And I wish I'd thought of that...I never played Three Kingdoms, but I really liked Nobunaga's Ambition...could've done the same thing, mumble, mumble...)

  12. Well IMHO, the timeline is a good outline for him to create his stories, and a great guide for readers. In this way, he reliefs himself from the pressure of "completing" the story and is somewhat responsible to the readers in case the story cannot go on for whatever reasons. But he can always jump to whatever timeline and tell the story about certain characters, so his story is never ending! very smart way of story telling!

    Also, he tells alot of stories and lots of bits of info in his supplement books such as Designs and Characters series, further enriching the world of FSS. There are more supplementary books than his manga tankoubans lol...

    I wish my Japanese was good enough to read those supplementary books...I can't even read the manga in the original (It's easier than Shirow, however).

    And yeah...I'm sure the story is deliberately unfinishable...every time I think I've grasped where the story has to go next, he widens the scope...first with the "Beyond the 7777" chapter in Traffics1, and then with the AD Era stuff in "The Chvalries."

    At the rate he's going though, as long as he finishes "The Magestic Stand," I'll be happy...

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