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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. "Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Macron 1!

    FEEELL THE POWER!!!!" :lol:

    I remember the theme song from Saturday morning cartoons, but I can't remember squat about the show itself. That's a good thing, I take it?

    All I remember about it was that the guy who voiced Khyron in Robotech did a similar turn as the villain in the Goshogun half of the show...

    Even seeing the words for the theme song written out, I have no recollection of it.

  2. A couple of Macek-related releases come to mind (Windaria, Robotech the Movie), but of the ones you listed, Macron 1 was so hackneyed that it didn't even make sense when I was 9 yrs. old.

    That's right, I forgot about the Macek-produced Windaria...what was it called? "Once Upon a Time" or something...?

  3. The thread about how you got into macross got me thinking...sure, a large percentage of Macrossworlders dislike Robotech, ranging from a mild distaste to all-consuming fury, but is it the worst adaptation out there?

    What do you think is worst hackjob done for western audiences? These are the ones I could think of off the top of my head, but I know there are more out there...

  4. 5. Kurenai no Karegata [?] ni (To the Red Them [?]), sung by Mine Matsuki and...someone else.

    I think that's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", and that other singer is the none-other than the late seiyuu for Captain Bright/Saint Dragon Shiryu/Yellow...

    Damn, you're right. I misread the first kanji...

    And I'm thinking I'd love to make an AMV of that, using the scenes of Bright Noa chasing chickens from ZZ...

  5. So YOU were the one who ruined my promising career as a Macross consultant with the studios!?

    I had suggested that Macross F feature a love pentagon, and not a triangle, because I like pentagons better! The show producers, for their part, wanted a love circle, and Kawamori kept arguing that it ought to be a variable hexagon - able to take on the shape of a square or a octogon at will.

    For months I sacrificed convincing them that my love pentagon idea was the best one - and they were on the brink of accepting when suddenly what do I hear one November night?

    "Hey, I heard from a friend about someone coming up with the idea for a love triangle".... and there went MY career!

    Thanks Gubaba!


    I trademarked the term "love pentagon" in 2003. My lawyers will be in touch with you soon.

  6. Don't even get me started on Macross Frontiers.

    I post to a forum on Chinese/Japanese food and I once posted about this GRRREEEEAAAAT restaraunt in my city; best Japanese food I've ever had - and the Chinese isn't bad either; it's a joint Chinese/Japanese venture; although the boss is Chinese, the Japanese food is presided over by a Japanese guy...

    Anyways - I ended my review with something like "you know - if they ever make another Macross series, they really ought to put in a great Chinese restaurant."

    And what happens? Lo and behold - and who gets the credit- some Kawamori guy ...sheesh. No justice.

    I posted on this outrage on other sights - and get this guys - people write responses like "but don't you think that since Minmey worked in a Chinese restaurant in the original SDF M, then it is only natural that there would be such a restaurant and a waitress in the new series, and that this is where the idea came from and not from stealing your insights?"

    Can you BELIEVE this stuff??

    No justice and certainly no sympathy in this cruel, cruel world.


    Tell me about it. In November of 2006, I said to one of my friends, "Look. To me, a perfect Macross series has transforming jets, a love triangle, and a singer of some kind."

    Then, more than a year later, Macross F comes around, and what does it have? Transforming jets, a love triangle, and a singer!

    I'm TOTALLY suing. And I'll also sue any store that carries Macross F toys or models, too.

  7. My bad, I should have said 2 disc set.

    More info:

    The 2007 box info


    No info on the ova

    The 2004 box


    Does have the OVA, but sold out

    The individual dvd #6 does have the OVA


    I am trying to see if I can find a place to buy that dvd here in the states, so far no luck finding it at this time.

    I think Victor Records only release it during that period during the OVA release. I haven't heard anything of releasing it, but it maybe possible (highly unlikely) since there is a big demand for the toys.

    Okay...Amazon.co.jp lists both Box Sets at 634 minutes, so the 2007 one must have the OVA as well.

  8. Side one:

    1. Mezame (Awakening), sung by Mine Matsuki (Yellow's "Girl Voice")

    2. Love Tonight, sung by Mine Matsuki

    3. Areruno e (To the Wild Field), sung by Mine Matsuki (this song is also on Soundtrack Vol. II)

    4. Ai no Koishi (Pebble of Love), sung by Mika Doi (Houquet's voice) (this song is also on Vol. I, but I think it's sung by Mine Matsuki there)

    5. Kurenai no Karegata [?] ni (To the Red Them [?]), sung by Mine Matsuki and...someone else.

    Side Two:

    1. Lonely Errant, sung by Mine Matsuki (also on Vol. II)

    2. Star Dust

    3. Dream Eaters, sung by...someone (also on Vol. I)

    4. Pretend, sung by Andy (who also sang the theme song)

    5. Blue Rain, sung by Mine Matsuki

  9. Here is some info on LLA,


    There is LP for it, but my guess its ultra rare to find it, but sometimes I run into these things. :lol:

    What do you think of the 3 disc set? Should I get it?

    Do you know if the jp mospeada box set have the LLA?

    It MUST be ultra rare...it's not listed anywhere that I've found at amazon.co.jp.

    Also from Japanese Amazon...no word on whether the two DVD box sets (one in 2004, one in 2007) have LLA, but the individual DVDs do.

    I would assume that the box sets would as well, but you know what they say about why you shouldn't assume...

    And...three disc set? There's a two disc set that has all three TV soundtracks on it...I don't have that. I have the Super Collection, and, as much as I want to have Live at Pit Inn, I won't shell out $60.00 for the Complete Collection, two-thirds of which I already have.

    I keep hoping it'll show up at macrosshare, but no luck so far...

  10. I don't hate, I'm just not happy with the direction Kawamori took. Its like the Jar Jar stepping in poo jokes, I just don't get it. I really like alot of the music, I love the opening, and I really enjoyed the episode with the Meltrandi fleet. Hell, I wish the entire series had gone down that road.

    To be quite honest, I do too. Episode 44 ("Nightmarish Invasion") was also as close to a mecha-lover's dream as Mac7 gets.

    If someone hates Macross 7, I can understand why. If someone adores Macross 7, I can also understand why. me, I'm still kind of on the fence about it, but as I just watched episodes 43-45 today, right now I'm firmly in a "Hell yeah I'll listen to Basara's song!" phase. So forgive me if I get a little too fired up...

  11. Hey, I'm sure it's as stupid as a lot of the stuff that I watched as a kid. But it's still a big part of my childhood, maybe more so than Transformers. I mean, I've always liked Transformers better, but my family was poor when I was a kid. I never had a lot of the first and second season Transformers because my parents couldn't afford them, but I had TONS of Gobots, including pretty much all the regular cast.

    ...And I was tempted to get Blackstar on DVD, so really, I can't say anything. Glass houses and all that... ^_^

  12. I can find Stop! in my CD1 folder, i suppose that's vol 1. This song appeared in the tv series, so its correct to find it here.

    Mind Tree, Midnight Rider and several other songs only appeared in LLA so i'm quite sure that is the ova soundtrack.

    after some googling i believe "Live at Pit Inn" is the title of the vol 3 album? Do u have a list of the soundtrack titles?

    The first two don't have titles beyond "Mospeada Vol. I" and "Mosepada Vol. II." Vol. III is Live at Pit Inn, which apparently is indeed a (fake) live album.

    It would be easy to tell if "Stop!" is the TV or OVA version, since it's sung in a woman's voice for the show, but a man's for LLA.

    (BTW, does anyone know if that's really Bright Noa's voice actor rocking out in LLA? Or did they get someone else?)

    And yeah, Mospeada music is underrated...for all the acclaim Joe Hisaishi's Studio Ghibli's music gets, I think his stuff for Mospeada is equally good.

  13. I essentially agree with Mr March and Zinjo.

    Robotech was good for what it was...as far as brining anime over with the essentials unchanged, Star Blazers was there first, but Robotech was still ahead of its time. As soon as anime started appearing direct-to-video in the early '90s, Robotech became a relic.

    But hostility towards Robotech...yeah, I've felt it, but it's only recently that I've been asking myself why. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, it comes from a few sources:

    First, once I started uncovering the original stories, I felt like Robotech had lied to me (give me a break! I was 12), sanitizing and westernizing something that, at its core, was far stranger and more fascinating, as well as telling me that this goofy chick was the blonde afro was really Max and Miriya's daughter, and that Rick Hunter would command the destruction of the earth. I didn't buy it. Then I found out I didn't have to.

    Second, Robotech fanboys. I remember having a conversation in Books Nippan (back when it was still on Sixth Street, so this would have been '89 or '90) with some guy who was telling me that the Southern Cross Army must have sucked, since, not only could they not defeat the Invid, Robotech didn't even show them trying. I said that it didn't really matter, since they were separate shows originally. He wouldn't listen, and kept trying to figure out how the Southern Cross guys failed so miserably. It was like we were speaking two different languages. And since the creation of the internet, it's only gotten worse.

    Third, when the Robotech perfect Collection tapes started coming out, I snapped them up...and found that watching the Japanese shows was fine, but Robotech simply made me feel embarrassed. Could I really have loved this so much? Clunky dialogue, much too heavy on exposition, whole scenes cut out for no reason I could fathom. I cringed, and couldn't continue watching.

    Fourth, HG blocking Macross toys and models, but that didn't affect me too much. I always found places that had them. But the fact that HG went out of their way to do it left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

    Lately, though, I've been more tolerant of it. I still kind of shake my head at the thought that someone would look more forward to Shadow Chronicles than Macross F, but there's no accounting for taste. I do kind of wish the Robotech franchise would die, because then I'm guessing there would be more Macross for everyone, but if HG wants to be jerks about it, let them. Like most of us, I have alternative ways to get the Macross stuff I want. And I'll gladly vote with my wallet for Macross whenever I can.

  14. i only have 11 songs supposedly from the OVA, but none with that title :unsure:

    Mind Tree

    Midnight Rider

    Clap!! Clap!! Clap!!

    Devil's Eye

    Blue Rain


    Dream Road

    Crystal Moment

    Heart Wave

    Love is Free


    And how many CDs are there for the TV series?

    Hmm...as I said, it's been a long time since I've watched LLA, but IIRC, Yellow's concert opened with "Yatsukeru!" ("Stop!"), which I don't see in your list. And (also IIRC), most, but not all of the songs were sung by Yellow in his "guy" voice, so it should be easy to tell if they're from LLA or not.

    For the TV series, the made three albums (Vol. I, Vol. II, and Vol. III - Live at Pit Inn). Later they collected the first two on CD and called it the "Super Collection" which is what I bought. Still later, they managed to coax all three albums onto a two CD set just called "Mospeada Vols. I~III" (which I don't particularly want to buy, since I already have two-thirds of it).

    As far as a Love Live Alive soundtrack goes, I don't think they ever made one. I could be wrong, however.

  15. Yep, Robotech, in 1985. But I had a magazine that came with the L.A. Times from '84 that had an article about robot toys and they showed a Valkyrie and said it was from Macross. So when I saw "Codename: Robotech," I knew it was Macross.

    Some of the toy shops near my house had a lot of imported model kits (Macross, Orguss, Dorvack, Galvion...) and I started picking those up, and slowly learning the real names of the characters and mecha.

    Then, in 1986, one of my friends got an nth generaton dupe of DYRL...I copied it from him, and I never looked back.

  16. My first experience of Mospeada was "Love, Live, Alive!!!". Boring as hell.

    I love the "This is for the fans" that they flash on screen. What's for the fans? The big 'ol slap in the face?

    I haven't seen it in about twenty years, but I remember liking it. Flashback 2012 puts it to shame, but it makes a nice epilogue to the series.

    It's a pity ADV didn't include it on the box set...

  17. Well, in the picutre above, you don't see the the ship that flies directly in front of the Megaroad. Made of the same materials that would later be used to make City 7's shell, it's like an elongated bell which slides over the Megaroad, protecting the city. So no matter what threat they face, the Guard Ship, Condom, is always there to ensure safety!

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