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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. That looks awesome! Good work!

    Just something i've always wondered. Were the Megaroad class ships equipped with Macross cannons (doesn't really look like it to me)?

    I have no proof at all, but it looks to me like the prow could be a main gun of some kind...

  2. Considering that the writing and animating is already done, anime on DVD has always been overpriced. It was one thing to charge $30 for a DVD with two or three episodes when everyone was charging $30 for a DVD, but when I can buy an entire season of an American TV show for that price, the value's just not there.

    But that's the way it's ALWAYS been...just like anime on VHS was at least ten dollars cheaper if it was dubbed, even though subs are cheaper to produce.

    But yeah...$100 for both DVDs is a lot to ask...a little less than half the price of the ENTIRE Zeta Gundam box set...

  3. Regarding the names in Mospeada, I just thought of them as "futuristic space names!". Stick, Ley, Yellow, Mint... who knows what people will call themselves in the future? Perhaps "Toilet" will replace "John" and people will be voting for Senator Candybar. :p

    I say THE FUTURE IS NOW! That's why I'm going to legally change my name to "Wildstar" and name my kids "Andromeda," "Comet," and "Superstring Theory." :p

  4. In both series it should be immediately obvious to the viewer that Aisha is an Inbit (they show an egg dropping and then a woman emerging from yolk).

    Not quite...I just watched that episode a couple of days ago; they don't show her emerging from the egg. They DO show some slimy placenta-like stuff that Ray and Houquet find right before finding Aisha, and lots of ominous shots of "Inbit-cam" focussing in on her. It's still pretty obvious, but not as much as having a narrator come and say something like, "The Invid are dropping their simulagent..."

    The last episode I watched was the one where they blow up the radar brain thing, and so now it's clear that Aisha can "hear" the Inbit, but they still haven't put two and two together.

  5. I've watched up to episode twelve (and will finish it soon)...It really doesn't seem very different so far from Robotech (although I haven't seen the RT version in more than twenty years, so my memory may be flawed). The biggest difference I've noticed is the lack of a narrator in Mospeada, and MUCH more mystery surrounding Aisha. In RT, didn't they come out and say she was a spy? Here (and again, I'm only at episode 12), it seems like she's just a human-shaped Inbit who was accidentally dropped.

    That, and Yellow Belmont isn't a covert agent...he just seems to enjoy being a girl.

  6. Duuuuude!!!

    That's nothing!

    Check THIS out:


    Seems that Kawamori guy created this epic anime series about transforming robot airplanes flying in a big ship and these alien dudes who want to kill them or something!

    Anyways - I encourage everyone to check out the website - lots of cool stuff there!


    Yeah...I heard a rumor recently that Victor Entertainment was holding an audition for a singer for a new Macross series to debut THIS YEAR! Any truth to that...?

  7. what, Mylene isnt a rockstar herself?

    just a groupie with a guitar and battroid with boobies?

    No, no...noone's saying that. See...Mylene ends up getting married to the vocalist of Queen & King, and they move to the resort ship Riviera, where they smack each other up all the time. Eventually, they get a divorce, and, at 43 years old, she marries a 22-year-old male model who she can boss around. Then she spends all his money, leaves him, and gets a huge mansion in the luxury ship Buffet, with a huge staff of young, hunky guys who cater to her every whim.

  8. And I doubt we will ever have any heated guests on the show mostly because of the way Jeremy and I record the show. We locally record each person's audio and then combine them into one file. It would be kinda difficult to make someone look like a fool on the show and then ask them for their audio file.

    Oh well...that episode would've been a pip. I mean, if he went off on you for THREE HOURS after you just mentioned his name in passing, , actually talking TO him would probably get his blood pressure so high that his heart would explode like a frightened rabbit's.

  9. Well, sex is so available for him, he doesn't bother with it unless he has met his musical goals for the day, duh.

    Fine, fine...City 7 residents should lock up their daughters, Basara worships eros is any form (especially when it's illegal on 90% of all Space Emigartion Fleets), and Macross F will get overrun by more than 260 fatherless young men and women whose mothers were all Fire Bomber groupies.

    Happy now? :lol:

    EDIT: And, of course, the orgy that followed "Fleet of the Strongest Women" lasted a week and got Basara into the the Guiness Book of Galactic Records for "most Meltrandi 'cultured' by a single man."

  10. He's a rock star. You don't SHOW INTEREST in chicks. You just sleep with them. Showing interest makes them think they are special!

    You show indifference to the point that when they unzip their top you don't reach out and grab...? Wow...clearly I've been underestimating Basara's cast-iron willpower! ^_^

    Nah...I prefer to think of Basara as a perfect sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll MACHINE! But without the sex and drugs.

  11. Good stuff! And thanks for mentioning "Honey" Suzuki, who's probably my favorite minor character in M7.

    I don't adore 7 the way the you guys do, but it can be a lot of fun, and you communicated that sense of fun really well.

    EDIT: By the way, when are you going to invite Doug Bendo on your show? THAT would be awesome!

  12. Tell me about it...I'm rewatching Mac7 now, and I just got to that atrocious live version of "Planet Dance" a few nights ago, and...well...I think I said it best a few years ago:

    ...that live performance was terrible. I'm not sure what was worst...the guitar riffs being taken over by a cheesy synth, the pelvic thrusts during the guitar solo, or Tomo Sakurai looking about as sexy as warm taffy.

    Actually, since then, I've decided that the worst thing about it is Nobutoshi Hayashi's armpit hair.

  13. I'm not a big fan of theirs but I do own one of their albums. The song "Roman Hikou" is a classic. I could listen to that song anyday.

    Agreed. Very cool song.

    So who do you recommend for '80s JPop? I like a lot of late '90s JPop stuff, but my '80s collection is small and random...

  14. I listen to music that primarily date from the 1980's. Whether it's rock, anime theme songs, or J-pop, the majority of it dates back to that decade. Shows you how old I am. ^_^;;

    If you like '80s J-Pop, are you a Kome Kome Club fan? They're awesome.

    Most of my favorite stuff is from the '60s, and no, I wasn't around then...

    I like a lot of '80s and '90s stuff as well, but not as much as Bob Dylan's trilogy of rock albums, the Velvet Underground (and/or Nico), The Beatles, The Pretty Things, The Move, France Gall, and the first two Nuggets box sets.

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