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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Where to start...? It's official...I'm completely hooked.
  2. Mikimoto??? Really? I thought it one of the scriptwriters...
  3. I bet she got married to that guy who works on the bridge whose pants she threatened to pull off. In which case, she's probably sitting around bored in ANIME MAJIKKU WAARUDO, thinking, "I wish VFTF1 would show up to rescue me from my loveless marriage..."
  4. That's right, Mr. Basass Assassin whose name strikes fear in the hearts of all...blame the tiny little furball who hangs out on Mylene's shoulder...
  5. And it's DivX! YES! My whininess has apparently paid off!
  6. If a "How to Romanize Names" topic would be useful, and acceptable to the mods, I'd gladly provide one.
  7. ...Because sometimes it looks and sounds better? "Char Aznable" is MUCH cooler (and easier to say) for English speakers than "Shaa Azunaburu." But yes, if you want to err on the side of caution, standard Hepburn romanization is the best route.
  8. Nah, i've given my "Learning Japanese in 12,001 Easy Steps" lecture for the day. I'll return you now to your regularly scheduled program, "Waiting for Raw."
  9. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by focussing...but it's true that there are no clusters of consonatns in Japanese. So, for example, the "cr" is "Macross" is very difficult for them to say, and impossible to write, so we get the famous "Ma-ku-ro-su." The problem with romanization for SF stuff, is that in the case of a made-up name, there IS no correct way to romanize it. So, while "Kurodia" is clearly "Claudia" and "Makkusu" must be "Max," a groovy space name like "Buritai," could be Breetai, Britai, Bullitie, Vrlitwhai, or any number of possible combinations. Romanization is variable because it's just not so important for a Japanese show made by Japanese people for Japanese people, any more than George Lucas would be concerned about how to write "Jedi" in Cyrillic or Greek. So, is it Ranka, Lanca, Lanka, or Ranca? The only honest answer is "YES."
  10. Just to be on the safe side, I'm just going to keep calling her ランカ.
  11. Oh, come ON! You've been watching anime for HOW many years, and you haven't gotten used to variable romanizations yet?
  12. ...That all the Immigration Fleets want to feel her juices around their rock hard c*cks...?
  13. I could take it...my ego is big enough. The problem with the "roundabout" Megaroad-01 route is that they supposedly vanished near the Galactic Center in 2016, four years after they left Earth. The Macross 7 (with, presumably, improved engines and fold capibility) has been traveling for seven years as of 2045, and (AFAIK) isn't terribly close to the center yet. My impression was always that the Megaroad-01 made a beeline for the Core, while the Macross 7 was taking a lot more colonization detours...which doesn't match up with the map.
  14. Will do. I''ve been trying to keep my viewing "spoiler-free," but I do know that this is where cheery ol' Tomino got his "Kill 'Em All" nickname, so I'm expecting that that's what will happen... Which, in the case of the hero, might be a good thing...I mean, people who think Shinji Ikari is annoying need to check out Kappei! On a somewhat related note, what happened to Shin-Getter fansubs? Their website seems to be down.
  15. I was going to wait until I finished watching the series to comment here, but I just watched episode 18 ("Aki and Kappei"), and my jaw dropped. I mean, I like it (a lot!), but if I had watched this show as a kid, it seriously would've given me nightmares, and I wonder that an entire generation of Japanese males aren't still frightened of becoming "Human Bombs"... In a way, it kind of reminds me of South Park, in that it LOOKS really, really kiddie...until you start paying attention. All the Super Robot staples are there...impossible robot combination (repeated every episode), the elaborate way to board the robot (wouldn't it be more sensible just to have a chair BUILT INTO the Zambo-Ace instead of having robotic arms moving the chair around?), comic-relief villain (with the equally laughable name of "Killer the Butcher"), and monster-of-the-week as the plotline...but it's all so twisted and dark. When I first started watching it, I thought, "Man, having a Zambot toy would be cool," but now the birhgtt, colorful '70s robot really doesn't seem to fit the plot. Man. And I thought Zeta Gundam was depressing...
  16. After reading all the disappointment over the broadcast version of MF, I have to say I have a fair amount of sympathy for Ms. Rappe's view. And if we're talking about big Hollywood blockbusters, then I definitely agree...as far a American summer movies go, if one allows me to spend two or three hours without feeling like I've wasted them...well, that's about as good as it gets for me. I don't want to see Watchmen...good or bad, I don't care. I like the comic too much to enjoy a truncated version of it, no matter how well they do it. I didn't see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, or V for Vendetta for the same reason. She makes a good point about Beowulf. Ultimately, a bad movie of a truly enduring classic like that is just a gnat attacking an elephant. I think the main problem is that, as a fan or the original work, you have to explain to people over and over again that the original JUST WASN'T LIKE THAT. Which gets tiresome after a while. So, for example, if Sandman stays in development hell (where it belongs), it allows me to wear a Sandman T-shirt out in public without having people say, "Man, you liked that crappy movie?" And me having to say, "No, I like the comic..." and getting into a defensive conversation I really don't want to have, and that will bore both of us to tears. But then, if the movie fails, it goes away, and we can forget about it. Unless it's Robotech, and then we've got to have that same, excruciating conversation off and on FOR TWENTY FRICKIN' YEARS!!! (and counting...)
  17. There was also the awful subtitled version from the '90s..."My engine blocks are angry at me."
  18. Tell me about it! It still bugs me that Manga Entertainment decided in M+ to call the designer of the YF-19 "Yang" Neumann when his name is supposed to be "Jan." Pronounced the same in Japanese, but very different cultural implications... EDIT: typo
  19. After a bit of searching, I can find nothing about designs from 2.0...I don't think they've been released yet. However, I did find out that the glasses-wearing moe girl is apparently named "Mari." And...I'm just gonna throw this ou there. Eveyone seems to think that Mari will get the EVA-05 and Kaoru the 06. But I think that Rei is going to get the 05, since they don't show a rebuilt EVA-00 in the preview.
  20. I can't play 264...so if you could make a DivX version, I'd be grateful, too.
  21. No, I just watched Mospeada...I can't remember what happened in Robot-yecch! (Which is probably a good thing. Forget I asked.) As VF5SS said, there's a raw Dorvack floating around. I have the torrent but I haven't started downloading it yet. I've also seen a Dragonar torrent and a couple of others which slip my mind now... If you're looking for something to buy, I recommend Dunbine, if you haven't seen it. Me, I'm currently watching Orguss and Zambot 3 (both of which I highly recommend, again if you haven't seen them. Zambot 3 must be seen to be believed...). And I'm currently downloading Central Anime's fansub of Legend of the Galactic Heroes...I have no idea when I'll have enough time to watch it, though... And I never give up hope that someone will fansub Daitarn 3, Xabungle, and the J9 Trilogy...
  22. Wow...that looks it would've been a fun place to be. Ai Nakajima and May'n sharing the stage? Cool. (But where was Maaya Sakamoto?) Although I'm a little alarmed to learn that the "main story points" of MF are "battle and school life."
  23. ...and then the Vajra just blow the poor girls away with that big honkin' cannon...
  24. Yes. Nothin' like mecha porn, love triangle porn, and singing porn all put together!
  25. Yes! Yes! Yes! WAAAAY better than the comic book!
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