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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. Yes, the first few parts, as in: "arrogant, ignorant, abrasive, flippant...." Hey, are we talking about Nekki Basara or what, because those adjectives seem to describe Isamu Dyson just as well and you seem to like him; he's even in your avatar... :unsure:

    And Isamu really did nearly kill at least one of his comrades.

  2. By the way, Is it the Unification War or Unification Wars? Was it just one war over the 10 year span, or was it multiple smaller wars? Is there any solid information on how long it/they lasted?

    Japanese doesn't always have plurals, so really, War or Wars would be the same. AnimEigo used "Wars," so I think that what most people go by (also, check the description of them in Ep. 1).

    As for how long each lasted, there's not too much info, although the official timeline gives some of the major battles and attacks over the years.

  3. Just because you get the results you want doesn't make you not insane. Yes things go the way he wants them to, but variables are changing outside his influence, and those changes are not all directly related to him.

    A sane person tries to get results, and might try multiple variations on a theme, to get those results, but Basara just charges in shooting speaker pods at everything and singing his heart out.

    This is really just spinning wheels... Based on what you've said, it doesn't sound like much about the series really stuck with you...

  4. I can't help but think about those poor sods in the VF-11's that had to dodge around his asinine behavior and got zombified because of it.

    Huh... I don't remember anyone, from the grunts on up, ever mentioning that in the show. Which episode(s) are you referring to?

  5. Ok, you're right the universe is saved, but it's he'd realized what was going on around him, and that he was getting in the way, maybe a lot less people might have had to suffer.


    Actions have consequences, sure ultimately the galaxy was saved, but there was probably an easier way, that didn't involve as many people getting hurt.

    Racking my brains, I can't for the life of me figure out who suffered because of Basara... Except Gamlin.

  6. I feel like that's a tough distinction, cause Kaifun claimed it but was basically a douche and more than likely just a coward; Basara on at least a couple of occasions I can think of refused to let someone resort to violence but would probably never call himself that.

    Regardless, I kind of appreciate Basara's persistence so I'm kind of glad he didn't "grow". To each their own I suppose.

    As Blake put it, "If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." Basara became wise.

  7. I don't hate the Kai, so much as I dislike Basara. I think Seto put it beautifully, He's the worst parts of Kaifun and Minmay, his obnoxious pacifism, and her grating selfishness, and their combined lack of thought towards consequences. Basara gets away with murder (not literally, but you get my meaning). Pacifism is a great ideal, but it's sullied when you go and antagonize people. Now, Kaifun did that, and to my recollection Basara did not. Basara's complete disconnect from the consequences of his actions bothers me.

    The consequences of his actions being, of course, that the galaxy is saved and the remaining Protodeviln will stop trying to drain everyone of life-force.

    Kaifun's "pacifism" was really inappropriate, given the context of Space War I. Basara's (which isn't really pacifism as much as it's intense desire for his music to accomplish anything he wants it to) is precisely what was needed in the Varauta Conflict.

    And of course he gets away with murder. He's being sponsored by Max!

  8. Because one of the people I worked with at the Satelight booth at AX last month was one of the producers of Logos, I've been catching up on Aquarion. I saw the first couple of episodes years ago, but never continued. Right now, I've finished the first series and movie, and am entering the final third of Evol. I've really been enjoying the whole ride. I love how it hews so close to so many conventions of '70s robot shows (like, if the robots attacks, you know it will be the decisive blow if and ON!Y if the theme song starts playing) but twists everything else around so fully. I'm finding the main couple in Evol pretty dull, but the rest of the cast is fun enough that it generally doesn't matter too much.

  9. Yes, I think you're reading too much into my reply. I don't care for Battletech, and my experiences with its fans has left me with a poor impression of them. I'm not sure why this bothers you so much, or why you want to change my mind.

    I'm also not sure why you're dragging HG into it, since I certainly didn't say anything about them. Yes, FASA thought they had the rights to the designs all sewn up, but they didn't. That's just a fact.

  10. One other interesting tidbit about the origin of battletech, that might make you feel a bit warmer about it, FASA liscenced the Macross designs straight from Big West or Studio Nue (I think it's Studio Nue, as they hold the ownership of the Intellectual Property according to the Japanese Courts). Harmony Gold's distribution rights came from Tatsunoko Productions, who only controlled foreign distribution of Studio Nue's intellectual property.It took Harmony Gold almost 10 years to realize FASA was using those designs, which should have been way past the statute of limitations if you ask me.

    Another thing that makes me LESS warm towards many Battletech fans is their seeming inability to check their facts. FASA didn't get their license from Big West or Studio Nue, they got it from 20th Century Imports, who had worked with US companies to release a lot of anime model kits to the U.S. market.

    (And your understanding of who owns what in Macross is a little skewed... Studio Nue owns none of it on their own, besides credit for the original concept, and while Tatsunoko owns the overseas rights, they don't JUST own the overseas rights. their name is all over the Japanese DVD and BD sets, for example.)



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