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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. Thank for the info Renato. Interesting. I love the casualness of "so they all popped over to his house and he happened to be at home, so the took some pictures together." It's Arthur C. Clarke we're talking about!

    Science fiction novelists aren't exactly on the same level of unapproachability as, say, rock stars...

  2. Can anyone translate please?


    Someone at facebook is saying it has to do with the new show.

    Renato already did, above.

    Some tiny tricklings of mini-news... Superhuman Drawing Dynamo Hidetaka Tenjin-sensei has posted on Facebook that he went over to Satelight to get his designs for the new series checked, and revealed that they are "full of gimmicks". But of course, being a modest craftsman, he phrased it as "they end up being full of gimmicks.... I'm hoping to learn from K-sensei."

    Tenjin worked on some designs in Frontier before, but this time he's in charge of some "major ones". Not to worry, though, he also (re-)confirmed that the Valks themselves will still be handled by Kawamori, as per Macross tradition.

  3. Then either I'm a liar or Basara is only the SECOND-best pilot in the franchise.

    All I'm saying is there has to be a reason Millia chose to kill Kakizaki with her first shot.

    Well, I know from experience that you're not a liar... so you must be right!

    Man, I'm always learning something new here!

  4. Resurrecting this thread because I'm finally nearing the end of "The Plundering Fleet." I should have it finished next week or the week after.

    I'm not sure how many people who initially posted in this thread 12 years ago (jeez...) still check the board, but I hope anyone who was made curious by Roycommi's synopsis will enjoy the full story (and yes, it's quite a bit longer).

  5. I dunno, seems like there's some loopholes. Like how's he gonna GET theses tapes in the first place? Most if it shouldn't have been recorded on video in-universe. Maybe make the protodeviln deliver them, that makes it a lot easier to hadnwave away where these recordings came from.

    GENIUS!! You and me, man... We could take over the world!

  6. Renato's idea is good, but I think I may have a better one...

    Saruta said to cut it down to three or four hours. I think we can do better than that: less than two.

    So here's my idea: everyone loves Frontier, right? So let's have a frame story about, I don't know, Ozma, let's say, getting some mysterious videos sent to him. For laughs, let's make them VHS tapes. So he watches these tapes and we could use them to cut in the Macross 7 story. Maybe we could have a running subplot where more and more Frontier characters join him in watching the Macross 7 story, and it could culminate in a Sheryl and Ranka concert.

    What do you think?

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