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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. Ok, Now I think I understand. Personally I loved the old Unseen stuff, that is all the designs borrowed from anime. The Stinger (based on the VF-1A, for those unfamiliar) and the Warhammer (Based on the Tomahawk Destroid) were and are two of my favorite designs. I do like some of the original designs that FASA came up with but not as much as the Iconic designs that were borrowed from Macross.

    The games that Battletech has become, both the tabletop game and the RPG, are actually quite fun, and the universe is fun to explore. I never knew it when it was Battledroids, so I can't speak to the quality of that game. I only know Battletech which isn't bad, though some of the new designs they have done are kind of bad.

    Even though I've been a battletech fan much longer than I have been a Macross fan, I still recognize that Battletech was an outgrowth from the Japanese Real Robot mecha genre. Even though it's connected in the real world, it's a completely separate entity now, and I treat it as such. The people saying that it's completely original are ignoring the franchise's genesis, and are deluding themselves. The Designs they are using now are "Original" in that we haven't seen the elements combined in that way before. If I could find a VF-1A (in all three modes) that scales with Battletech minis I'd have them because I love the Stinger LAM.

    Every fanbase is going those obnoxious idiots. After all, we watch anime, we must be obsessive Japanophiles that live in our parents basements right? I can tell you I don't fit that stereotype, and I'm pretty sure that most of you don't fit it either.

    Anyway, Battletech led to my (and many others) discovery of Macross, so it can't be all bad right?

    So it's like a prostitute who marries well and is now a respectable society lady?

  2. As I understand it, back when it was Battledroids, Battletech was an attempt to build a crappy RPG around designs from Macross, Dougram, and Crusher Joe.

    In more recent years, it's turned into idiots championing the so-called "original" designs of Battletech over those lousy Japanese designs. They also seem to think that giant robots can be made somehow practical, which may be possible, but not by some chumps aping anime designs and saying they're totally original.

  3. I do seem to recall all of the UC Gundam that came to the states before Wing was aired on the Midnight Run. It does break down Gawker's argument, but it is true that Wing had the widest reach of all the Gundam shows aired in the US.

    More than that, the 0079-related stuff was only available on video tape and could be ordered only from AnimeVillage.com.

    So yeah, Wing was the first one on US television... But that's not what the article said.

  4. I should have been more clear. I was talking about working. From what I understand there aren't a ton of opportunities in Japan for foreigners.

    If your Japanese language skill isn't up to snuff, then yes, your opportunities are limited. But if that's the case, being a waiter at a restaurant that serves predominately Japanese customers probably isn't the best career plan.

    If your Japanese IS business-level, then you'll have plenty of opportunities.

  5. Tangential but aside from visual similarlity and both being fundamentally telempathetic is there necessarily a link between Vajra queen and bird human? Just wondering; there's a pretty wide gulf between 'inspired by' and 'bioengineered/genetically modified variant of' especially considering the reverence the Protoculture held towards the Vajra.

    Good question... I don't think the Bird Human looks or acts much like the Vajra Queen, though...

  6. They actually call out in SDF that they're putting people in planes and promoting people faster than they really ought to be.Right from the start, the Macross is trapped behind enemy lines with a massive shortage of pilots and a lot of uncrewed planes(with roughly half of their Valkyrie complement having come from the not-airtight Prometheus).They need butts in seats faster than they can train them.

    Not to mention a good percentage of experienced soldiers getting killed off in the Unification Wars.

    Hell, I'm surprised they never drafted Yot-chan...

  7. I'm not sure - as far as I can tell, it was pre-production art for Frontier - I gather that some of the Vajra could've looked like this, they mention in the OVA that the Zentran (or was it Protoculture?) fought and were inspired by the Vajra?

    My memory is a little foggy on that.

    Still, great concept. Kinda like how our modern planes somewhat resemble birds.

    They mentioned it at the end of the series, that the Protoculture revered and basically deified the Vajra. So yeah, although they never come out and say it, I think, in-universe, the Glaug was inspired by the red Vajra and the Regult by the green Vajra.

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