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Everything posted by recon

  1. Just great. Arcadia cant issue the strike/super packs due to licensing issues and im stuck with two naked VF-1Ss. Please correct me if im wrong the license granted is for the entire line not specific valks or parts?
  2. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It would cool if the vf31 legs covers slide off to reveal the boomerang drones
  3. Damn im in a dilemma. Should i let go my Bandai VF-19A and just stick with arcadia YF-19. One of the reasons im running out of space to display it.
  4. Nice work CY, was wondering if you would apply the same treatment for Bandai DX V2 variants as the ones supplied by bandai are chunky and ugly
  5. Sweet display sets saburo and spanner76! Cant wait to show my display cabinet which i just build up, once i have cleaned up and plan my layout. Its abit pathetic as compared to the likes of you guy's collection
  6. Preordered mine too! The CFs shall stay in fighter modes sighs
  7. My VF-25S came in from NY today, yes my first VF-25S. Now am wondering if my order from HLJ will come through if not i may have to get another from NY at an inflated price
  8. Guys, its just a toy so lets not get too anal and picky on the details and improvements made, lets be grateful instead that bandai did make improvements and came up V2 for the VF-2X using YF-29 design as the base, giving us one of the most accurate valks produced with plenty of details. Who agrees with me that the YF-29B Percival looks sweet with the YF-29 Durandal?
  9. Yes i have the same sentiments. Damn i need to get another VF-25F to display both of them with tornado and super pack config
  10. Arcadia YF-19 is definitely looks the bit for both fighter and battroid mode in terms of M+ anime accuracy but bandai ver looks more balanced and streamlined especially the nosecone area in battroid mode. All that tampo goodness too!
  11. Damn, this is another must get. God help us all!
  12. Not good...not good at all for my wallet. A must have this figure!!
  13. Hi bro, thanks alot for the help with the measurements. guess I would go for the shelf height of 37.5 cm as 50cm would be too tall.
  14. hi guys, Need abit of help and favour with some measurements. May I check whats the maximum height of a 1/60 vf-25 with super or tornado packs? And whats the height of it when mounted on a stand, with the same super or tornado packs? Thanks Reason im asking all these is due to im building a display cabinet with fixed shelves thus I wish to check if 37cm or 50cm would be a better choice in terms of shelf height. Thanks
  15. hi guys, Need abit of help and favour with some measurements. May I check whats the maximum height of a 1/60 vf-25 with super or tornado packs? And whats the height of it when mounted on a stand, with the same super or tornado packs? Thanks Reason im asking all these is due to im building a display cabinet with fixed shelves thus I wish to check if 37cm or 50cm would be a better choice in terms of shelf height. Thanks
  16. Must thank my lucky stars and to MW bros for the tips here, i manage to score my first bandai MF purchase at MSRP from HLJ cos most of the time im only able to get in on the 2nd or 3rd batch of preorders at inflated prices at NY. Guess i wasn't F5ing fast enough or i was stuck doing something or in a meeting when the preorders open. Never did contemplate Ami or HLJ options before cos the speed at which preorders open and close is scary
  17. Thanks for the info guys. Sad to say i dun buy much except for macross and some gundam stuff, thus i doubt the warehouse function will do me any good. Anyways its a great feature to have and a devil at one too cos it encourages you to buy more of other stuff haha
  18. Thanks to you guys, i manage to secure two pieces of VF-25S for the first time on hlj. *Bows to you* NY can kiss my arse cos i have being F5ing for close to 4 hours Btw do you guys select private warehouse or ship when available as your preferred handling method. Sorry to ask this cos im kinda new to HLJ system
  19. ok maybe abit regretting abt cancelling my order at NY after looking at all the pics. should i hunt for one now?
  20. Nope for me till i have confirmation that their exploding shoulders are fixed. To be frank i rather have the regular cf ver
  21. The same applies to me with having to go the NY route to avoid custom taxes since amiami and hlj declare the full value Sorry to hear abt the issues mommar and kicker, as much as im looking forward to getting mine, i do at the same time feel abit queasy about the isolated issues and am praying and hoping that mine will be free from any issues
  22. Man why arcadia didn't tampo print the grey details on the body like the yamato ver?
  23. Preorders are up for the tornado parts for vf25f/g at nippon yasan
  24. Thats the point of preorders, you place an order early and the retailer gives you a discount off the retail price as part of the early bird special. NY however does the opposite knowing full well that certain hero series and exclusives are limited
  25. Secure myself a piece as its only a 10usd difference from retail price. Sorry for saying this but i feel NY could have release both the first, second and third preorders at retail price but decided to play mind games as always to gauge the demand and hike up the prices As of now...19 pcs left
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