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Final Vegeta

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Everything posted by Final Vegeta

  1. Thanks for the translation! I thought the director for this series was a guy called Kikuchi? But it's true that as a director he seems to have done more for Macross Frontier than for Macross 7. So it's kind of true that Macross Frontier was the series he always wanted to make, like someone was saying That's awesome In a previous interview, Kawamori once said that he didn't want cyborgs in Macross, and that's why even Millard had a prosthesis. He seems to have good reasons to change his opinion like that. Galaxy's technology is really a culture shock. I suspected as well that Kawamori personally was not that much into homages, seeing Macross Zero. Well, we're here Give me your best shot, I can take it! FV
  2. Despite footage recycle (and badly drawn Sheryl) this is really a good episode. Since episode 12 we got tons of plot twists and emotionally significant scenes per episode. If this keeps up this Macross Frontier will be the best series ever. I just hope that Bilra will be able to outsmart Galaxy at the end. I will laugh if that happens. By the way, I don't think that Sheryl is necessarily an artificial human. It could be that she was seen as a good singer and then adopted as Fairy 9. Only her success would be slightly manifactured. As for the other fairies, they aren't necessarily killed. To better explain: Sheryl was #1 singer for 17 weeks. The ones that were #1 singer before her were the other fairies. They just stopped being #1. Since I don't think Sheryl is an artificial human I also don't think Sheryl is going to die. I think there were only some side-effects from Grace's pills, nothing too bad. FV
  3. Ranka = Minmei Sheryl = Basara (2chan) FV
  4. Nobody here thinks that Vajra defeated = new types of Vajra? In episode 7 it was only a minor defeat for the Vajra, after all. Since a queen was killed maybe they will rework their strategy. FV
  5. I think you should give a try to Kawamori's non-Macross series: Escaflowne (not the movie), Aquarion (OVAs too) and Arjuna If you liked it then there's what is left: Spring&Chaos, The Daichis, Shanghai Dragon, a short for anikuri. He was not involved in the creation of anything else IIRC Personally I watched Robotech as a kid and loved it at the time, but it was Escaflowne that made me an anime fan. It was the first time I wept just because something was beautiful. FV
  6. Miyatake did mecha design for Gunbuster. FV
  7. Well, this one in fact had a second season cancelled A shame, the first episodes are kinda meh but then it starts getting seriously funny. FV
  8. I wasn't actually suggesting that Ranshe Mei has genes of Minmay I think it's just a coincidence that the name seems to mix those of two main characters. Either that or Sheryl came from an adulterine relationship, since she wasn't in the photo (or maybe she was the dog? ). FV
  9. And her surname is Mei, as in Minmei. We have a melting pot of songstresses, here. FV
  10. In the Zero-Raws I tried but I still hear "D-pulse". In the Kei fansub it comes more like "Reverse" Still not totally sure, I'll wait magazine scans to confirm (I think Kei got it wrong on "little queen", though. I hear "beetle queen") By the way, I think the D in D-pulse (burst) stood for dimension/dimensional, that is related to fold technology FV
  11. Maybe Alto just came from a planet with an athmosphere and didn't have chance/thought to adapt. FV
  12. Actually, they use honorifics even in Gaia (or better, Hitomi understands Gaian as Japanese) FV
  13. Bunshin. Also called Afterimage. Very common in Super Robot Wars FV
  14. I remember a thread some times ago when people were saying Kawamori was only a mecha designer in Macross and then were corrected Anime creation is a work that involves many people, often each offering their own ideas. The chara designer for istance can offer some ideas on characters that could be good to have in a series. The scriptwriter exists for a reason (but I say this also because among Gundam's scriptwriters there was Studio Nue's Matsuzaki ). The producers obviously can have even more influence to the show than the director (AFAIK, the idea of a combining mecha was neither Nagai's nor Ishikawa's, but Toei's). You can choose no to trust me, but from what I gathered Studio Nue did have some influence in Gundam creation. (ex.org) Ever wonder how Sunrise discovered Robert Heinlein's STARSHIP TROOPERS novel and his influential powered suits? The book was brought to the attention of Sunrise's head by a certain science-fiction fan named Takachiho Haruka—co-founder of Studio Nue and author of CRUSHER JOE and DIRTY PAIR. AFAIR my Italian DVDs of Macross state that Studio Nue members created Minowsky physics. I didn't find confirmation in English official sources for that yet, but it seems plausible. FV
  15. I don't know if dialogue really supports this, but my idea was that overtechnology reactors involve somehow the fold dimension to work, so this D-pulse burst is a phenomenon the involves disturbance in the fold dimension and possibly the electromagnetic spectrum as well. In this sense, things that aren't powered by OT reactors obviously continue to work. The VF-27 could have been operational simply because the D-pulse burst was already ceased. Keeping in mind that Macross was created by the same authors of Gundam, it wouldn't surprise me if originally there was supposed to be a pseudo-science based on the fold dimension to explain many aspects of overtechnology. FV
  16. Probably. The SDF-04 is supposed to have its own city section (similar to our old SDF-1), although limited. FV
  17. I think that sequence was meant to be slow motion, like VF-0's transformation in the first episode of Macross Zero. FV
  18. One thing nobody seems to have thought: the VF-27 could be manifactured as a secret project by LAI. Makes sense for all the things Grace received from LAI. FV
  19. Superdimensional Cinderella. Btw, Graham should like the next episode FV
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