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Everything posted by grogall

  1. Thanks for that! The orange looks a lot closer too the VF-1D then what was shown in the official pictures which had more of a red-orange tone!?
  2. Video is private... Like usual from Japan, But maybe somebody with a VPN service would be so kind and download it and post somewhere and be kind enough to provide a link...ðŸĪ—
  3. Although I'm really happy that Bandai is releasing the Ostrich, I find it kind of lazy that they aren't releasing it with"Mech Guts"! Such a wasted opportunity to make the ultimate version...ðŸ˜Ĩ
  4. Well my favorite look for the VF-1D is TV super parts with tv missiles...(15th Anniversary style) I know it's not canon, but the orange and green clash together to make it look good! ðŸĪŠ
  5. Thanks, But it probably won't come with a hand that can hold it anyway. 😉 But adding hard point for the wings that will be used for the VE-1/VT-1 is just questionable!? Since both birds were never armed. And I'm sure not a lot of people are going for this look! ðŸ˜ą
  6. The toddler or the DX in 1/18? I have a 1/8 Le Mans Racing car collection! So size does matter....ðŸĪŠ
  7. Makes for for a great wallpaper ....
  8. I just noticed that we get hard points for missiles, But no GU-11 Gunpod!? I'll never figure out Bandai's Logic...
  9. 🐓🐓🐓
  10. You know what we say to that....
  11. Maybe its something to do with the VE-1 Elintseeker, since the both share the same mold?
  12. Just noticed that none of the pictures have a gunpod, so I guess where not getting one! At least with my Old Chunky Monkey had a gunpod! Alway one step forward and two back for Bandai ðŸĪŠ
  13. Yes, I know what you mean! I went from 0 in the DX series to a complete collection in 2 month, also nicking my bank account just a little ðŸ˜ą
  14. Not necessarily, the High Metal R line is still going strong and the released both the VT-1/VE-1 in 2018. I'm sure they planed this for the 40th Anniversary of D.Y.R.L.!
  15. So who wants to bet, that shortly after the release of the VT-1 Super Ostrich in July they will hit us with the VE-1 Elintseeker for release in Nov/Dec?
  16. If someone can find that video, we'd know....ðŸĪ”
  17. Looks like there is a video somewhere... And the website is up! https://tamashiiweb.com/item/14813/
  18. Wow, You go away for a couple of hours, and Bandai hits you with a PO for the next day...ðŸĪŠ Quick start for the 40th Anniversary...😍 Anyone who can translate the text under the new Macross Logo? Never mind Do You Remember Love 😍 So price is 32,500 yen! Looks like we get a proper tail number! 👍ðŸŧ Compare to the VF-1D
  19. grogall

    Hi-Metal R

    I wander when they will complete the Vermillion Platoon for the DX line?... ... ... ... ...
  20. Will we ever really know!?
  21. @jenius Thanks! Good review! Agree on all points good or bad...👍ðŸŧ
  22. Ok Thanks! But there is quit a bit of weight difference between a Super DX then a Super Yami since there are hardly any metal parts in the Yami...
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