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Posts posted by d3v

  1. I assumed it was Leon that hacked and took down the website, we know he has been halting Ranka's progress and that he is 'interested' in her. After all he made sure she didn't win Miss Macross, he stopped her TV spot, and now the website bit.

    At the very least, he knows that Ranka affects the Vajra somewhat and would like to avoid any possible risk that may occur with her becoming a star.

    Galaxy seems like a very sinister and commercially oriented ship with a unethical or boundary pushing culture with all their genetic enhancements and bio-tech that is illegal on other ships and other colonies. It would be no surprise that they were trying to harness the Vajra for their own gain and it backfired. And I was the one who brought up the aliens analogy. I think it's still the most apt at the moment.

    Speaking of the Galaxy, I'm wondering if the fleet isn't named after one of the major corporate backers?

  2. "So, Millia, you want to be a miclone?"

    "Yeah, there's this human pilot that's totally hot, I mean that nearly shot me down. I'm gonna sex him up, I mean knife him to death."

    "Whatever. Here's a laxative."

    "Beg pard?"

    "You've got turds in you larger than a miclone. You're not going anywhere until you take a good long dump."

    Well if she's in a rush, there's always the other option of cleaning out the gut, the one that starts with an e.

  3. Grace is eeeeeeeevil, man, eeeeeevil. She's the one who keeps on hacking the website that Ranka's agent said he tried to put up, obviously. I guess she also thought she could break up the S.M.S. and cause them to fail to find out the truth, whatever that is.

    For me, the questions are now:

    - Are Grace and Leon in cahoots?

    - Were the Vajra originally found in a derelict run by this guy?: http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/Space_Jockey-Kubricks.jpg

    - Or, were the Vajra created by modern-day folks?

    - How come Brera and co. want to breed the Vajra?

    I don't think that Grace and Leon are in cahoots, well at least we haven't been shown anything that would link them, in fact, it seems that Grace was spying on them.

    As far as Leon, while he does know more about the Vajra than he's letting on, I don't think he's involved with the Galaxy or whoever is behind the Brera and co.

  4. Not really....considering it swings around the cockpit like the SV-51 whereas in the VF/YF-19, the torso section just goes over the cockpit.

    But didn't Kawamori himself state that it transforms like the VF-19? Right now, the way the nose transforms (the 25's nose swings down 180' compared to 90' in the VF-19) and the wings are the only major differences I see between the two.

  5. Quite different yet similar. The cockpit in VF-25 folds upwards, the nose cone folds downwards and the chest assembly swings forward covering it. The SV-51's cockpit remains in position while the chest assembly folds over it. If anything i'll say that Kawamori took the same idea from the SV-51, and tweaked the transformation just abit so it will be unique.

    The transformation of the VF-25s torso is quite similar to that of the VF-19, just without the nose jutting out of the chest

  6. I find it interesting how the 27 has primarily energy weapons. There must be some hardcore power plant they are using. And the super charged energy rifle shot? Crazy man. Just imagine the bloody FAST Packed version that will come soon. Other than the colour and head design, I find it to be a wicked awesome design. And I can't decide whether I like it more than the 25, I like both!

    Well it does have 4 engines so we can safely assume that it outputs more power.

  7. While it pleases me to see that Macross Frontier is hanging in at a respectable 4th, and Gundam 00 is probably on the list because it's still fresh in people's minds, I'm a tad dismayed to see Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny on the list still, as they were probably some of the worst Gundam material Bandai has managed to crap out yet. And I'm really shocked to see Eva still on the list (at number five no less). I know it was trendy for the time, but people need to let it die already.

    There's them new EVA movies coming out to consider.

  8. ALSO......It seems the pilot in a Q-Rau is actually flying the mecha like the old Regult battle pods instead of it being a power suit for giant Zentraedi, since if the Q-Rau were really a suit worn by Klan-Klan she would have lost both her arms and legs in this episode.

    Yeah, already knew that since I used to have an old Q-Rau + Miriya kit back in the day. Also I think it's pretty clear in the shots of her egressing and ingressing from/to the suit.

    The real question is where do her legs go?

    It was also like this since DYRL? but not explicitly clear. If the Yamato toy is any canon to go by, the legs go into the backpack and the hands stay in the same position as in Frontier.

    In episode 4, it seems more like she's in a sitting position inside the suit.

  9. I think you've pretty much summed it all up.

    Its the markings that baffle me. If it is a "top secret" fighter (which would be a fair assumption at this stage at least) then why the hell does it have Galaxy and NUNS logo's on it.

    I think that they have missed a good opportunity to here to have an "evil black" vehicle rather than purple. That would look a lot cooler. (I know that its probably an animation issue, with most of the action so far taking place in space it probably would be difficult to animate a totally black ship)


    It all points out to Galaxy doing something that Frontier isn't aware off.

    As for black, It doesn't really seem to ba a "Macross villain" color. The only time we ever had a black Valk was with Diamond Force in 7, and they were good guys.

  10. To add to Graham's list: VF-27 seems to have new OTEC stealth technology since it freely launches and docks with the Frontier without anyone's knowledge....unless they were hackd.

    Either that... or Brera simply remembers to turn his active stealth on!

    Really, I find it weird that other valks (the VF-19 and YF-21/VF-22 and possibly the VF-25) had active stealth systems, yet it never seemed to actually work (except for one scene in Macross Plus).

  11. what galaxy involvement?? varja is a high tech alien race with massive resource and their technology is different. therefore that rule out galaxy.

    that is why i call grace a varja spy.

    galaxy is just a fleet, they are not able to invent varja by accident or what. They have massive battleship, and their big varja can fold from yet unknown location.

    There are more than a few "clues." First Purple 1 (Brera and his VF-27) is clearly from the Galaxy, next they (whoever Brera's superiors are) clearly know about a nearby Vajra hive which he is only ordered to destroy once Frontier sends the S.M.S. to investigate.

    While there's nothing that indicates that the Vajra was a Galaxy experiment gone wrong, they are, at the very elast, acting similar to the Weyland-Yutani Corp. from Alien.

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