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Posts posted by d3v

  1. I think the VF-27 is the natural evolution of the VF-25, or at least what the VF-25 should have been. They share the same silhoutte and transformation. The VF-27 has the "fast packs" built into its frame rather than the requirement to put on packs and it even has an internal fold booster and various exotic technologies going for it.

    I have the feeling that the VF-25 is actually the "cheaper" alternative to the VF-27 or at least the stop-gap design before the VF-27 rather than one created by a competitor. Thoughts?

    I think it's more probable that they're both based on the VF-24 (which we already know the 25 is based on). The 24 itself was probably a failed competitor to the VF-171 (they must have thought it cheaper to go with an upgraded design than with a new one), then both L.A.I. and whoever is behind the 27 took the design of the VF-24 further into both the VF-25 and VF-27.

  2. In other words, Alto is for close range dogfighting, Luca is recon and radio guy, and Michael is fire support/sniper.

    Makes me wonder, whats the point flying in a VF if you don't dogfight at all. Give Michael a monster destroid and Luca an Elint Rabbit, that would do :ph34r:

    I figure that at least arnament-wise, the recon and sniper V-25s still carry a good compliment of missiles and can dog-fight if need be.

    However, dog-fighting itself should be a last-resort option. Why get close in when you can take them out from a distance?

  3. Wait a minute.....I thought it was the Armored Pack that had the chest missles NOT the Super Pack?

    Actually, those are missile pods that freely hang over the shoulders in battroid mode, connected to the chest armor by some sort of extending boom.

    If anyone can share a pic of the VF-25 battroid with super pack, I can show which parts those are.

    EDIT: Mr. March beat me to the punch.

  4. Finally, someone who agrees with me on the Welcome song. I was o__O when I first heard it. Its name sounds cheap, but it turns out like that! Can't wait to have that on HQ. I thought Aimo~Tori no Hito was more like Arjuna in vibe. That's definitely a good thing.

    The last thing I expected to hear on Welcome was that awesome intro with the strings.

    Dunno about Arjuna as I haven't been able to follow the series (despite Animax showing it a few years back).

  5. EDIT: Yep, looks like you're right. There's a very brief shot of a massive red spray inside the reaction detonation accompanied by a squirting sound. Easy to miss. I've made the correction and uploaded a new description. Thanks d3v!

    You're welcome!

    Space whales, good for fold engines and quick red paintjobs! :lol:

  6. I'm on a mailing list full of Gundam fans (or was... it crashed a few of months ago, and the list admin apparently walked away a couple of years ago so most of the lurkers got lost when we set the new one up), and one of the guys there posted (paraphrase), "Why exactly am I rooting for the protagonists?"

    OT, but what mailing list is this? Would this be the old GML? I used to post there years ago before I lost my taste for Gundam.

  7. Just watched Dynamite 7. Now the M3 states that the VF-19P turns fire bomber red when it's burned by the reaction warhead. However, it seems more like it was covered by some reddish material from the whale instead, in fact I think we see Basara wipe it off from the battroid's eyes.

  8. I just ordered Mylene Beat...so we'll see if that's right or not...

    And yes, Angel Voice...a great Macross song, or THE GREATEST Macross song? No slag on DYRL, An Angel's Paints, Wanna Be an Angel, or Dynamite Explosion, but I'm leaning towards the latter.

    Personally though, I prefer my Angel Voice without any whales on backup vocals.

    Speaking of which though, is that really Mari Iijima singing with Fukuyama in this version?

  9. My bad, its the first combat sequence.


    Hmm, I always just assumed that the object in question was the ship that called for help and the asteroid in question is quite near into the camera causing the illusion that the thing is hovering over the asteroid.

    Anyone have a better screenshot of the transport so we can compare (I'm at work and don't have access to my copy of the episode).

  10. There is a shot when one of the Vajra's eggs cracked, you see the three eyes of a vajra hatching glowing from the dark, the next shot you see the green alien squirrel/slug, that has been following Ranka, has 3 eyes ! My guess Ranka's "pet stalker" is a Vajra !

    BTW, how come Klan's team mates from Pixie was not with her ?! :angry: She would not have so much trouble with Brera if the other 2 meltrans was flying with her ! Klan was the only one flying alone in that mission.

    Too bad it was Alto who flew to Klan's rescue and not Ozma, Ozma would have kicked a@@ !

    I got the impression that they all split up into groups of two to cover more ground with Klan being the odd one out.

    Also, Alto pretty much held his own against Brera, sticking to the latters six the whole time and not eltting him get a chance to shoot. The only thing IMO that made him grab the 27 was that Mikhail was there and slowing it down for Mikhail to get a shot was probably a quicker way to get a kill than an extended dog-fight. That and probably Alto's need to show Mikhail in his own way that he understood the latters reasons for joining.

  11. I brought it up because people brought up the canonlogical(not sure if it's a word so I just made it up if so)significance of events that occurred in the movie in regards to whether Mikhail might be able to Macronize himself. I just found it strange that given they changed so much of the base story and even social relationship of the Zentraedi(not only in regards to not mixing but in this case a complete war against each other) that a lot of the movie itself could in itself be considered almost complete fiction within the realm of the Macross Universe. Unless I am wrong and besides keeping design elements they use a blending of both the TV shows storyline and the movies in regards to Space War I.

    I guess I should have been more specific. I was going to delete it but I couldn't find a place to do so not used to this BB software yet so just left it, sorry for the odd tangent and will refrain from doing so in the future.

    We noted that at least genetically, there should be no impediment to a human being macronized since humans and zentraedi share the same genetic code, i.e. are the same species. Something that I believe was made canon as of SDFM.

  12. Well, the head doesn't turn 180° when transforming. Aside from this, in the original preproduction sketches for the YF-19, YF-19's nosetip was folded down instead of pointing forward.

    Well it's nice to finally have a head that seems to fit nicely in fighter mode. The one from the 19 seemd to take a bit of a stretch of the imagination and always ended up looking a bit awkward in the toys (and in the Fire Valk kit model, had to be removed to transform the thing).

  13. If we're lucky, they didn't. Adding an internal frame will just make the transformation that much more awkward than it already is. In fighter mode the model already looks fat; the air intakes are oversized and the aircraft looks abnormally fat compared to the line art. There really isn't much room or point to include one.

    They might not have a choice on that since part of the 25s internal frame is actually visible.

    I've been wondering about that gap in the torso though, since the coloured prototype they showed seemd to have no gap.


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