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Everything posted by Montarvillois

  1. just courious where did you get it, and is their any more? No more.... And she ain't got a sister either !
  2. Wow, This guy's heavy on the customs ! I may have found another addiction...
  3. Oh ! I like YOUR avatar !!! wanna switch ? NOOOOOOT !!!
  4. Well I'll be damned !!! You guys voted LOL !!! guess you tought all the options were valid (escept the troll one...)
  5. Hey can someone fix my damn poll ??? hehe ! So you guys like my avatar... good !
  6. LOL !!! Shitty poll... What the hell happened to my choices ?... help...
  7. I don't know about you guys but I hook up to this site, most often to the forums about 10 times a day (not to mention at night...). I am blessed with an internet connection at the office and the first thing I do when I come in the office is check the forums for what I missed while stuck in trafic. I have a perfectly nice job, great family, a fulfilling life and yet, I feel an urge to connect every free moment I can find. What the hell's wrong with this picture ? By the way mods, if this is posted in the wrong section, please move it as I couln't find a proper category.
  8. Montarvillois

    News Drought

    As it was once wisely mentionned by a venerable MW member
  9. Definitly a display piece but much better than a model in terms of parts mobility and paint wise it is better. I would not dare simulate a fist fight between two of them like I caught my son doing once (he will never do it again... or else).
  10. WOW !!! Didn't think I was gonna turn up with this type of reaction. I could probably get these done for you guys, in order to know the cost, I would need to know how many you would want each. I think we would need to have the setup done for the following: 1/48 line-up 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru Ichijio 1/48 VF-1S Roy Focker 1/48 VF-1A Low Visibility 1/48 VF-1A Max Jenius 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijio 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijio 1/72 line-up 1/72 VF-11b Thunderbolt 1/72 YF-21 Omega One 1/72 YF-19 Excalibur 1/72 VF-19A Ravens Please help me for the 1/60 scale Also if some of you have design ideas, cause I see what some of you have done in the past, please submit them in this post but only one final design will be retained in the end in order to produce a matrix for the engraving. Thanks for the great comments. Erick
  11. And now for my 1/72 mac plus valks, a bit different...
  12. here's another one, I have one for each of my 4 1/48 valks
  13. Hi, I am fortunate enough to work at a place where we have a kick ass engraving studio. During the christmas slowdown, I asked them if they could give me a hand with a small project I've had for a while. Look at the result I thik it rocks !!!
  14. Just had word from Takatoy yesterday and he said there was a small delay in the production because he had to revise a few last minute details. He told me to hang on for about one more week... Just can't wait !
  15. Please don't laugh but toothpaste is the best canopy polisher you can find. It's a soft abrasive and it works much better on clear plastic than grit. Just pour a little bit on the caopy and use a clean cloth to rub the surface and then clean with water. I've tried it and it works wonders.
  16. Buy the valks girlie boy ! And now vor the picturz, vat do I zee thiz morning, no picturz? no update ? Shawn and Graham, do not think ve are foolz, ve varned you he iz another strike.... no more alize avatar vor you ! Muhahahahahaha ! Valkaeda
  17. Usualy it's in order to grab something bigger but I doubt this applies to valkyries...
  18. If I had to redesign the interior of the cockpit, I'd probably add some handles like the ones seem on the walkers in the matrix in order to control the arms, I tought it was a good (and plausible) concept.
  19. Now if they can just make it for the 1/48...
  20. Hey guys, By the way, I just noticed the number of posts you have... How on earth did you manage to post all these and still have a life, eat and work ? LOL !!! In the old forums I had over 800 posts and it took me almost 1.5 years to do so. Thanks for the comments, I'll definitly stay away from it, I'll just go put some ointment on my genital oozing sores.
  21. Hi, I à've been looking all over the place to buy the G-Saviour movie but it does,nt seem to be available for the north american market. Is there a place where I can download it or is there a torrent link you know of ?
  22. I don't know about Anasazi's stickers and decals though I read only good things but my valk are dressed exclusively with Takatoys stickers and I can say they are the next best thing since the invention of sliced bread. trust me, you won't be disapointed.
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