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Everything posted by drifand

  1. Gawd, the YF-23 is so beautiful! It should never have lost the fight... [sheds a tear...] Here's another pic of the 23 which i managed to find online... S L E E K.
  2. Isn't this great? So many nekkid bodies floating around in issue 9 and all we're concerned about is THE STORY!!! ;-P
  3. Mmm! It looks great now that you've painted the hands and other bits in black as well. I think what you can try is to take a couple of pix w/o the camera flash... Under more natural lighting, it'll look even better! :-)
  4. Anyone else gotten MMI Issue 9 yet? I thought I was doing OK plot-wise but now I'm in serious limbo. Split personalities? Kusangi vs Aramaki vs Tamaki vs Antares??? Ouch. Perhaps the best part was the extra artwork after the readers' feedback. :-P
  5. A small shipment of the Getters is available in Singapore as of last Sunday, but most of the other shops have yet to get their stocks. Seems like either the first batch is either reserved for Japan dealers or cornered by HK resellers... Supplies should be more stable by early Dec.
  6. Here's a link for the main robots from The Blackhole, Maximillian was one mean SOB! SOLL from Lensman is just so cute! There were 2 SOLL toys made by TOMY. I've only got the smaller figure, but I like it alot. Buck Rogers' Twiki actually looks a little creepy after so many years (it's the souless eyes, I think). I think there's a small action figure or it. And Kanchi is just so cool... Harmless housekeeper until the next weirdo robot attacks! I really wish the Kaiyodo toy was made of better material, but it's probably as good as it gets for a 6-ep OVA that ended ages ago. For those who have friends in Japan, visit the link for ASIMO on my review. The ASIMO site has a gift shop selling the toy (amongst other goodies) for a mere 1500yen. Only problem of course is that it's only shipped within Japan. :-/
  7. Can't argue with that. If there was a GOOD toy of Twiki in a similar scale, I'd probably want it too! Other sub human-sized robot designs that look somewhat 'real-world' - - VINCENT and BOB from The Blackhole - Pit Droids from SW Episode 1 - Kanchi (ie Terebi-kun) from FLCL - Little SOLL from the Lensman anime Anymore? Maybe I should spring for a couple of those Medicom AIBO figurines that come with a lolipop!
  8. Hi folks! For those of you who like real-world robots, you might find this interesting. I've been trying for some time to get hold of the nicely articulated Honda ASIMO toy which was supposed to be a company issued souvenir in Japan, I think. Several attempts on eBay were foiled either by crazy bidding or sellers who won't ship outside of Japan or USA. Anyway, a good friend finally tracked one down in Tokyo after several days of hunting, so I finally got this little gem! :-) I've done a short review of it on Toybox DX (alas! The bbs there is still under repairs), with some comparison pix with PINO, another figure of a real-world bipedal research robot. They aren't the same scale, but they sure look like they belong in the same room together... Let me know what you think of these. :-)
  9. If it was a model kit, it could be any of a large number of lookalikes and semi-rip-offs made by Japanese model kit company AOSHIMA back in the late 70's and throughout the 80's. There were transforming F-4 Phantoms and even Harrier jump-jets... all with very cool box illustrations. They also made several robot kits highy reminiscent of the original Gundam MS.
  10. Actually, what's wrong with the old Viper? It was already pretty nice. Anyway, for the new design... LIKES: Nifty streamlining and interesting mecha detailing. DISLIKES: Aircraft markings look TOO CONTEMPORARY. You mean millions of miles and years apart from our reality, spacecraft designers would ALSO use 'RESCUE-in-an-arrow' diagrams? And what about that USAF-looking emblem on the nose? Come-ON! You can do better than that!
  11. Anything from this shelf? Or maybe Mospeada? Or could it be the big clunky Spartas Hover Tank from Southern Cross?
  12. I do WONDER: The EVAs are launched from deep underground thru a couple of zig-zag tunnels until they appear above Tokyo-3. HOW do the tunnels reach across the vast bubble of empty space that separates the city from the NERV HQ underground??? Around the sides of the hollow sphere? Huh-huh.
  13. Well, at least Square-Enix has a couple of decent wallpapers for download this time. I always wondered why they weren't more liberal in keeping their fans happy, like the generous dose of cool images from the Armored Core franchise... Anyway, check out Britn... I mean ELSA. :-) The main site is at http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fm/, and I suppose more downloads will be available as the release date gets closer. Here's hoping for nice big images of the Wanzers!!!
  14. I just hope this DOESN'T mean Hasbro will pressure Takara to go for a short stack - thus eliminating any US/Japanese release differences. :-/
  15. LOL! It's on TeeVee... it's GOT to be real!
  16. Did someone say 'mock battle'? :-)
  17. That's a very neat job- well done! But I can't help feeling that 'shark's teeth' should be painted further back from the nosecone. In real life, that might affect the radar's performance...
  18. Hey hey! Remember, back then HCMs were expensive completed models targeted at young working males who had no time to properly finish a plamodel after a hard day's work. :-)
  19. Director Hideaki Anno sure seems to know how to press the emotional buttons of his faitful viewers, BUT he just can't seem to bring a series to a good conclusion. Not on the first take anyway! I just recently watched Karekano, and fell in love with the characters and honest story telling... only to have the bottom ripped out with a totally inept ending. I didn't get to see the fruition of several plot developments that had been building up over the last 4 or 5 episodes. Grrrrrr! Eva dejavu. Only the beautiful music soothes my senses.
  20. I once had a tight-assed Project Manager walk around the design studio ridiculing designers who had toys displayed around their desks. He actually came over to me and pointed out my Swordfish II (from Cowboy Bebop) and said "You know, that thing DOESN'T really fly." I simply took it off the stand, made a couple of loop-de-loops complete with swooshes and told him, "Dude you just don't have any IMAGINATION. I feel sorry for you." :-)
  21. I'm glad a DX Master Gundam is being released after all. It almost seemed like the DX line was dead in the water. But DX God Gundam isn't that bad at all. It's one thing to dislike the design but I dare say it's better made than the DX Wing Gundam... or even the clunker DX GP-02. Perhaps this 'reissue' will have better articulation in the arms and the waist...
  22. Or you could use Mozilla NOW. Not so sure about Mozilla, but I do keep Netscape 7.x around on OS 9 for certain CSS and Java-particular sites. Just don't like the sluggish performance or interface very much. :-)
  23. Yamatos certainly aren't fragile, but you definitely have to be more careful when handling them during transformation, unlike the 1/55s which I can flip around from one mode to another blindfolded. I shudder everytime I read about some unfortunate owner whose Yammie snapped somewhere, accidentally or otherwise.
  24. PowerMac G4 733MHz 1GB RAM, 2 x 60GB HDD Pioneer DVR-103 SuperDrive Still on Mac OS 9.2.2, but moving to OS X 10.3.1 as soon as I can spring for a LARGE back-up drive. This Mac is probably gonna be good for another 2~3 years since I don't play games or work on huge video files. Photoshop and Freehand are chugging along just fine, and Office 2001 still gets the job done. I can't wait to leave MSIE behind for Safari!
  25. Hello, why do people still watch SDF Macross which was made 20 years ago when they can watch newer, 'better' shows today? Years from now, some other collector will probably come up to you and ask "Why do you keep all those funky old Yamatos when you can have X-brand self-transforming Valkyries?" :-)
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