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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Spiderman does look a little more cartoonish in this one, but the trailer was awesome.
  2. I hope the swat team doesn't bust in tonight.
  3. How "new" is your PS2? If it's a recent model, then it might still work with the mod chip installed. In the newer models (mine I got just around Christmass), you can disable the mod chip by tapping the reset button 3 times. Of course you'll have to have a NA regioned, or non-backup game to play. I bought my PS2 about a year after they came out, so like November 2001. When I put the adapter in and tried to configure it, it gave some error and told to call the Customer Srvice number, when I called it said that I get that error because the PS2 had been altered in some way.
  4. You know what sucks, I bought RE: Outbreak and the Network Adapeter and some network cable ($50 + $40 +$18), to find out that my Playstation is no good to play online because it has a mod chip in it, so thankfully I could return the Adapter, but I'm stuck with Outbreak which sucks offline cause your teammates(AI) are stupid. SO I know Im gonna have to sell it on Electronics Boutique and they only pay like $25-$30 for the game.
  5. I finally bought the Xbox, got a Used one with preplayed Halo for $120 at gamestop, and didn't think about it twice.
  6. damn I wish I could find them at those prices at my local gamestop. The wird thing is they still sell them at full price online.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...3089344-5993401 Price at Amazon is $42 for the Trilogy.
  8. What I wanna see on DVD: Kotetsu Jeeg Magnetorobo Ga-Keen SF: Starzinger Captain future
  9. I think tomorrow is the release here in the US for RE:Outbreak, anyone in Japana has played it already? is it any good? I was thinking of buying the internet Adapter just for that game.
  10. Bill Gates is too proud to let Xbox Die. Besides, it's a much better system than Gamecube. But PS2 is still KING.
  11. yeah me too, they should drop the used ones to $100 and then I pick one up.
  12. Those pics look a little too high res for tv.
  13. http://home.comcast.net/~themichaelsmith/VWHiRes.mpg
  14. The game isnt lagish, its your settings. this game looks beautiful on medium graphics settings and 800X600X32. Thata what I have it running on, and almost no lag. Also, defrag your hard drive a couple times, that helps alot. I play on midium/low settings and 800x600 16bit and I have some lag. BF1942 I could play 1024x728 32bit, medium settings and ran fine.
  15. Am I the only one who find the game a little Lagish compared to the BF1942? I even bought a new vid card recently, Ati radeon 9600xt 128mb.
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