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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. I don't get it, why would maul be grivious? I think it was stablished that this new baddie wasn't force sensitive and just some type of cyborg or something.
  2. very cool, but I don't get the channel Either.
  3. Robotech back on TV: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/pressrelease.php?id=352
  4. I just got it yesterday and been playing a bit today, it seems fun but I am worried about the end game, hopefully by the time and if I ever reach those levls they will have implemented more stuff. Anyone here playing it? I am on Liberty Server.
  5. At least it can't get any worse than EP 1 right?
  6. Jim Lee's take on the 3 superheroes.
  7. I have 2 yamatos 1/60 now.
  8. Just saw this movie and it was terrible, almost as bad at the directors other crap fest, mummy returns.
  9. For the VF-0S, is it a kit you need to put together with glue and Paint it, or is like the other 1/60, 1/48 yamatos? and how much will it cost?
  10. I agree, that has to be the sexiest I've ever seen wonderwoman.
  11. I like both, but I think I lean towars JL better.
  12. Jim Lee's Superman Michael Turner's Superman
  13. I suspect that Ladic might have a thing for the guy. who wouldn't, he is so sexy!
  14. I had that problem with the Collectors ed. of X-Com, and had to get a direct draw patch for it. I think you can still get them here... cool, thanks, gonna check it out.
  15. The game is about 10 years old if I remember correctly, it has to be on the Top 10 PC games of all time if not top 5.
  16. Rocketeer was pretty cool, this movie looks good also.
  17. They should release a version I can play on WinXP, I have 2 versions of the game on cd, and saddly they run like crap for some reason.
  18. The movie is all CGI, only the actors are real.
  19. heh, I wish I could put my MPC's like this:
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