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Everything posted by orguss01

  1. WOW , didnt know that the seat had boosters, like that, and they appear to be some what steerable,nice ...more pics more pics.. EDIT:::Translation???
  2. RECAST!!! RECAST!!!,,,,,ROHBY ROHBY!!!!>>>>>KKURRUPT do you do recasts, dont remember>>>>??? ANyway RECAST!!! RECAsT!!!, You will go down in JM history along with SOLSCUD & ROHBY>>>>NNNICE..........JM JM JM !!!!!!
  3. Yeah one more Orguss fan.... Orguss01..yeah check it out, it is good stuff....
  4. I thnk thier target is Minmei. ME too>>> Monkey nugs says Minmae wants to sing again...hence Hikarus & "nessa- ala bridge gals" reacton. " When two are in love,,,,la lalalalalaaa..when two are in love........, ' Max is just DONE>>>>>GO MAX!!!!!
  5. WOW Mr MrNugs That was practice in becoming detached really quickly ,,kinda like instant Zen,,,,, must leave all worldly goods..all attachments,,, got pics...j/k You should get your son one of those boot legs to play with ..but he might not likey after he saw your yammie.."""whats this crap? i want yours"""" Hope you kept your cool.....i would flip .....Hello adoption agency!!!.......
  6. Oh yeah the big whale thingies are so cool ...infra sonic weapons..if you dont have a nice sound system hooked up... try it with headphones...crazy this may be Earths fate...i think animae has a way of projecting/ predicting if you will the worst that is possible..the freeedom to imagine and speculate...that show is abit short thought right compared to other OVA...
  7. Right.....my eye just "goes there" ....... Maybe its the jetfire nosecone,,all nice and round and soft,,(*eyes get all dreamy***)...,uh i digress...yeah get this guy a Taka nose...
  8. Are we there yet???>>>>>what's the word,,.. .
  9. UHMM guys how "bout clear JM armor.???>>>HUMMMM ??? i can see it now.. .try it rohby..
  10. Yeah what Solscud said, "looks half asz",. .thats the exact thing i said when i saw them in the mag...Good minds think alike, better minds initiate action ....good one Solscud... Go Rohby>>>>>>>>>Cannot wait to see a full sets of armour>>>>>
  11. I smell the begining of recreational robot wars..... how bout the Atst with paint ball guns and a remote turret,...how bout putting that in your brat kid's "play room" for his 11th birthday cuz he likes SW...how bout ...........
  12. a tank? naaaahhh, how bout an R/C car? Naw how bout a casette tape.>>>>>>"RAVAGE ATTACK"(said in crazy synth voice of Soundwave)>>>>>>
  13. When the fires come for me.... im grabbing my, MIB Japanese Bandai JMs and my 1/55, VF-1J, TakaT.
  14. Do you know of the Orguss Shrine>>>>>>>? Nay, until today, I had not heard of that site. Mostly, I get my mecha info from mahq.net, as they have a ton of nice pics for both Macross and Gundam, but was kinda suprised to see that they have nothing on Orguss. Thats funny until today i wasnt aware of that site, but i've known of the Orguss site for a while...thanks for the link....
  15. Do you know of the Orguss Shrine>>>>>>>?
  16. NO who got Roys "LITTLE BLACK BOOK"??????? vol.1 & vol.2 Thats the real keepsake, maybe he was burried with it...
  17. They also make a variable version...i have the gerwalk version...the box art is nice though ,...i will post pics later if i rember......
  18. Hey Knta if you need to clean glass...try soaking you umm .."piece" in Kosher salt for about 20 min..then the uhm.. residue just falls off with a little swabbing..i always keep my 'glasses squeky clean>>> I hate the escence of acetone...
  19. How bout this camo, vf-1d, Revell box............
  20. Hey this same seller has JM boots... i have never seen one....custom delux... JM boot bnprsto might be POS, but i wonder how bout these...
  21. UHH whats the word on these.......????
  22. Good one, did it come with gun????Does he have back prblems standing up in batroid mode......mine has major back problems even though he is minty...TAKA post in absurd auctions
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