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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. Guess I was right after all ... Expect more Robotech fans to follow his move.
  2. It seems that our friend Seto Kaiba was right about Robotech fans adapting anything they want into their shitty franchise : http://www.youtube.com/robotechfanplus ''Robotech 00''.
  3. 1 - NUNS = New United Nation Spacy. 2 - According to Ozma ''the MAN'', NUNS pilots are a bunch of cowards without any sense of teamwork. Not sure if we can consider that an answer especially coming from Ozma ''the MAN''.
  4. The 40,000 number probably comes from surviving civilians of Space War 1.
  5. This is another disgusting poo from pathetic and lunatic Robocrap fans who are obviously jealous of Macross, but hopefully the website is going down. Can't access the VF-1 and VF-19 pages.
  6. We DO know Ozma is the MAN. He was CRYING that during the duration of the series.
  7. I'm going for Basara despite the fact that Sharon is my number one choice. The reason for this : Basara won't mess with my head unlike Sharon. Plus, Basara is still alive. That's help a lot when people are still alive you know.
  8. Got a good laugh reading this the other day. Thanks Robotech.com for making my life more envoyable lol.
  9. As a teacher, I'm going to give you a well deserved 100%.
  10. I second that. It was certainly the moment I decided that Macross was for me one of the most important thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Being myself a nerd and all that you know.
  11. Strange. I was doing the same while I was a Star Trek fan. With the time, I became tired of rationalizing those illogical inconsistencies made by lazy writers who did not give a sh*t about it themselves and quit being a Star Trek fan. I think the same fate is waiting many Robotech fans ...
  12. Just one lol : 1/60 Yamato YF-19 + fold and booster pack Yeah I know ; I'm poor.
  13. That's Tobey's reaction after discovering he is working with dumbasses with nothing else to do than masturbating.
  14. Business strategy !?!?!? You mean doing nothing else than masturbating, right ?
  15. Make choices then. For my part, the DVDs take the priority over the rest (mangas, magazines, model kits, toys, soundtracks, etc). I have ALL the remastered japansese DVDs of Macross (except Macross Frontier and yes I paid for Macross 7 DVDs) and just one toy (the 1/60 version of the YF-19 with fold booster and FAST pack). I decided to support the franchise and buying the DVD releases is the best way I can do this without ruining my bank account. I am still a college student living with his parents after all.
  16. I have already paid 300 bucks (yes ladies and gentlemen, 300 F*UCKING BUCKS !!!) for the remastered SDFM box on DVD from Japan. I will pass for a Blu Ray release.
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