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Posts posted by vermillion01

  1. As much as i love the original Galactica, the new one far surpasses it. Its funny that they have a site dedicated to the new show where they have obviously gone out of their way to find and make images, only to slate it! I just dont get some people!?! :wacko:

    Yes the old show was great in its day, in a kind of cheesey, rose tinted glasses kind of way. It brought up some very engaging issues at the time and broke new ground in a lot of ares, but wht the new show does is incredible!


    Take the first couple of episodes of S3 for example, you have suicide bombings, fascism, euthanasia to name only a few rough topics. at the time of airing, with the state of the world and what was (and still is) going on in the far east, i thought is was pretty daring, i in the show, we on the almost jihad quest against out oppressors! wow... role reversals... controversial much?

  2. Btw, do pictures of the Cylon CG model exist?

    I'm afraid i've never seen them (unfortunately). I tried contacting ZOIC for some images as i cant find them either, but i have never had a reply. If you should find any decent ones, gimme a shout.

    EDIT - took out a spoiler ( sorry mate)

  3. It is so surreal to see my Star Wars drawings show up in virtually every starship comparison chart on the internet. In particular, it seems my Super Star Destroyer is the defacto side profile for the craft. They sure have made the rounds :)

    Thanks for posting these BSG pictures! This stuff is fantastic!

    thats your work in the comp. chart? Nice work Mr March! you never cease to amaze!

  4. I thought this thread needed some reviving.. since i'm at work and bored (its 3.42am and i still have 3 hours to go), i did some reading and was reminded that Yamato built that uber gucci 1/350 space battleship yamato with lights and moving turrents, well why the hell havent they built an uber gucci 1/(whatever) SDF-1? Whats stopping them? and where has the 'G'man been? this thread went quiet all of a sudden or is it just general consensus that we are all bored of playing Yamato's guessing game?

    go.. check out the 1/350 SBS yamato.. think... what would an SDF-1 look like?

    mmmmmmmmm :blink:

  5. vermillion01,

    so are the 1/55 scales alot like the 1/48 yamatos? As in transforming well. Also do the 1/55 scales have die-cast parts?

    :ph34r: MisterRyno :ph34r:

    Well the quick answer is.. yes. but simpler. a lot simpler. and yes, more diecast. do you remember the old Jetfire? the big one with the rocket packs? well they are one and the same! The 1/55's are a helluva lot easier to transform and a lot more robust.

    If you check this page out it should answer a couple of questions for you.


  6. Hi there misterryno, welcome to MW (macross world), glad you found an animation you dig after Transformers.. as far as new toys goes, if you're used to TF'mers, i can definately recommend looking for a bandai 1/55 reissue (hint - jetfire was one of these originally).. any of them will do (they are all good).. Most people here will direct you to the Yamato line which are probably the best but if you're only just getting into the scene and want something a little less 'fragile' and a bit more 'sturdy' to play with, the Bandai's are definatly the way forward. Its a kind of 'break you in gently' thing. You can find a few on ebay and some other good toy sites, but dont forget the word "reissue", thats the key otherwise you end up looking at $150+++++ for one. you can get a good one (usually the brown VF-1A canon fodder or CF version) for around $50-$60 and shop around, you may even get a better one for that price.

    here are some starting points.



    Of course, all of this is only a suggestion.. if you're already a seasoned collector, stick with the Yamato stuff.


    According to specs..

    VF-11 -

    Wingspan: 11.2 meters

    Overall length: 15.51 meters

    Overall height: 3.49 meters

    YF-19 -

    Wingspan: 14.87 meters

    Overall length: 18.62 meters

    Overall height: 3.94 meters

    YF-21 -

    Wingspan: 15.36 meters

    Overall length: 19.62 meters

    Overall height: 4.04 meters

    so says M3.


    Good point... I was always of the believe that the 19 and 21 were the largest valks (with the VF-0) due to their advanced nature... hmmm time to check the compendium or M3.


    and it should... kinda. The VF-11B is smaller than the VF-19, I think the comparison would be like the VF-0 to the VF-1 (both in 1/60) it should be a bit smaller. Remeber the "19" is a next gen fighter and was bigger to accomodate the new technologies and advanced avionics.

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