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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. You're welcome Keiichi. ^_^ I felt bad that after all that audio editing on the video it still recognized by their filters. Anyways, glad that it helped out on transforming yours.

    As for the YF-21, I also wish that Arcadia will go back to their drawing board and reengineer it again for renewal release. Make the proportion right somehow by beefing up the legs and make the thigh parts solid for transformation. I'm sure everyone will be happy and excited. ;)

    Btw, nice worm's-eye view shot.

  2. Just got my NY shipping notice this morning. My YF-30 is in transit now. Not sure if it's going to leave Japan before their holiday starts. If not, I can still wait. I also noticed that NY removed my -1 EXP on my profile. Looks like the YF-30 purchased erased that -1. Cool. Looking forward to get that -1 again since I placed a wrong PO order months ago. Hope it will get erased again once I paid the VF-25S PO. Hehehe. :lol:

    If anyone is still looking for one....


    Ooohh. Tempting... :unsure:

  3. ^ You know what would really suck? It's that once the current PO has been released in November, we won't be able to differentiate the older batch from the latest batch (which may benefit from tighter joints) when buying off Mandarake.

    True. But if they're going to lower it back to Y10000 for the old Renewal releases, I might buy one and that's the one I'm going to paint and ruin it. Just in case i didn't paint it correctly. Hehehe. :lol:

    But they really need to move that 25S Renewal releases now. there knowing that Bandai already put out a reissue on November. ^_^

  4. I ordered mine the first day they had them listed on their site so yeah, got the better price. it boggles my mind how they can go around jacking prices up so ludicrously on stuff that can be had cheaper other places at that moment. like, who would pay 21,000 yen for a basic -25F when there's like 6 of them in like new condition on the old mandarakes for 16,000.

    as much as I don't really want to right now, I really think I should put in a pre-order for the RVF-171EX while it's still at a reasonable price. :wacko:


    Aso, over 9000 posts... :p

    Go get that Luca 171 now. ^_^ Btw, congrats on your 9000 posts. ;)

    Man this thing has a lot of details to panel line! This is taking me longer than the actual 25's did....

    So I heard from a friend. Lucky for him he has lots of time. ^_^

  5. Updated wall of macross :0

    Where the heck do I put my yf-30's that are on the way O_o

    Oh my! Love that wall. :wub: Note to myself: one day... one day...

    Any one fit three valks in fighter mode on one self of a detolf?

    If you just browse previous pages, you can see some members found a way to fit most valks in fighter mode in one shelf. ^_^

    Free samples below:

    It's been a couple of days so here's another pic of my cabinets. :-)


    image by Nerdery101, on Flickr

    There is a sneaky new addition. Poor old Ozma has been forced to share a shelf for now.

    Macross Frontier (Saving a spot for the YF-30 and RVF-171)


    More DYRL


    Most of them uses some acrylic risers or fishing line. Hope that helps. ;)

  6. that's the answer. Their stock is not guaranteed. They will try to source it, but it they are not successful then they won't be able to fulfil their preorders. They probably not experience dealing with bandai dx and left their orders open to as many, and will just fulfil to whatever stock they can get. If you got you po in early then good chace you may get it. But late, then i think highly unlikely.

    That's what I thought too. That's why I'm going to keep my NY PO to be safe. I think I will just also let the PO game continue and not to bother and try to look for good deal again since from what PlayAsia says PO's can't be cancel. Since there was no pay later option and I already put my CC information in there assuming that it will just get deducted automatically if the item gets available and shipped. Either or I may or may not have 2 Ozma. But one thing I'm sure is I will get one atleast. ;)

    On second thought, I'm still not closing my door to the other well-known stores if ever they decided to open the PO again with good price. Then I just might ignore my upcoming NY invoice once again ala-YF25. ^_^

  7. Brand new for $91. You're gonna cry now. I got mine for $86 from my usual guy as he gives me a discount. The Chronos is jumping up in price too.

    Oh man. Too late now. :unsure: Well, I know the blame is on me since from the start I'm not that interested on getting this. But when I saw everyone's photo (esp Saburo's) I decided to get one and plan on adding the Tornado Cannon to my planned customed Ozma valk. Only to find out that prices online is going up.

    Mine was like $95 with shipping from NY, shame on them.

    You got it while it still at Y8000, right? I think the day I decided on getting this is the same day that NY jacked up their price. :wacko: As much as I like to use them everytime, I'm just really not happy on how they jack up the price so easily. They're like a regular friendly stores at first but once they found out that the items are selling like pancakes, they turned into scalpers instantly. :unsure:

  8. Here's the reply I got from their customer service when I asked the chances on the stock availability for everyone's orders:

    Thank you for contacting Play-Asia.com.

    As for your concern, we will ship pre order items once we already received the stocks from our suppliers. Please note that we do not have control over the stocks but our purchasing team is trying there best to source a copy for all pending orders by customers.

    Rest assured, that we will ship your order once we receive the stocks in our ware house. We kindly ask for your patience in the meantime and we hope for your understanding.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  9. won't they ban you or close all of your other preorders if you do that?

    Would that also apply if you have already paid preorders with them?

    I PO'ed YF-25 with them but decided not to get it. Instead I paid some other items first just to keep my account. And m y account is still ok after that. Last payment recently that I did was the YF-30. But PO's asside, what's the maximum cancellation that you can do before they lock your account? Right now, I got a -1 EX point just by ignoring/cancelling the YF-25 order.

  10. I'm somewhat surprised no one has mentioned this yet.

    VF-25S preorder available on Play-Asia.

    Cheaper than NY too. as far as I know at a slight mark up over MSRP, with no limitations (which makes me wonder if they can even secure any stocks).


    Thanks SaitouSad for the link. ^_^ I placed one order too just in case it went thru after reading everyone's concern on the open PO window with PlayAsia. And this is the cheapest one for now compared to NY. But I'm not gonna cancel my NY order yet just in case.

    Just ordered from Play-Asia. Wow, I haven't used my account there in ten years.

    So I guess I'll just let my preorder at Nippon-Yasan slip; $215 N-Y vs. $183 P-A. Is there any penalty at Nippon-Yasan for cancellations/non-payment of preorders? I have Masterpiece Bumblebee preordered with Nippon-Yasan and I'd hate to lose it due to backing out of another preorder.

    Just in case you're worried on your account getting locked or something, I suggest that if the NY asked for payment on the 25S, pay the Bumblebee instead. That way, they will honor the payment you did on the other item and shipped it. Before they will lock your account for not paying the 25S. Just for your safety measure. ;)

    Don't put all your hope on play asia. My reason, they don't limit the numbers and I could very well preorder over 1000 of them probably more too. I'll be surprised if they can get that many in.

    They have a decent amount of DX figures on the site, it looks like they raise the price after release.

    I also see that people complain, that playasia will cancel orders and raise the price on high demand items.

    So it could all go wrong.

    However, it does show that they don't allow cancellations easily. So take notice.

    I just doubt they will have enough stock. At least with us lot, we don't believe they will, and we don't want to be unsure whether or not we have secured one. November is a long way away, so it's nothing but speculation, and that's what we spend 90% of our time doing before each release anyway ;)

    As I said in a previous post, I highly doubt that Play Asia will be able to fulfil their orders. I can put in 10,000 of it and it's fine. They have not set any limit at all. Just don't pay for it first using PayPal. Best to use credit card and get charged when it's release. That way if they don't get stock you don't get charged.

    Let's just hope they'll deliver. If not, it's the reason why I will not cancel my NY account. And I also use my CC instead of Paypal on paying the Ozma PO earlier. ^_^

  11. If you need any more, locally the tornadoes are going for $91. How much did you pay for them?

    Wait... Don't tell me that $91 is brand new? I'm going to cry if that's brand new. Hahaha! :lol:

    Oh well, the used item itself costs Y9800 without shipping. But based on their shipping calculator, everything will be around $118-120 something I believe. Which for me is kinda ok since I'm not planning to get one from NY. Would you believe 3 days ago it was Y8000. Now it's Y13500. And that's not even including the shipping cost. Sheesh. :wacko:

  12. Been away from the Macross collecting game for a long while, but I recently had the opportunity to purchase a YF-19 at an amazing price from a very generous seller. It arrived last Monday, but aside from putting some missiles on (which are totally awesome, btw) I didn't mess with it much. I've been studying this thread all week so I'll try to avoid being too long winded (most everything I want to say has already been said), but I just have to gush about the fighter mode; I cannot believe how it looks now! Such an incredible improvement over the Yamato.

    Finally attempted to transform to gerwalk today, and I'm a bit embarrassed at how long it took me, haha. What gave me the most trouble was the gerwalk leg joint just above the main knee joint; for the life of me I could not get that joint to pull out. Watched noeljim's and odeean's transformation videos on youtube repeatedly and I just couldn't understand what I was missing, they made it look so easy but I couldn't do it! I had all but given up when I just kinda pulled downwards lightly in desperation and it came out easy as pie. So obvious to me now, I was pulling back too much and failing to un-tab the tab directly behind the joint -_-. Took me like 30 minutes to come to that realization, I'm so ashamed :lol: . Another point of trouble for me was attaching the shoulder FAST packs, the connection points in the shoulders seemed to be slightly too small (especially on the right shoulder). Eventually got them in and now they attach/detach fairly easily, but I ended up rubbing some black paint off the inside of the right shoulder, grrr. I could tell it was going to happen just by how tight the connection was, but it's impossible for me to have FAST packs and NOT attach them! In hindsight I should have stopped and filed down the connecting peg on the packs a bit, but at least it's a relatively out of the way spot that's easy to touch up. Oh, and I completely agree with the general sentiment that they really should have used magnets for the leg FAST packs.

    Those gripes and difficulties aside, gerwalk looks so freakin good! With the FAST packs on and under-wing armaments loaded it is just so cool to me! I love the lines of this valk so much. I want to go for battroid mode, but I think I should study up a bit more before attempting it, haha. I'm also concerned about scuffing the black paint around the cockpit so I want to find a good low-adhesive tape to protect that area beforehand.

    Anyways, some shots of my great accomplishment for the day. :lol:





    You're the second one to call me 'noeljim'. it's just noeljm. But switching the E with 3. Hahaha! :lol: I'm glad that my video post helped you on transforming your YF-19. After all that hiccups, it will be just a walk in the park when you transform yours again. Let me tell you a secret, I wrecked my YF-21 thigh for 6-7 hours just by transforming him. Only to learn that I didn't pushed properly the knee joints. Price to pay on buying expensive transforming toys. Hehehe. :lol:

    Anyways, great photos and enjoy your YF-19. Pray also that Arcadia will revisit again the YF-21. ;)

  13. Wow! I didn't even know that was a thing (cart jacking) on Mandarake.

    Well if you were going to dip into emergency $$$ then it's probably best that someone else got it. ;)


    I think it can, right? I mean, even though you already put it in the cart but if you're going to be late on pressing the submit order button, other buyer can still nab the same item from you. :rolleyes:

    But you're right. I'm not thinking straight when I tried to purchase it. My thinking was more like just get it and worry the payments later. Ignoring all my other purchases a few weeks ago. Oh well, it's really about time to worry all the payables. And time to ignore for now the VF-4G. ^_^

  14. hehe! yeah the VF-4G is a pretty sweet bit of kit! One brownie VF-1A had the DYRL head unit with the extended goggle bit and darker whites while the other one if the TV version with whiter whites and no goggle bit on the head unit, just has the forward lense bit.. Both brownies have very similar painted areas.. Both are as awesome as each other but I prefer the head on the TV version personally.

    True. That's why I felt bad that I was cart-jacked at the last posted VF-4G over Mandarake. I thought I got it. But when I submitted the order it went back to the cart and said the item is not available anymore. Hehehe. :lol:

    The mainly all brown VF-1A is the mass produced, cannon fodder version. Mostly white with brown on the legs is Kakizaki's TV version.

    I see. So the whole white chest 1A's are Kakizaki's? Cool. I prefer that one than the mass-produced then. Thanks! ^_^

  15. You meant the ones on the back of the legs? Yeah. Mr.K and Arcadia noticed their mistakes on not pointing out on the instructions which is the right match for the legs. So you're good to go? Is everything aligned now?

  16. I think so. The pelvic area requires a downward push to disconnect from the main body during transformation, and if I remember correctly, it's held by a pair of screws at the back. Correct me if I'm wrong though...only transformed it last night.

    Thanks Shukenzero. Looking forward to examine everything just in case it needs fixing. ;)



    Love this shots. I always have the Robocop impression on the head. :lol:

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