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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. Only $19 for the Ex-Gear from FromJapan? Is it any good?

    I just opened the box and see thru the plastic tray. So far, it looks good. Though I see 1 item from the backpack area that is joggling on the tray. And I didn't see any crack nor bruise on the item so I assumed it was not put in the tray properly. Will inspect it later since I'm in the office. Don't want to give bad impression. Hehehe. :lol:

    The reason why it's $19 something, it was posted around Y2980. And when I paid it, they give my 15% off. Not knowing that Rakuten is giving 15% off on all the items posted used or sealed. And this one is used based on the item description. Good thing it didn't smell like cigarettes. ^_^

  2. Cool Iron Man pose. ;)Great shots, TCracker. ^_^

    I didn't know that Chronos would look COOL as an iPhone Wallpaper. B))


    Great photos by the way, Saburo. Hope you don't mind. ;)

  3. I think that Yamato's VF-17S/D would be the best indicator of what can be done with a VF-14....of course, I am sure much has been learned about designing these toys by Yamato/Arcadia since then....

    I am pretty confident that Arcadia could pull off a really nice compromise between all modes for a VF-14 (MacP/M7)......they have more of less achieved that with their VF/YF-19....

    if you look at the "revised" VF-14 from M3....the design abandons the "brutish" (bulky?) look of the original Vampire design.....it would probably be more line accurate if selected, but personally...I prefer the Macross Plus/M7 version....


    Thanks jvmacross. That new Vampire drawings looks cool. Nice color scheme too. Well, if that's the case, I just hope that they should go back and try to fix YF-21/VF-22 first before commiting on doing other designs. Or they could just go these new valks as a testbed then if they found that it's doable and succesful after release then go back to YF-21/VF-22s. ^_^

  4. Aww man, I have been checking the VF-25F page almost every night on AmiAmi hoping to snag a restock, and the one night I don't check they are up all night. Dang ol' Murphy's Law of collecting. :p

    Same thing happened to me when I didn't check Mandarake for a day for that last VF-4G that went on sale. :wacko:

  5. Ok. Would love to ask this question here instead of making a new one. I know seeing the VF-14 Vampire photos makes me wonder, would they try to achieve what's being said on the line art? Or would they make a 'sleek' plane first before adjusting the look on the other modes such as Gerwalk and Battroid. In which will alienate fans for having a different look and proportions kinda like what happened to YF-21. I know for a fact that in reality we will not get a 'perfect' transforming figure that will look like as sleek as the lineart for the fighter mode and as bulky as the lineart for the battroid mode. And same goes to gerwalk mode as well. If ever they decided to release such a beast e.g. the Vampire, and basing their designs on the original lineart as much as possible, would people welcomes the idea of 'parts-former' on their 'perfect trance' transforming Valkyries, just to have that 'proportion' look?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. But it just makes me curious when I saw the Vampire Valk since I'm not familiar with it. :rolleyes:

  6. AAAARGH, I just realized I bought 2 25G's from him on ebay. Jeebuz Fack !#@$%@%@%@#$#@$

    NO wonder why it's taking forever to get a response. At least I got ebay buyer protection though O_o

    gives story about buying a wedding ring for his fiancee, then he says he got in a motorcycle accident and has been delayed....OMFG why didn't I think about this before I bid :angry::o:angry::unsure::blink::wacko:

    Wow! Same guy?! :blink: I remember that wedding ring story. Was about to bid on one of the Valks before but decided not to.

  7. Congrats to everyone on their YF-30 Chronos purchases. I'm joining the bandwagon as well. Packaged arrived last Monday via NY Registered SAL. Opened yesterday for inspection and back to the box for selling... Nah! Need to swoosh it around first. Hahaha! :lol: No PMs please. Not going to sell it. Hahaha! :lol:




    Likes upon inspection: Sleek Fighter mode. Tampo prints. Gold canopy (just need to check the grease issue later). Delta wings.

    Hates upon inspection: Weight (It's too light compared to other DX Valks). Front Landing Gear Bay Doors (Scared that I might break it if I pulled too hard. Any advice how?). No lock for the Tail Fin Stabilizers.

    Will add more likes and hates when I transformed it. :lol:

    By the way, not sure if this is mentioned before but looking at those 2 deep holes on the back upper part of the legs, perhaps for future Super/Option Parts? Looking forward if there's any. Beam Cannon would be nice. ;)


  8. My 2nd contribution on maintaining our Macross Collections. ;)

    Just had a 'nerve' this evening on fixing the loose ankle joints on my Arcadia YF-19. Remember that this is just a guide on what method I did. So basically, it's the first time I did it so even how careful I am, I still left some blemishes, minor scratches, etc on my figure. I felt bad but that's how it happened. But the best part is, it made my YF-19's ankle joints tighter than the average OOTB ones. :rolleyes:

    If ever you decided to follow what I did, please don't blame me if ever yours will have minor or major damages. Fix it at your own risk. But if you have a different safe method of doing it, please feel free to share. I might follow it on my other YF-19. ^_^




    Just in case you're curious why I use silicon rubber and not your trusted superglue or nail polish? It's because I tried it before and I don't want the 'mess' it leaves on the plastic. :)

  9. Hey guys, been lurking for a bit. I've collected from the 1/48 and 1/60 line, but collecting from the renewal series is ridiculous. Over two years and still can't order an Ozma lee. I did manage to order a VF25G, but unfortunately the crotch piece broke, so now it can't stand. I only transformed it once, into battroid mode, and displayed it in that mode for about a year. Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thanks and sorry if this is the incorrect place to post this message.

    Yup. PIcture would be nice. ^_^

    As for Ozma's 25S, try your luck on pre-ordering at Play-Asia since most of the pre-orders from the major shops are already closed. But it's not a guarantee if we can get it from there since up to now they're still accepting pre-orders with out limit, where it should be close now assuming a lot of people and scalpers already placed bulk orders with them. :lol:


  10. mine doesn't have these problems at all and it can stand up just fine in Gerwalk.

    The QC on these things is definitely not consistent. The first 30 was ridiculously tight. The second one didn't want to hold Gerwalk without the brace at all. it would flop back. And the connection for the legs in Battroid is, in a word, atrocious. Really, that entire torso connection area is bad. Arcadia would (and has, VF-4) gotten it right. Bandai are still the inept morons they always have been. It could have been the greatest, most poseable, Valk ever made but the connection points are so questionable it's a bit of a fidgety mess to make work. The braces are mandatory if you want to have any fun posing it.

    Ok. Atleast Mommar says it clear that QC is not consistent. First one he has is tight. And the second one won't hold during Gerwalk mode. And anime52k8 doesn't have problems on his. Well, atleast now we hear all the negative ones after we saw all those good ooh's and aah's photos 2-3 days ago. So those brackets should be put whether the copies are loose or tight.

    Still, looking forward for my copy. Will let you guys know what kind of copy will I get. ;)

    Well my YF-30 finally arrived this morning.. a few little hassles..

    There are a few little paint scratches here n there though nothing that cant be carefully touched up I guess. There looks to be a stress mark in the plastic around the left hand side wing root hinge area.. like its been carelessly transformed previously.

    The little locating tabs don't seem to lock in place so well either and keep popping out particularly on the underside where the left leg sits up against the missile pod and where the left wing sits up against the left leg.

    The folding wing tip sections don't seem to want to lock into place very well either and sag down a little.

    The pilot is standard issue DX junk, no better than the VF-25/29 pilots. Thought Dandai would've stepped up the quality a little there but no.. and the pilot just doesn't want to sit center in the cockpit and leans a tad to the left.. Not liking the design they chose to fix the vertical stabilizers (rudders) to the plane. They really do need a small notch or something there to indicate that you have them sitting on the correct angle when in fighter mode. And they seem like over time they could become loose with excessive use and not sit where you want them or just fall off.. Also its strange they made provisions for wing mounted missiles etc but not include any with the plane?

    On the plus side the paint scheme looks great and its nice to have the 'no step' markings pre-applied. And the box is nice, follows the trend of previous releases.

    I hate to sound like im having a major whinge here as yes the 30 does look very cool and I do like it, its just that I am a little disappointed and expected better especially considering its a brand new toy, new design etc etc.. still a little better than previous DX VF's the 30 doesn't really come across as a significant step forward in terms of build & finish quality. Feels like the YF-30 I received has left side loose and floppiness issues and although it was sealed its almost like it was second hand..

    Either way im happy I bought it and that its finally here and yes its still a sexy plane but I don't think I'll be purchasing any more of em..


    Sorry to hear about your Chronos, spanner. Any quick remedy on the wings?

  11. I tried using the Google Translate to translate this:


    And here's the result:
    Old thing, but's it. It is good to be f@ckable Arcadia even if there is a chance!
    Here's my take. Please do correct me if my translation is wrong.
    "It's just an old thing, that's all. If ever there's chance, it would be great if Arcadia will make one!"
  12. perhaps this is just me being unobservant, but for those who have it on hand, can you post pictures of said "brace" and where it is?

    Im quite curious about it and why is has some in a tizzle.

    It's necessity. Thankful that Bandai put support parts. But somehow killed the excitement to most people. Esp seeing the promo pics. And then months prior of release, they will show that it needs 'this' to help support the Gerwalk/Battroid. I, for one, included. If this is somehow molded to make it look like part of the plane esp the back bracket, and not just like U-type bracket attachment, then I'm good.


    Photos from Gamu-Toys.


    Promo pic


  13. Need some help, so I want to remove the UN Spacy symbol from the Arcadia YF-19. So far I looked on the forums and came up with these results anymore would be helpful.

    1. Paint thinner (may cause brittle plastic)

    2. Rubbing alcohol

    3. Shaving off with xcto knife/sandpaper

    4.brake fluid(will never use)

    EDIT: Do NOT Use ACETONE on the Valks. ^_^ Thanks to chyll2 for clarifying the Acetone uses on the plastics.

    Hey Murphy. Is that where you're going to put the SMS logos? On the side of the canopy and on the wings? Anyways, I found this via YouTube. And he somehow mentioned acetone so I'm not so sure if it's correct. He uses the Expo Dry Erase marker on the Hotwheels diecast so I'm not 100% if it's safe on ABS plastics. And he even made one out of the old markers using Acetone.

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