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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. The vf-25s is getting reissued? Damn I bet I am going to miss out again.

    Yup. PO madness was open for a 'glitch' (half a sec) via Amiami couple of months ago. Hehehe. :lol: Got a chance to PO days after it went up by $40 over NY. PO went for awhile after that over Play-Asia, I believe. I have another PO with them though I doubt I'll get one. :rolleyes:

    Don't worry! With Arcadia, you won't miss out. If you want you could just place an order with HLJ and easily cancel it if you need to before it ships.

    Wait. Can I do that? The reason why I don't want to PO while not having a work temporarily is because I don't want my account somehow get blocked from those online shops. Does HLJ have a strict rule on blocking accounts if you cancel PO with them? Thanks. ^_^

  2. Oh man... after looking on the new pics I want to have one. I know I said before that I'm just going to wait for a renewal 0S. But with those new pics... :wub:

    Too bad, can't PO now. Have to look for a new job first. *sigh* :unsure: If ever I get a new job in the next couple of months and PO is still open in January, I might get one as well. Oh well, good thing I already paid my DX VF-25S reissue. Hahaha :lol: and Huhuhu :unsure: as well.

  3. Ooh, I really like how you've got the YF-30 posed here. That's interesting how you have the wings bent SV-51 style; does the in-game YF-30 actually have the same "flapping" wings as the SV-51?

    Thanks Keiichi. I like it too. That's how I like my YF-30. ;) And no, this 'flapping' wings is not featured in the game. Only from display as what close313 said.

    Great photo mate! The 30 looks great in Gerwalk! might have to find a 3rd one so I can display one in each mode! I love how the wings crop up like that! like its ready to strike at its next unsuspecting prey! B))

    Thanks spanner76. I like the YF-30 in Gerwalk mode. Though I'm not using the rotating pelvic joint for 2 reasons. One, I like the more traditional/default look. And B, I don't want to use the brackets. Hehehe. :lol: And go get another one so you'll have all modes in display. ^_^

  4. Nice pics no3ljm! Love those Gerwalk poses!

    Thanks wmkjr! I also realized that I forgot to change to Alto's white hands when I'm taking photos in Gerwalk mode. Love the white hands for Chronos. ^_^

    Nice shots no3ljm!

    Thanks Saburo! Coming from you, it's an honor. ;)

    Wow, amazing pics everyone.

    Saburo, killer as always. TCracker, really cool to see something different. No3ljm, lovely Kronos shots. MJ, that is such an awesome group shot - and +2 on your Flickr page being amazing.

    On the downside, all these great photos are making me want to fiddle with my Yetistands and take more photos myself. So watch out for more pic spamming and apologies in advance ;)

    Thanks Old Man! Looking forward on your photo spamming. :lol:

  5. Same thing with Kanedas Bike and Saburo, staying up late and hoping to get a preorder for a tenth of a second. And right now the single toy I remember for doing the most is purchasing my Holy (VF-4)Grail. (Thanks once again to Kanedas Bike. ^_^) And that's dipping in my emergency pocket. Hahaha! :lol:

  6. Didn't notice that since I've never played the game, but I swapped the hands out for spare fixed pose ones from my Alto the first day I got mine. the white hands looks so much better (and hold stuff better too for some reason).

    That's a really good idea with the hands. Thanks for sharing, its an obvious idea, but an idea that I never would have thought of.

    True. The white hands looks better IMHO. ^_^


    What do you guys think the odds are that they would release repaints of this in other colors? I haven't played Macross 30 so I don't know if those other colored versions are attached to any characters or not. If not, I think chances of repaints are very slim.

    I've finished the game and I didn't see any characters used a recolored YF-30 afterwards. Only Leon. I assumed the recolor is just an added feature for the valk after you finished the game and play the new plus option. But it's really cool to see an actual purple one. ^_^

    do many folks have their 30 in gerwalk?

    I'm loving the Gerwalk. :wub: But I'm not using the pelvic joint feature. I'm happy with the more traditional look. ^_^


  7. Finally got around to my other jewel of my collection, Yamato's 1/3000 SDF-1 DYRL. I finished some time ago, but I hadn't had the chance to photograph it. It took me literally months to put on the hundreds of tiny decals to give this monster the scale it deserves (I don't think I'll do that again for the upcoming 1/4000 Hasegawa version :p)

    Hope you enjoy...

    For those of you who forgot my ordeal... here's the original build-up thread:


    Loving that SDF-1. Wish I could also have the same besides the upcoming SD Makurosu. :rolleyes:

    Ha, ha - NO!

    And honestly I hope I'll be back on the hunt soon to buy another one, but that may be a couple of months down the road. B))


    Hahaha! Me too, b. I want to have another one too. But I will just wait if Arcadia will release a reissue or the Flashback version. If not, I'm just happy and still happy that I've acquired one. ;)

    Just finished up my 25F Tornado pack and put them on my re-re-issue 25F.


    Thanks guys!

    Did a shot with SMS Skull squadron geared up. I'm kinda bummed because I noticed that the stupid shield adapter for the RVF must have fallen off at some point while it was in fighter mode and now I can't find it... sigh... I had to stick the shield on with putty instead -_-


    I think it would be remiss of me to leave out pics of them together in my favorite mode.


    Those are eye candy, MacrossJunkie. Really envy people who does great job on customizing their Valks. And it still transforms well with dings and scratches. :rolleyes:

    Yup, wish I ordered one more. The pic I took would work better if I had 1 more YetiStand.


    Great shot wmkjr! Love it! :wub:

    Because everyone loves Ozma. :D


    As always, Saburo bro, great photos. I'm loving the Ozma now. But will just settle for the Messiah for now. Durandal, not as much. Hehehe. :lol:


    Nice photo composition, TCracker. ;)

    hi, i was looking for old files on my pc backup and found some images of my first 1/48 purchase back in 2008, it was the stealth type. now i think that looks better without stickers. took 62 photos that day, but dont worry will only post 3, one of each mode :rolleyes:

    Everytime I see a 1/48 scaled Valk, I'm having thoughts if I should get atleast one. But I know that if I started doing it... I need to have another one. And so on and so forth. :lol:

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