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Posts posted by Aegis!

  1. I may hate Macross Zero from the bottom of my heart.... but I know the animation is good

    Wow , you actually sound like you´re pissed off about M0 , now that´s something to admire. :(

    Not that I want to defend M0 all over again but it´s certainly a good series , if not better than anything out there. Of course it has its dissapointments (such as music , slow character develoment , continuity gaps ...) but even then it makes one hell of a good Macross series , up there with Plus and DYRL.

    Even if I wanted to hate M0 as much as you , it would be impossible or hughly unlike for me to find any good or relevant reason to hate it. It would have to be the crappiest sh*t in the Macross universe for me to hate it. MII was a huge dissapointment for me yet still I haven´t reach that point where I could say I hate it , but I certainly dislike it for personal reasons

    Strong words indeed :blink:

  2. Yes!!!

    I just received email notice from CD Japan that Macross Zero Episode 3 DVD has shipped today (27 Nov), one day early!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D

    Guess who's happy?

    As I'm having it shipped express, it may even get here tomorrow.


    You´re a lucky bastard you know :lol: ?

    So you´ll be watching Ep.3 by tomorrow and we mere mortals will have to wait for our fansubs , now that´s what I call life :) Any possibility of some info when you finally get it ?

  3. Actually, my personal view is that kawamori went the other way with M7 and created something completely new and original, rather than taking the easy road, ala what Sunrise and Tomino mostly does with the Gundam franchise and making a clone of a clone of a clone.

    That's what I like about kawamori-san, he's not afraid to experiment with Macross rather than endlessly retreading the same ground.

    And while his results may not always please everybody, he can always be expected to take Macross in fresh new directions.


    I completely agree with you Graham.

    What makes Macross different from other animes is that it doesn´t need to resort on repetetive themes or plots (hence the lack of mass appeal ). Macross is always open to improvement and variety , that´s what it makes it special to me , it´s never the same thing over and over like Gundam or Pokemon or ...you get the idea.

    I agree with those that say 6 months is just too much for 1 episode at a time but if that´s the only way of getting such high quality OVA series then I´ll live with it. Macross Plus was just about the same story , it´s always this way (don´t remember about Dynamite though ).

    So far M0 beats the hell out of most series out there (yukikaze included ) and is currently setting the standards for CGI application in anime (as always with Macross series and the plot is really interesting let alone the fact that the mechas are just awesome.

    Only dissapointment so far is the Music , I would´ve liked something more exiting like M+ , but at least it does the job and it isn´t annoying or crappy .

  4. The animation isn't crummy per se, but having only 30 minutes of it certainly is.

    Yeah , but at the end we´re getting 1 episode more than Plus , with better animation (than plus AND current series).

    Of course I would love 15 mins more per episode , but with the current quality of the episodes I´m certainly satysfied.

  5. Don't let it be an OVA..... please. I'm tired of waiting 6 months for nothing more then crummy 30 minutes of animation. :(

    Oooook...so you´re seriously telling me that M0 animation is crummy ?

    You gotta be kidding me , that has to be the most ridiculous statement I´ve EVER seen on this boards and that´s something <_<

    Wow , I still can´t believe this guy actually thinks the animation is crummy :blink:

    This is certainly unbelieveable :o

    Ok You may say the Music is crap , the characters are lame , you could critisize just about everything but the animation -_-

  6. First, I admire you Aegis, for standing by your position, but it comes down to the plain and simple statement,

    Just because it seems impractical to you, doesn't mean it's impractical to the rest of us.

    THANKS , that´s all I wanted to hear , a coherent and reasonable explanation for your preferences, nothing more than that :)

    Doesn't our opinion count as much as yours? Because a lot of your responses seem very condesending. I know some think we're a minority, but it seems to me that there are many more people who vocally want Mac+ toy in 1/48 than there are that want it in 1/60.

    Of course it counts as much as mine , and this works the other way around as well. I´m not 100% in favour of 1/60 M+ toys , I´m just waiting to see which of the two versions (if ever produced) will be the best overall. I´m not gonna waste my money in an inferior toy if there´s gonna be a better version , if such version results to be 1/48 then so be it , I´ll buy it.

    Second, I know there would be ample details on a 1/60 YF-19, but why do you think there wouldn't be more on a 1/48.

    Cause if they were able to put even more detail just by enlarging the toy then the 1/48 Vf-1 line would´ve been ignored in favour of an even larger scale which hasn´t ( and probably won´t ever ) happened.

    I just don´t believe we´ll get a better toy just by making in bigger , but whatever happens I´ll get the best toy , at this point I don´t give a jalapeño about what scale they´re in , I just want the best toy. hopefully it won´t be utterly big , whatever scale they choose.

  7. .

    If you forget Gundam, you will understand better Macross. Macross is cheating mecha fans, giving them the most gorgeous mechas (without relying too much on the "it's powerful, then it's good" cliché) and the most choreographic action scenes, but with little actual action, and little of what a typical mecha fan want.

    That was the whole point. It wasn't meant to be mecha fanservice. It was meant to be an inversion of the usual Gundam mecha-action orgy by bringing characters to the fore and making them real human beings as opposed to just adjuncts to the machines.

    I completely agree with you there :)

    Macross flows in the same level as Gundam but it is its opposite in many ways...Macross focuses more in the human factor of war and the social evolution through this experiences , Mechas and Music are just tools for the characters to reach this state.

    About the Jamming birds : as characters they sucked , but God , wasn´t the VF-11D Jamming bird custom beautiful. It has to be one of the most functional designs in the whole of the Macross-class fleets ;)


    Most if not all of the info contained within Macross RPG games are fictional (i.e. VF-11G).

    That said , the VF-11 is suppossed to have internal weapon concealed in the legs based in a rough sketch by Shoji Kawamori but he has said it wasn´t intended to have internal bays , so...no , the Vf-11 doesn´t have internal missile bays.

    What I find extremely strange is that the VF-5000 which is supposed to be an older model actually had internal bays in the legs and forearms of Battroid and the newer VF-11 didn´t feature any of this.

    That goes to show that the VF-5000 is simply awesome. :lol:

  9. ahem...mmmm...my point was that I would swap heads between a Hikaru 1A (black heatshield) and a 1S Roy (black Heatshield).

    I'm still fuzzy on this. The 1/48 Hikaru 1A and 1S both come with red heatshields.


    That's a purty yellow 1A, Rune. Me likey.

    Damn , I must´ve inhaled something funky cause I would´ve bet the 1A had a black heatshield :blink::unsure: ...Oh well that´s even better then :lol:

    made it about six months ago when I decided to make a Max strike and had pretty much a whole complete "spare parts "valk and made this. I figure I had'nt seen anyone make and decided to myself. Although the same thing applies if you do make a custom using two (really expensive) then you'll have enough to make whatever. Keep us posted on what you decide.

    Yeah , they´re expensive indeed but I´ll only be swaping the heads and painting the yellow/red spots in the heads so (now) I think there isn´t much of a risk there.

  10. We're not all idiots here, contrary to popular opinion. A 1/48 M+ Valk would be monstrous. It would be silly expensive. Many of us don't mind. And it's still certainly more practical than the 1/60 Monster

    I haven´t said in any case any of the people involved in this disscussion are idiots , I´m just curious as to why some people prefer 1/48 scale M+ toys knowing that they would be unpractical and not much more detailed or wonderful pieces of engineering than current 1/48 toys.

    And therein lies your assumption. Just because Yamato decides to produce a larger scale toy doesn't mean they'll abandon their smaller scale line. They've said time and time again that smaller scale toys will be made available... and there's been more confirmation of them than of any other 1/48 toys coming down the line.

    Hey , I´ve said it before , even if they did a smaller 1/60 scale M+ toys as well as 1/48 versions I WILL get the larger ones, I will always get the best toy available of the mechas I want . I´m not paranoid about Yamato producing just 1/48 toys , I´ll probably buy some of those without a doubt but I´d still think they´re not the best renditions we could get , they´ll just be enlarged versions of the optimal toy (1/60).

    I just think 1/48 isn´t an utterly important neccesity to get the best toy. I personally think the best toy would be in 1/60 scale because that would be at the same level than the 1/48 VF-1s and I can´t imagine something even bigger being better.

    Yes, a 1/60 or 1/55 YF-21 would be more pracitcal. Yes, they should make one in that scale. But does that make me want a 1/48 any less?

    Of course not. as I said , if they made the two versions I will get the best , if in this case the 1/48 version results to be the best rendition I WILL get it , but at this point I don´t believe it will be (for all reason stated before ).

    And apparently they can afford to produce potentially unpractical toys. I reference, once again, the 1/60 Q-Rau and 1/60 Monster

    Of coruse they can , but will they ever be mass production toys ? no , they´ll probably be limited edition toys and won´t see as many sales as the other toys . And why do you keep mentioning the Q-rau along side the Monster ? I don´t think it´s gonna be unpractical or anything like that , if anything it´s gonna be a nice addition to the 1/60 line , it is only the Mosnter which is the unpractical toy here. OH and you forgot the DYRL helmet , but that one is a very limited edition toy as well :)

    For you. Some of us want 1/48 M+, size, warts, costs, and all. And either way, a 1/48 line and a line of smaller scale toys are once again, for emphasis: not mutually exclusive. You might have a point if Yamato could only produce one line or the other. But that's simply not the case. And that's simply not what the company plans on doing either.

    I´m not at all saying they should choose one scale or another , they should make the two versions of course , and if the 1/48 version ends up being the best then I´ll buy the damn thing but once again I´ll still think it´s size wasn´t something necessary to achieve the best toy.

  11. Something like this.... :D

    Oh you little bast*rd :lol: That´s awesome , when did you do it ?

    I love that custom you know :D The black heatshield certainly increases the menacing appearance of the valk though

    Congratulations for such a beautiful custom mate


  12. I don't want to even think about this as there's still a year left for Macross Zero.

    I wonder, if they made a Macross that didn't focus on music or VF's, would it still be Macross?  I've been watching Gundam 08th, and I like how they just gave em all RX-78's and concentrated more on story and character.

    Yeah , I can´t understand how people are so eager to watch a new series when Macross Zero hasn´t even finished yet :huh:

    Well , if you´re courious as to how would a Macross series feel like when the VF element is gone I would recommend you read Macross 7 Trash , it has nothing AT ALL to do with Macross 7 apart from the setting ,this work is VERY reminiscent of the original series (Hikaru-Misa-Minmay kinda relationship) , there´s also a lot of top-notch action and suspense , it´s more of a character driven Macross series but it´s certainly not a lame dramatic novel , and there´s an important and far more relevant focus on Max´s life than in Macross 7. There´s little to none VF appearances (only some VF-4 and VF-11s ) in the whole manga but you end up thinking that that´s how M7 should´ve been like (plot-wise) . The character development is quite deep (thanks to Mikimoto) as well and there´s an interesting Zentradi element to the end of the Manga. Music is second to the plot in this series so that´s something M7 haters will apreciate.

  13. No. I mean the images you posted are on the official site. But they are in flash/macromedia or something like that. Did you get the images from there or some place else? I want to post them on another forum but don't want to directly link them from here.

    Actually I found them like a week ago in some random site/board but then the site was gone (404) but I managed to save the pics before that , I´ve got no idea where the pics came from but they´re very good quality so I suppose the didn´t come from Magazines and they certainly aren´t from the offical site.

  14. I´m planning on doing a custom 1/48 project with a VF-1A and Roy VF-1S , but I´m having some worries on how easy or possible it is to swap heads between 2 1/48s and how to do it safely ?

    anyone with experience in this field ? I know the heatshield on the 1S wouldn´t match up to the VF-1S Hikaru ( the 1A being black ) and the little ¨arrows and dots¨ on the heads would have to be repainted but It´s note a problem for me personally , itñs just that I´m in love with that VF-1A Roy custom that was shown some time ago.

    Could anyone enlighten me on how to do this and if you like the idea ? I know a Roy 1A  is weird but man you have to see the beauty of it to know how awesome it looks.

    I personally think doing this is more convenient and easy that buying a 1A and painting it with Roy colours and a Hikaru 1S.

    Personally, if I were to do what you're suggesting, I'd see what the "Roy 1A" looks like with a yellow heat shield. The paint scheme looks awesome with the black heatshield, and might look too banana-ish with all that yellow, but just to be consistent with the Max/Hikaru 1As, I'd consider trying it. Also, I'd put some other number on the nose/wing (as opposed to 1A). It stands to reason that other members of Skull Team/Squadron had similar paint schemes to the main characters but we might not have ever seen them.

    That would sort of complicate an otherwise simple custom, but I figure if you're gonna bother changing things up, why not?


    Anyone making custom 1/48 heads yet?

    I don't know of any, but you can find Yamato heads on eBay every now and then (when people have unfortunate accidents).

    ahem...mmmm...my point was that I would swap heads between a Hikaru 1A (black heatshield) and a 1S Roy (black Heatshield). The only mismatching valk would be the Hikaru 1S (1A body , 1S head ) with its black heatshield (instead of the canon red one ).Yeah , the yellow heatshield looks good but I prefer the black ones. I just hope the re-issues are as good as the Hikaru 1S or Low Vis :)

  15. What "line", as far as the M+ Valks go? There are only two-- the YF-19 and YF-22, ok, and maybe the VF-11. I don't see how two Valks would take up all of Yamato's resources any more than a limited release of the bigger Q-Rau and Monster... both of which probably would net Yamato a lot less profit and revenue than any of the Valks would, due their limited numbers and limited interest in the items. Tooling is the expensive part. It's actually more efficent to make more runs off the same mold. Limited releases that involve new molds take up more resources than molds that can be reused or can produce items that can be sold in greater numbers.

    Ok, even if we take the M0 line into consideration, it would still be more cost effective for Yamato than the limited release 1/60 Monster and Q-Rau, since many of those molds can be reused for the different versions of the VF-0.

    Where do you get the idea that Yamato is focusing all of its attention on the 1/48 to the exclusion of the smaller Valks? It's been said over, and over, that 1/72 (and I think 1/60 now) Valks are in the works. So what exactly is the issue here? Why the tirade anytime someone talks about the 1/48, telling us how we're misguided or how we don't know what we really want? No one's been asking Yamato to focus on the 1/48's exclusively. Why disparage it at every opportunity, if you're not "against the idea" of a 1/48 M+ or M0 Valk?

    From all you've ever posted on the matter, even though it's been said repeatedly that Yamato intends on producing more Valk toys in smaller scales... it would suggest you are.

    You'll get what you want. I think you know the rest by now.

    Would you care to read ALL of my posts ?

    I said I it didn´t bother me at all if they did 1/48 M+ valks , in fact if that´s the only alternative to the crappy 1/72 toys then I would probably buy the damn thing.

    I´m just curious as to why all this people want to get 1/48 M+ toys immediately without even considering what they would actually be getting...most of the people that say they want 1/48 M+ valks would probably say they want everything in 1/48 from an ant to Bodolza fortress thinking they would all be the same kind of toy (size , detail & price).

    We ain´t gonna get much more detail on those toys if they are 1/48 solely because they are 1/48. They´ll have as much detail as Yamato can put with their current resources (whatever small or big they are ) i.e. no more than current 1/48 VF-1s , they just be enlarged copies...

    They won´t magically produce incredibly detailed M+ toys from scratch from one day to another just because they increase the scale ; since 1/60 M+ toys would be just the same as the 1/48 VF-1s and based on the popularity of those toys it would be pretty damn understandable to ask for 1/60 toys , that´s like asking for 1/48 quality toys.

    if they really were capable of producing even better toys than the 1/48 VF-1s they probably would´ve sent the 1/48 VF-1 line to hell by now and started a new 1/32 VF-1 line with more detail just like what they did with 1/60 because BIG is BETTER , but wait ...they haven´t done that have they ? no they haven´t , why ? cause they can´t risk to produce such potentially unpractical toys and they wouldn´t be able to put even more detail in those toys than what they have done with the 1/48 VF-1s , just like what would happen with 1/48 M+ toys.

    If the only decent M+ toys were done in 1/48 I would probably buy them , but that doesn´t mean 1/48 is the optimal alternative for better M+ toys.

  16. Clear FPs ? I was expecting something like that (actually I was expecting a limited Ed semi-clear valkyrie ).

    Would I buy that helmet ? HELL NO! for that price I´m better off buying a real helmet that actually looks good on someone´s head aand protects my damn brain. In the other hand if they made 1/3 or 1/5 collection helmets from the various series such as Macross Zero I would buy them in a blink of an eye (given that they´re around the price of a 1/60).

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