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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. It'd be so much cooler if both of the mechs were fully variable maybe it'd give yamato something to concider when they make the 1/72 or 1/60 VF-0's
  2. well...I think they should reverse the balljoint if they're gonna put one in it's not like the inside of the legs are seen much anyways in fighter or gerwalk I guess Yamato wants to the "Bandai" of Macross...I'm actually kind of surprised Bandai hasn't tried to make a model kits of the mecha from Macross Zero...concidering how popular Mac0 is in Japan... but I guess they're too busy milking the crap out of Gundam
  3. Yo...you mean the 1/100 HG Tallgeese III...molded in a gray-white instead of just straight white...then the sheild had to be COMPLETELY painted...had to paint the whole body white because there were even parts of the mid-section that were an even darker gray!!! ....there wasn't a part I DIDN'T have to paint or at least touch up on that monstrocity!!! I ended up messing up the whole thing up so i gave it to my friend for scrap parts
  4. i have to paint the wings on my 1/100 HG freedom too BANDAI NEEDS TO STOP BEING LAZY!! i don't mind paying a few extra bucks just so everything will be molded in color! because...PAINTING SUCKS!!! especially when you hate doing it!!
  5. it only looks better because you paid more for it! Yeah! Yeah! Don't rub it in!!! Now if I can get Spiff's Yamato VF-11 Full Armor Project!!! I would get that if the shoulder missle pods rested on the shoulders...it looks kinda wierd having them float out like that don't feel too bad...i paid almost twice as much for the one i got from Rob than the one i bought from (that shitty place) TC
  6. it only looks better because you paid more for it!
  7. uhh...my homie said that one ship at that ali sama posted up looked like a mutated sperm cell from the top
  8. how the hell did that guy do that without snaping the hips or arms??
  9. i'd laugh if yamato got so lazy that they didn't even bother changing the figure's sculpt to a male figure and just left it with the crappy female sculpt... OMG....MAX HAS MAN BOOBIES!!
  10. Girl on right: "Bleh. What were we thinking? Look at all these pencil necked geeks." Girl on left: "Shut up and just act pretty." whoa...the chick on the left looks WAY too much like britney spears BTW...i vote PSP!!
  11. you should've put in another one choice "whatever fits your budget" for those of us on a limited budget who can't afford a 1/48 vf-1 or anything over a 50-100 bucks
  12. I've honestly stopped taking all these epic movies and maybe even movies in gerneral seriously...i have yet to see a movie that yearns for me to go see it...(besides the imports ) i dunno... i guess this is why i stopped going to the movies? i only go now if someone forces me to see or if i just wanna get out of the damn house
  13. well...at least ur not getting into the US version of power rangers the US version has become so kiddy and cheesy to the point to where i either laugh my butt off the whole episode or fall asleep after 5 minutes
  14. Well....looks like my days of bitching over TC's service is over....I have nothing more to complain about since I FINALLY GOT MY ORDER IN BTW...I have to go to a Lakers game today....I don't really want to go though anyways...GO LAKERS!!!!!!!!
  15. Hey...Vostok 7 did you order your figure via SAL? I'm only asking because I ordered mine SAL and didn't get damaged at all!! (I'm very surprised, to be honset) I just hope everyone gets their set....This was total bull that TC had to put all of us through!!
  16. I just got mine today too. Now to sell it off! All I really wanted was one of the figures not two...
  17. Btw, you said you got one of yours from Rob? How long did you have to wait till it get to your doorstep? It took about 2 or 3 days
  18. this kinda makes me wonder if hasegawa put in option decals to make the vf-0b into several different paint schemes.... looks beautiful nontheless
  19. All I know is...I'm never ordering from TC EVER AGAIN.... I figured it was cool to get something from somewhere different (somewhere besides ebay and hlj) but I guess I have to stick to those sources and the others I've found here on MW... Again, this is just total bull It's not fair that the poeple who made the orginal orders have to suffer like this!!
  20. that's really shitty man....if i were you i would've just invested in a new harddrive and used the old one as a slave drive...also...you should NEVER reformat your computer WITHOUT backing everything up....I have also lost valuable information on my computer (various times, actually) I've lost 200 songs (most of which were hard to find), various works in photoshop, hard to find pictures, and 20 videos i've downloaded on that stupid thing! i'm so glad i bought this new hdd...my computer works a lot faster and everything! I also upgraded the OS to XP Professional and have yet to have a problem! just that the OS is kind of power hungry and needs at the very least 256mb of ram...but it was worth it concidering how well it works now
  21. Another thing...if you do decide to just repaint the whole section...you might want become "unpleased" by the off-coloring and you might end up wanting to repaint all the black parts....so as me and Druna Skass say "AWW....F* IT!!" In time, you'll realize it's not worth doing it...there's no use to repainting unless it's really needed like with me....all the black on the tail fins and the stripe going down the legs on my 1/60 VF-1S were getting so messed up from all my handling...so i took it in with this modeling shop and the owner (who's also an expert modeler) told me to not touch up, but to paint the whole section...GOD i honestly hated doing all the fine painting on that thing...it was such a pain it was worth it to see it look new again but not worth the high i got off from the paint and paint thinner
  22. Did you guys (eriku and wolfx) make preorders back in December? I did, so maybe that's I got this "confirmation" email from them. Or maybe it's because of that one long ass bitchy (but polite) email I sent them during Golden Week . But seriously, after this is finished, I'm NEVER ordering from them again. I know shitty sellers on ebay who are more prompt than TC is
  23. I was just wondering if anyone else got this email. I'm just asking because it's been....ABOUT DAMN TIME they send this crap out!!!!!!
  24. that's a 1/60 in the picture...not a 1/48 also, i found that the basic enamel testers flat black worked well...but it's best to just paint the whole section then to do a touch up
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