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Posts posted by Talos

  1. I actually wonder how well Unicorn did. BV aren't stupid, they know there's a U.S. fanbase, and they also know that there are problems getting the show licensed here. They've shown in the past that they're quite willing to include english subtitles on bluray releases they plan on releasing in both countres, Jin-Roh, Honneamise, the Gunbuster/Diebuster movie set, and now Unicorn. The real question agian is, was Unicorn profitable enough to make someone high up in the company say "if we include english subs, we may get a noticeable boost in import sales."

    No need for import sales with Unicorn, it was released in the US right around the same time as in Japan. Its sales would go into the "how do we do when we do a simultaneous international release" pile.


  2. All this reminds me of the English parts spoken in the new UC Gundam OVA, Gundam Unicorn. The English ATC (STC?) spoken in it is in -perfect- English and the monitors and such lack the usual Engrish you see (Patlabor the Movie and your "Rock-on" I'm looking at you...). I don't have any proof, but I've assumed that it's because Bandai did both the English and Japanese versions together and just cross-ported what they needed. I should point out that I have only watched the subbed version, so I don't know for sure. XD

  3. The JSDF pilots only use English when flying I heard.

    I haven't heard their ATC myself, so I was only talking civilian in this case. But yeah, I can completely see the JASDF doing that.

    s001 and EXO: Yeah, I know. There's a lot of English that pops up everywhere. Macross 7 too, if you'll recall. Heck even on the Frontier. I still find it interesting that they call out a specific mission as -the- English-speaking fleet.

  4. anyone know why there is spoken english in the background noises of DYRL?

    isn't that odd?

    As far as the Air Traffic Control chatter, yes, ICAO rules dictate that English is the "lingua franca" for all communications. However, if we're talking about, say, Haneda ATC talking to an ANA plane, they are allowed to use Japanese, but would have to use English with the Air France flight from CDG or any other flight that requests it. This way the controllers and pilots only need to know one additional language besides their native tongue. When you have pilots flying to the US from Japan one day, to France on another, Holland another, and Spain another, it can become a nightmare to keep track of or organize.

    With Kawamori and all being aviation buffs, I'm not surprised in the slightest that he did that. And if I'm not mistaken, though, Macross' primary language IS Japanese. There was an English-speaking fleet too, Macross-11. (Home of Fire Bomber American) and it was notable enough to be mentioned as such.

  5. Got it, thanks, Talos!

    Glad I could help!

    Despite me trying to be proactive, I've only managed to get vol 4 from Amazon normally. 1-3 I had to get from eBay (3 because I had delayed buying it too long. A mistake I won't make again).

  6. Looks like I'm out of luck for Macross Ace 4. This is the first one that I missed due to the fact that the friend that usually gets it for me left Japan a few days before it was released. The only place that I can find it online is Amazon in Japan, but none of the sellers will ship internationally.

    I was considering heading up to New York to check out the Kinokuniya there, but I'm too afraid that it'll be a wasted trip.

    Check your PMs, Beltane.

  7. Maxtype, those are going to be awesome!

    David, are those all the same aircraft? I'm guessing it was a testbed for something, if that's the case. The variable intake (if that's what they are) looks very interesting.

    It's just a regular JASDF aggressor F-15 painted in a special scheme for the 50th anniversary of the JASDF. The variable intake is standard.

  8. I saw those on Macross Mecha!

    Those profiles helped me to decide to do this specific -19 as a Dog. The decals I bought also have some small insignia that should fit a 1/72 VF-1.

    Thanks for those great profiles!

    Ah, nice, nice. Look forward to seeing the VF-1 too. Whenever I get around to shading and coloring it, I'm going to be doing plenty of Navy squadron markings on the new VF-1A/D/J/S lineart I drew for profiling.

  9. Thank you! I'll post pix when I have something to show.

    I've always thought that if the Jolly Rogers flew Valkyries, that the Dogs would too! :D

    I thought the same (I actually have the Rogers split off from Skull, as SVF-103 and SVF-1 respectively). I ended up doing a lot of USN squadron markings on the VF-4, including the Wolfpack, Swordsmen, Black Lions, Tomcatters, Stallions, etc.

  10. WOW! Thank you for those photos, they are really something! That's awesome that you served with -143. :) This Pukin' Dogs VF-19 will happen, I promise. I'm a slow builder, but I've wanted a VF in these markings for years. I'm liking the 36375 gray scheme. Lwt me do a few tests to see what looks best on the Excalibre, but the Dogs will ride in the 2040's! :D



    Good luck with these models, they sound like ones I'll definitely be following as you build them.

  11. After a conversation with Seto Kaiba yesterday, I decided to write an exhaustive analysis for the apparently bizarre published engine ratings of the VF-19 Excalibur in Macross Chronicle issues #27 and #41. I'm posting it here before inclusion on my website for the submission of any thoughts, corrections or questions fellow interested fans may have.

    NOTE: Please ignore the HTML tags :)

    I have to get rid of this headache that's pounding in my head if I want to give you a more in-depth and longer reply, but I'm just going to say that it seems like a typo for me and the VF-19S should properly be 78,950 kg thrust per engine.

  12. Okay, I saw that lineart of Talos' and I fell in love with it. So, here's my two cents. (Woulda been three, but the other one's on the school PC)

    Only spent a few hours on this, but it doesn't look half bad, if you ask me. And, uh, thanks to March for the Macross Kite. Jacked it from the Macrosspedia. I seem to steal your stuff a lot, March.



    Looks great!


    Nice work. I love the new look of the vertical stabilizer. Very sexy :)

    Thanks. That one was interesting integrating it in....

  13. At the request of a few people, I started something I've had in the back of my head for awhile, the redo, accurizing, and detailing of the VF-4 lineart I used previously (which was a modified TIA: M+ one, quiet inaccurate and undetailed) using Kawamori's original lineart from FB2012. It's still unfinished, but I thought I would give people a peek. I don't intend to use it anytime soon, but I know at least one other person is. I have plenty of projects to keep me occupied instead, both Macross and otherwise. ;)


  14. I found some more side-on and top-down VF-25 images for you in an issue of Model Graphix, I'll send you what I got when I catch you on MSN.

    I sent them to him last night after I stumbled on them on my hard drive. I thought they were on one of my other desktops (the one that's currently not operational). I only had two of the scans, though, so you could send him the rest.

  15. Wow! Is that magazine actually on sale? Because I havent been able to find any information on it anywhere...

    Umm, no. That is an advert for Studio TMA's latest cosplay pron video. It is their second Macross one, but this time they have an Australian porn star, Dani Jensen, playing Sheryl Nome.

    Sorry! ^^;

    (I'm not going to post the link either :p)

  16. huh? Im assuming your not talking about this one...


    No, I think he is talking about the one that Horatio had, where the engine nacelles are tilted down a few degrees.

    I have a feeling it's based on an older model or figure of the plane, probably from a design limitation or something. The Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1s have it too, you can see it in the scans on this website of their instruction booklets.

    Horatio, thanks for the compliment and awesome work on those planes! They look really good.

  17. but also because of his atrocious fashion...

    Well, wasn't he borrowing clothes from Roy? We can blame it on him, since I don't think this is like Macross II where Skull Squadron is world-renowned and ultra-popular yet. :lol:

    Re: Ghost/Ghost Bird. That's what I thought it was getting at from my limited Japanese, which was a "O_o" moment for me, so I wanted to see what you thought too.

    As for the Klan VF...I still prefer the bi-plane VF-25 with props. ^_^

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