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Posts posted by Talos

  1. Why does everyone here want to see a VF-4 toy?

    Funny you should ask that...

    Like Seto said, it's a cool design that has had zero love before. All we have had is a couple rare model kits (old and not very detailed), and the new 1/250th toy (which I happened to get today...).

    I'm a big fan of the VF-4 fighter mode. I generally don't care about the other modes, since I'm a big aeronut. The VF-4 is a unique design, very cool, and more then meets the eye. Without carrying any weapons on hardpoints, it has the same misile armament as a loaded VF-1 (12 x AAM-1s), as well as a pair of beam cannons like the Strike Valkyrie. Then it has twice as many hardpoints as the VF-1 (8 versus 4). Finally, it has the usual pair of engines like any other Valk, plus a pair of unique scramjets for high-mach flight in atmosphere, and a pair of rockets (basically like the VF-1 FAST pack's) to give bursts of speed in any environment.

    Since I got the 1/250 toy this morning, I decided to start something I've wanted to do for ages, draw the central fuselage of the VF-4 so I can do some of the modular weapons configurations (removed rocket boosters, gatling guns for CAS, etc). It's still rough and undetailed. I need to refine the shapes before I start putting detail work in, but you can get the idea.


  2. Another Question: I've seen some cool customs on the net, but there is something that strikes me as odd. The Macross seems to loosely mirror modern military doctrine, so in some series, why do we not see things like EW aircraft (EA-6B, EA-18G). To my recollection it was only done once in the VE-1. I saw a custom VF-1 here: VE-1AEW ALVIR SVQ-1 "Platypus" from the "Valkyries in Action".

    Has Kawamori-san done anything like this in cannon?

    Also I was wondering about SW-XA1 Schneeblume and SW-XAII Schneegans from the VF Experiment any info on what happened to these designs?

    EDIT: The links all go to the same page, sorry.

    EDIT: Fixed links

    I don't think I need to add anything to what Seto just said, so I'll just post up a non-canon EW design I did a while ago, based on the VA-3.


  3. That bugged me about the VF-11 and the VF-25. Both seemingly lack any missile armaments (excepting FAST packs) for the majority of their respective series. I don't understand why, I mean I understand that it would be painstaking to animate missiles in every shot, even though M7 used a lot of stock footage. Even the VF-1 had missiles, though for the most part it lacked FAST packs for most of the show.

    I also read on Macross Mecha Manual that the internal leg bays for the VF-11C feature in the operation stargazer segment, were never intended to be part of the design but were based on a prototype that kawamori-san did. I would like clarification please.

    Also, Macross FAST packs are based in reality. The F-15C/D/E has them, it stands for Fuel And Sensor Tactical Packs. On the F-15C/D/E they consist of conformal fuel tanks along the intakes. Initially they were intended to function as sensor mounts, but this was never realized and the term was phased out of use. So on the VF's (excluding the VE-1 as it is an EW aircraft and specially equipped) do the fast packs integrate sensors or is it just a fuel upgrade and additional weapons pallets?

    I think Seto touched on why the VF-25 doesn't have any internal missile bays. It's intended to pretty much always operate with a FAST pack setup of some sort and all of those have (in some cases /extensive/) missile armaments.

    As for the VF-11, Kawamori did have internal missile bays in the legs in an earlier version of it, but they were not included in the final design. They are an animation error in the Operation Stargazer segment. However, he did put them in Mylene's custom VF-11MAXL, and I assume they are probably included in regular MAXLs too.

    You're right in that the F-15's packs aren't FAST packs anymore, not since they dropped the sensors that were supposed to go in them, leaving them just CFTs. The only Cs to carry them were the ones stationed in Iceland.In the USAF, only the F-15E carries them regularly, but I believe the Israeli F-15C/D/I, as well as other Strike Eagle derivatives, all carry them as well.

    They are just weapons, engines, and fuel in the VF-1. FAST pack was a new thing when Macross was being made, so they went with the catchy name.

  4. *dusts off thread*

    Since I just updated my VF size chart with two new models, I though I would start posting it in here. It's obviously still unfinished, half of the planes are in boilerplate status (black silhouettes) and several models are missing.


  5. Oh, it went right over my head too... he and I were talking on MSN at the time, and he seemed surprised that it wasn't immediately obvious. I had to browbeat him into explaining what he meant, since I originally thought he meant something to do with ace pilot Max Ritter von Müller, another Blue Max winner from Bavaria. You actually seem to have hit pretty close to the mark without realizing it, though the only way anyone would get it right off the bat would be if they knew a fair bit about religious demographics in Germany.

    As I understand it, the reasoning behind his suggestion that Max might be from southern Germany is based on the size of his family... since Roman Catholicism is far and away the most popular religion around Bavaria, and the stereotype is that Roman Catholics have huge families (e.g. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life).

    Yep, it was a reference to the division of Catholicism and Protestantism after Martin Luther in Germany, as seen here. http://www.famitsu.com/news/201012/images/00036370/ZZgm24hfwh9tCpymHnx835vDHt8dVIBR.jpg

    Now as to why I think Max is German....

    *Maximilian is a German name (In French it is spelled with an e, as in Maximilien)

    *The Blue Max reference

    *Other Germanic names like Focker in the show

    *He married the Red Baron(ess) :p

    *The quite possible Max Mueller reference, which would go with all the other WWI references in the anime

    *The Japanese germanophilia (As you can see in plenty of different anime series, for instance. If you want to sound cool and hip in a mecha anime, you throw in a random German name. I'm looking at you, Gundam SEED...)

    *With the Mylene name reference, he could always be from a place like the Saarland, on the French border.

    But anyway, just idle opinion of mine.

  6. That's definately the VF-2SS, but I'd be surprised if the Metal Siren wasn't there.

    Yes, the unit pictured is a VF-2SS (which is marked as such in the lower-right corner), but there are definitely VA-1SS's in the game too. Nexx is piloting it, according to the screencap.


  7. Well, instead of buying the boxes (mostly because I came in late on that one and I don't want/need all of the planes), I thought I would post the specific ones I wanted.

    I will divide it into two parts, the ones I really want and then the ones I want, but don't need as much. I'm open to any reasonable offers for these and have Paypal for payment.




    VF-171 Regular

    VF-171EX Regular and with Armor. Possibly the EW version too. I need it for my VF-171 profile schematics

    VF-2SS (both)

    The rest:

    Max and Milia VF-1Js

    Milia M7 VF-1J


    VF-25 Tornado Pack




    EDIT: Got some of them taken care of.

  8. Yeah, it totally does... when Talos pointed it out to me, I had one of those "I can't believe I never noticed that before" moments. Max's background is listed as European too, I wonder if he's from Germany or somewhere around there.

    Max is a Germanic name, so I've always taken him as being from Germany. Maybe even from southern Germany (someone out there has to get why :p).

    Between someone called Max flying a blue plane, another in red, and then a pilot named Focker (who has a biplane no less!), I wonder how much Kawamori and co were interested in WWI.

  9. Haven't been following this thread closely and have not bought the comic.

    So, apart from a slight redesign of the head on the VF-1D and VF-1J, are there any other changes?

    Also, has the VF-1S and VF-1A head been shown yet? If yes, any changes?


    I have to agree with Nexx's point #1. Get it.

    As for the rest, the VF-1S and VF-1A are pretty much the same. With the VF-1J, at least Hikaru's, there is more then just the head changed. It has a whole new paint scheme that mixes the original SDF:M Hikaru scheme and the DYRL Skull Squadron ones. As far as other changes, especially story ones, I won't spoil much of it for you. It's mostly minor changes so far, like Roy piloting the lead Angel Birds VF-1A during the Launch Ceremony (Misa does commentary and the mic stand catch), bringing it to modern levels of tech, so they all have cellphones, etc. Oh, it looks like they are skipping Mars too... :lol:

  10. I was fiddling with some stuff earlier and looking through Chronicle #22, which had the gunpod page with sideviews of them. I decided, since I've been working on the speaker gunpod for Basara anyway, I should redraw the VF-11's and use that with my profile. I haven't done much with the VF-11 yet, not even messed with the tail. I did, however, reshape the nose to get rid of that ugly angular look it had in the TIAS Macross Plus book, and went with something closer to the Hasegawa YF-19. The gunpod isn't finished yet, but must of that's hidden under the plane anyway! When I finish it, I'll post the gunpod on its own too.

    Right now I have it scaled to about 5.8m for the gunpod.


  11. Definitely! That's the sort of thing that stood out for me in the Master File. Overall, it's well done. There's some small quibbles of course, but nothing's perfect. As an example of coolness, they named and described all the weapons on the cover of This is Animation Special: Macross Plus...

  12. I don't know... if the polls are anything to go by, I'd expect a VF-25 book fairly soon. Of course, there's an almost equal chance that it'll be a VB-6 themed book; or another VF-1.

    Nevertheless, the good news is that the pace of these publications is steadily increasing.

    Agreed. I remember when the VF-19 book came out (after being delayed for months), people were wondering what the next books would be and others were quickly saying, "We're not likely to see anymore after this, much less a VF-XX or VF-YY book." etc. Glad to see them picking it up, though. I'm hoping to see some alternate weapons modules for the FAST packs, beyond the missile pod and beam cannon we know from canon sources (SDF TV and DYRL?, that is)

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