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Posts posted by Talos

  1. Since this is up on HMV now (link below) and is listed as shipping this Saturday, 10/30, I thought it would be a good time to get the discussion thread rolling.


    Looks to be covering the FAST packs, the Armored units, and the VF-1X.

    Anyone else preorder this one already?


    HLJ link: http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35694

  2. So, anyone know what the Super Valk was all about on the teaser at the end of the Movie 1 Blu-ray?

    This one:

    *snip* Not reposting the image.

    All I can say is, I think it's a VF-1J and it's definitely armed with the gunpod. You can see the shadow on the deck as well as the lack of cannons. Only the VF-1J has the cannons on the head up close enough to the fuselage as to not be seen in silhouette.

  3. They're completely sold out from the publishers, so your best bet would be, yes, Ebay...or Amazon.co.jp.

    Vol. 002

    Vol. 003

    (Wow, they're charging a hell of a lot for Vol. 003...it's GOTTA go down at some point... :wacko: )

    Nah, all the back issues are expensive on Amazon.co.jp. New you can get for, IIRC, 580 en. Back-orders in the States, at least, you're more likely to get a good deal on eBay. I'm glad I got all of them when they first came out, including 6!

  4. Nah... extenuating circumstances would probably get Isamu off the hook for the most part.

    This. And I've always thought anybody believing otherwise is either not paying attention to the story or just plain delusional. But probably both.

    Remember, Millard said specifically in the movie that he would cover it up for Isamu, just like his superiors had when he was that age. Isamu more then likely stayed in the service. The question is whether he forced into a Kirkian career path or not That being a promotion that got him out of a pilot's chair.

    And yes, Myung probably totally goes after him to beat out some of his worse tendencies. :lol:

  5. That is looking really, really good! Excellent work!

    Thanks. It's been updated since then, though I haven't worked on it in awhile now. Got busy around the time I started adding the canards, so they aren't shaded at all yet!


    EDIT: I started fiddling with the VF-5000B forward fuselage as well. The lines and shapes are really rough, I just want to get a general feel for the proportions before I polish them. And yes, I will be doing the VF-5000G sensors too. ;) I think I've been more productive today then I have been in months!


  6. I would be happy to help with that in any way I can. For me, there's two types of profiles that I do. I either have the shaded and detailed ones with more realistic colors, or the unshaded ones like on March's M3.

    But yes, you put the outline on top, then make an empty layer underneath and a white layer beneath that. Set the outline to "Multiply" (Google if you need specific instructions on that step), then just color in the transparent layer. The multiply removes all white from the outline. Don't use paint bucket, do the outline first, then fill. Or you can use pathes to outline it like I do in GIMP. It's a PITA, but it gets results. I do simple fills with the pencil and then the paint bucket with my unshaded ones like above.

  7. Minor update for today. Someone was asking for some small mods to my VF-1D Macross the First ver. that I did for Mr. March's site. Since I had the markings already done for my VF-4, it was a simple matter of dropping them in and also updating the paintscheme a bit (pretty much coloring the back of the knees). Anyway, it's not much, but enjoy!


  8. are you gonna edit those images with the Hull Number (102) & UN Spacy? hmmm? hmm? i'm ploting a cruise jacket with one of those side profiles.... *drools* :)

    It wouldn't be hard to, I already have the UN Spacy text that I've used for years, such as on my VF-4 profiles. When I did those, they were simple, unshaded color profiles in the style of Mr March's, so I didn't put much in the way of markings on them. Just the kite.

    We all expect pictures of the cruise jacket when you finish, of course!

  9. Not really...

    *not going to quote a large image again* :p

    Ah yes, the new VF-1D head... I remember when I first got Macross Ace and saw that. It was a really interesting design, partially since I always thought the old head was ugly as sin. Awhile ago I used the sketches in the back of Macross the First tankobon vol 1 to add the head in to the VF-1D I was drawing at the time. It came out pretty well, I think. I did up two color side views for Mr March's site, which allows a comparison here with the TV-style VF-1D side view he already had.

    Regular VF-1D (done by Mr March)


    Macross the First-style head VF-1D


    Virgin Road MtF-style VF-1D, just because it turned out awesome


  10. Nice

    Quick scanning tip, I picked up in my travels.

    Get some black paper to put behind the page you are scanning.

    Preferably between it and the pages behind.

    The black paper absorbs most of the bleed through of the text and images on the opposite side of the page.

    It works for line art as well as photographs, it doesn't matter.

    I've had nothing but success with nice clean scans ever since I started do it that way;)

    I know, I know. :lol:

    It was a quick scan that I did back when MtF vol 1 came out to show Mr March and Seto what the new head looks like. Unlike the Patlabor line art I've been coloring, I wasn't going for perfection with it.

  11. Nope. You're confusing the VF-19C with the VF-19E. The VF-19E is what both the Basara Nekki custom and the VF-19P are based off of (aka the image you linked to).

    The VF-19A/B/C/D all have the same wing.

    Hmm, I haven't opened my copy of MF in awhile (since I haven't been working on my profile drawings), but you're right. I checked one of my scans on my computer, the page with the Angelbirds scheme, and it has the VF-19C with the original wing. Thanks, sketchley.

  12. Fantastic profile, Talos. On the empenage section it shows that the vertical tail for VF-19A+ is 18% larger that the VF-19A. The subsequent model (VF-19C, D) seems to revert back to the A model. Hope it has some explanation with it.

    Thanks, glad you like them! Just need to actually sit down and finish the line art one of these days, then work on shading and coloring them. :lol: As far as the tail, there were stability problems with the VF-19A, so I think the enlarged tails were an attempt at fixing that. I don't remember why the C/D went back to the old tail.

    It's pretty much cosmetically identical to the VF-19A.

    Pretty much. One of the biggest differences is the wing. On the VF-19A and the YF-19, the trailing edge of the wing is angular and has an extension on the inner flaps. The VF-19C has a wing like Basara's and the VF-19P in M7, with the straight trailing edge, as seen here. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-19p/vf-19p-fighter.gif


    Hehehe, your newest picture is very good, Talos. I just wanted to post something other than the usual stale compliment and couldn't think of anything better at the moment :)

    Haha, thanks March. It'll look good on the M3 VF-2SS article when I get it done. What are your thoughts on the VF-5000?

    Also, get on MSN more!

  14. Hmm, let's see if this generates any more comments then the beginning of the VF-5000 accurizing. For a long time, I've had a half-done (literally. Half the fuselage and wings were missing, not to mention the tail) VF-2SS sitting in my size chart. I got tired of looking at it, so I did up a quick, all-new VF-2SS boilerplate to drop into the chart for now. The plane is low on my priority list to complete.

    Enjoy the little 13.505m plane.


  15. If this is not the right section, please move. Thanks!

    I just got the VF-19 Master File and realized that the CGIs of VF-19F in the book are very different than Kawamori's orignial design.

    The VF-19F in the book is having the VF-19A intake, nose and canopy. I guessed they are cutting cost in CGI department, but it's kind of cool and make more sense in real world.

    By the could some one show me the translation of thisbook? I remember reading it somewhere.

    Many thanks!

    Check out the post right above your's. Sketchley's been doing a translation of some of the pages.

    As for the design, read back through the thread. There's a lot of discussion on that very topic. It wasn't to cut costs, but to integrate the VF-19F/S back into the main VF-19 family. I much prefer it to the vastly different one you see in M7.

    Liked it enough that I've been working on a profile view of both models, but I haven't been able to touch it in months, unfortunately. I like being able to use the VF-19A fuselage for it. It definitely enhances the design. If you look closely, though, the VF-19F canopy and intakes are actually different then the VF-19A's. The intakes are deeper and the aft part of the canopy has been reshaped.


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