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Posts posted by Talos

  1. Technically the non-Studio Nue timeline has a FAST pack equipped VF-4 appear in one of the games. Of course, said game also has it appear in a battroid form that looks suspiciously like the VF-1. That said, no one will disagree with you that it doesn't have FAST packs in the Studio Nue timeline.

    Oh yes, I'm quite aware of the VF-4 Siren being equipped with VF-1-style FAST Packs (as well as dual gunpods, if I recall correctly). I was referring to the Lightning III in this case.

    Yes and no. (Or something right or left). MC translation of the VF-4 article: http://www.macrossroleplay.org/forums/index.php?topic=2503.msg37738#msg37738

    and the bit in the Game and Advanced section: http://www.macrossroleplay.org/forums/index.php?topic=2481.msg37165#msg37165

    I was speaking more to pure configuration, actually. The boosters and beam cannons of the Strike VF-1 integrated into the airframe, along with the 12-missile armament. All without using a single one of the plane's hardpoints or degrading its ability to operate in atmosphere. I see that as a great strength of the design. One bit I noticed in your translation. Is the caption of Hikaru's VF-4 in there really referring to it as a VF-4G? Also, the prototype designations there totally sound like WWII RLM ones. VF-4 Vx prototypes, then a VF-4A-0 trial production run mirror RLM practices.

    That would be "Macross Perfect Memory".

    Yeah, that's the one. Thank you.

    They're not called the AMM-1. As far as I've come across, they're referred to as "Half Embedded* Type Long Range Missiles"

    *Alternatively, Semi-Recessed could also be used.

    I swear I saw something online mentioning them. I remember, because when I saw that I did a double-take and then complained about it later to Seto and a couple others since it didn't make any sense (since the two missiles look nothing alike).


  2. I don't have the time at the moment for a full reply, but there are a couple VF-4 points I would like to make.

    Yes, it does not have FAST packs, but when it comes down to it, isn't the VF-4 basically a standard VF (read: VF-1) with the DYRL Strike pack built in? It has the rockets and the twin beam cannons built in, which means it can use them in atmosphere too. I forget which book it is that has it, but there's a shot of what could be a possible VF-X-4, looking for all the world like a VF-1 with FAST packs attached to the wings. It was the same book as the one that had the reference to Meltrandi wrestling as a sport in post-SW1 Earth.

    The other one is the carriage of 12 full-size missiles faired into the body without using a single hardpoint. We're not talking mini-missiles here, but AMM-1-size (in fact, I think they're even called AMM-1..., despite being bigger then what we see on the VF-1) missiles. Not even a VF-19 has that.

  3. There was some speculation either early on in this thread or in the last one about what would come next in the Master File series. It seems somewhat unlikely that they'll do a VF-4, -9, -11, -14, -17, or -22 Master File book, since those models were touched on in either the VF-1 or VF-19 Master File books, or didn't have enough exposure and backstory for them to devote a whole book to them. I'd suspect the next (and possibly final) VF Master File will be the VF-25, which'll talk about the VF-171 and VF-27 in passing.

    You also forgot the VF-0, which gets some coverage in the VF-1 Master File.

    You're probably right about the next one being VF-25, really.

    In the meantime, I'm still working on my VF-19s too. I usually don't show any of my colored art in this part of the board, but since I assumed Graham would be interested, I thought I would make one exception. I'm doing these in two different styles. The first is unshaded anime-style coloring like the Macross Mecha Manual's, which you can see on this VF-19F of Macross-7 that I started. Still needs the wing line art, then most of the markings and stripping, but it's getting there. The other is what my long-term project with this is, a fully shaded and detailed aircraft profile view of the VF-19 family, starting with the VF-19A which I'm showing here.




  4. That'd be a VF-19 though, not a VF-1.

    By this point in time, I'm pretty sure VF-1's would be permitted for personal ownership, though obviously minus the weapon systems (wasn't there a specific civilian version available?). While it might be something from that old zent's collection, I have no trouble believing Ozma could have a personal tricked out VF-1 for stunt flying.

    Actually.. then again, I just had a really, really goofy thought.

    Since Sheryl seems to get the monster in this one, what if Ranka winds up flying out in this? :lol: Probably piloted by someone else, but still, I suppose it's possible.

    Probably much more likely though that Ozma's VF-25 gets completely trashed in this one, and he pulls out the VF-1 for his gung-ho "I will protect Cathy!" rampage.

    They had VF-1Js, VF-1As (D7), destroids out the yin-yang (including a Monster!) in civilian hands by the 2040s, so there's no problem with it being a civilian one. Heck, by that point the VF-4 and VF-5000s are probably surplussed out too.

    Ozma...he just attaches a sound booster to his VF-25S! The sunglasses he wore (Basara-style) were a bit much the last time he did that, though...

    (It was in a joke manga in Macross Ace)

  5. Dude, you make me look horrible as an artist.

    I absolutely love your work, Talos. Wish I was dedicated and skilled enough to do stuff like that.

    Thanks, Schizo! Really, though, we all have to start somewhere. Look back in the first Profile thread here (to about May 2008 or so) and you'll see some horrific VF-4s from me. ;) I fell in with the right groups and pushed my aircraft and Macross work continuously. I saw those really super-detailed and realistic aircraft profiles and I wanted to do that too, especially with things like variable fighters from Macross. I'm slowly getting there.

    I hate double-posting and this isn't a WiP thread for me, so I haven't been updating on the VF-19, but since I'm posting anyway for that, I figure I can stick in my drawing I posted the other day in the Master File thread. They're almost done, mostly just need to finish the wings on both!


  6. Great job with the comparison pics.

    I find it interesting that the Bandai 1/250 scale VF-19kai/F/S/P toys have larger tail fins than the Bandai 1/250 scale YF-19 toys, where as the VF-19 Master File has the YF-19/VF-19A with the larger tails. Then to throw another spanner in the works, Kawamori's lineart seems to have the tails of all types about the same overall size (although with the lineart being all hand drawn, it's all a bit subjective IMO).

    I noticed another error by the CG artists in Master Files. All the CG pics of the various 2 seater recon and ELINT varations have the wrong canopy. In the side-view line-art these types are drawn with an all new style 2-seater canopy, but the CG pics show them with a normal VF-19A type canopy.


    What I think is also interesting about the tail fins is that the VF-19A/C FAST Pack-equipped birds have the tail in the same place as the VF-19F, since the legs are lowered like the Super VF-1s.

    As far as the model, I think that was more...time saving...then an error. Very much done deliberately. Since they already had the VF-19A model, they just stuck the ELINT parts onto it.

  7. No idea about what the text in Master Files says, but from the pics, it seems to refer to the verniers and strakes on the nose (posibly part of the shoulders as well).

    In the older TIAS Mac Plus movie bok, this was refered to as the Active Airflow Control System (or something like that).

    In Kawamori's lineart, the VF-19E/F/S/P, has never been shown with these nose verniers previously, but Master Files now shows them for all models of 19.


    The Bandai kit schematics I used to make my old VF-19F had a diamond-shaped panel in the exact same place the MF VF-19F has that nose thruster.

  8. Although you can't see it on the side view line-art, another difference that the E/F/S/P has is an additional verner thruster located at the mid-wing pivot point that the VF-19A lacks.

    I'm glad you also caught the additional vernier located below the hybrid sensor on the nose of the VF-19E/F/S/P. I only recently noticed that myself!


    Yeah, I made sure to get that one in there. I decided against putting on the wing root one, since it'd be barely visible and wouldn't look good at all. Besides the wings on both, I'm mostly finished, by the way.


    And yeah, the CG guy was lazy reusing those parts. In my opinion, based on what I saw in there and then worked with drawing the above, I'd say that the thigh on the second generation (VF-19F and later) is thicker and deeper then the YF-19/VF-19D.

  9. Not bad, Nexx. The only thing I would change would be the reflective bits on the ends of his limbs plus on the shoulders to a DYRL-style hi-vis yellow. They're supposed to glow yellow in darkness (as you can see on the helmets of the deck gang on the same page). Good work so far on it, especially for a quickie! ^_^

  10. I've seen no text that says they are biological sisters in any way. So I would consider it that Nene is referring to Klan as the superior person of their group. Much like in some circles, calling your superior, "aniki"/「兄貴」 out of respect is acceptable.

    Now I can't get the mental picture of Klan as a sukeban/スケ番 out of my head! Thanks. :p

    (I actually find it a hilarious thought.)

    But yeah, I agree that the references Nene is using are for Klan being the leader of the group, not any biological relation.

  11. As already stated, Macross First is the latest reboot of SDFM. I prefer it over the original anime myself.

    The story is more sophisticated than the show (which isn't easy!) and fleshes out the characters better. Though Minmay's pet is a character that Mikimoto could loose... :rolleyes:

    We've seen the pet in like two panels over the last three volumes (minus flashbacks, of course). Be happy. ;)

    But yeah, I am really liking Macross the First and something along the lines of an animated version of that is exactly what I would want for a rebooted Macross TV show.

  12. Gubaba mentioned the head got a restyling, but from your picture it seems the same as usual.

    It did get restyled, but as there is no full-body line art of the battroid mode with that head, March did the same thing the artists in Macross Ace did, he's using the old VF-1J as a representation.

    This is what the new head that Kawamori designed looks like.


  13. Actually the 19f/s have a slightly different canopy shape too in the Master file (Not as drastic as they are in the line art)....as do the Basara Types...sorry can't remember what the letter variant is for it. But I do like the more commonality of the variants in the book.


    Yep, you're right. I haven't yet added that to mine, but it is coming. It slopes instead of going horizontal like the aft-canopy of the YF-19.

    Also, I believe you're thinking of the VF-19E, which was the basis of Basara's VF-19 kai.

  14. Coincidentally, Knight, I've been working on something that could illustrate what you were saying some.

    Since I liked the VF-19F/S redesign in the book, I decided to do the same thing with the Hasegawa-based VF-19A profile line art I was working on. I have all the parts that I've changed in orange here to illustrate. It's not finished, the cockpit canopy needs to be changed, along with some details on the upper fuselage, the head/laser, wings, and the gunpod (the VF-19F one lacks the five vents on the side that the YF-19's has).


  15. Finally got my hand on issue #4 (I'm slightly late on shedule) and I have a couple of questions for you japanese-reading guys:

    why do the mechanics show the destroid hangar to Fokker?

    I don't have my copy on me at the moment, so I'm going by memory. Weren't they showing him the wreckage of Hikaru's fanracer that they pulled in from outside? It got crushed by debris after the SDF-1 tried to take off.

    why is Hikaru dressed like an idiot??? (reminds me of Video Girl Ai)

    He was borrowing them (from Roy maybe, or at least one of his pilots. I don't remember off-hand), thus the Skull Team-branded stuff.

  16. Thanks, Schizophrenic.

    I worked some more today on the line art for the VF-19, primarily in the cockpit area. I based it on the Hasegawa interior and then started adding more and more details from the b/w work in the Macross Mecha Manual's YF-19 page. Still needs lots of tweaking just in the cockpit alone, but it's getting there.


    As for the shading, I wasn't satisfied with it so I pretty much started that part from scratch. I think it shows the shape a lot better now.


  17. Got mine earlier today. Was pretty interesting. The VF-1J kai head is very much a Frontier-style of detailing, but it's not as different from the original as I thought it would be, so it's okay. I'd tweak the new paint scheme some, though.

    What I find I'm really liking is the new flightsuit like Hikaru wears. It's definitely got a mashup of TV, DYRL, and 2036 elements in there and I think it took the best of all of them. Finally got rid of those horrible shoulders!

  18. Excellent.

    My copy of vol 5 and the Great Mechanics GM book just landed in Memphis 90 minutes ago from Narita.

    Roy, I'm not sure if it has an ISBN, actually. Amazon.co.jp has it listed with an ASIN (an internal Amazon number), B003RBEKQO, which they only do if it doesn't have an ISBN (the ASIN will always match the ISBN if one's available).

  19. Since they already talked about the VF-0 in the VF-1 Master File book, I doubt we'll get one of those for awhile. Besides, the VF-17 isn't the hero mech of Macross 7, that's the VF-19 Basara custom. :p

    Actually, one we have to consider is vol 2 of the VF-1 book. Vol 1 is the one already out and covers atmospheric use. That means we're missing space hardware and FAST packs (maybe the atmospheric boosters too).

  20. I definitely thought the increased commonality between the VF-19A/C and the VF-19F/P/S/kai was one of my favorite things about the book. They were so different before, even more then a Super Hornet and a legacy one.

    Didn't like the VC-19V either. It reminded me of a Convair design to do a supersonic small troop carrier off the B-58 Hustler's airframe. I don't have the project number with me, unfortunately.

    I second the need for a translation of the book (a VF-1 Master File one would be nice too, but not as much as this one). I can make sense of parts of it, but trying to make something coherent is beyond my pay grade. XD

    It'll probably be a VF-25 Master File next, but I would love to see either a VF-22 or VF-11 one myself.

  21. But, as I said on MSN, given the variety of aircraft sitting around at New Edwards, it could just as easily be a vintage plane like a "Mom's Kitchen" or a "Tunny", which may even still be in service in 2040. The thing immediately adjacent to the SB-10 Starwing is clearly a EC-33B Disk Sensor unit...

    I seem to remember agreeing with you completely and pointing out how feasible it was. :p

    Heck, we have almost 60 year old KC-135s still in service. They just delivered a C-130E to the base here straight from Ramstein AFB that dates back to thee Vietnam era.

    As far as that EC-33B, some of the shapes looked a little wrong to me, since I initially said that was a Disk Sensor too.

  22. Thanks guys! I appreciate it!

    A large plane, roughly two and a half to three VF-11 lengths shows up in the background on the tarmac of New Edwards in Macross Plus Movie Edition. I've uploaded a screencap and you can see it and a pair of smaller craft next to three even-smaller VF-11s in the upper-left parking area. On an unrelated note, check out the VF-17s and VF-17Ts on the right and the Starwing near the bottom, next to an AWACS craft.


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