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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment? I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before he should have already emailed you about payment. email him and ask That did the trick, thanks. Apparently, VE is having trouble with giving a message to Paypal memebers.
  2. I'm quite impressed with Event Horizon. Most creepy movie, that one. Haunted house set in space = great popcorn flick.
  3. It deals with an alien species that reproduces through a slightly stylized version of rape, that's why Ew... unless the partner is a willing Ripley... *shudder* Not that Ripley isn't beautiful in her way, but alien humpin Ripley is not only disgusting... but it kinda... I dunno.... went downhill from there. I mean... the "last boss" in that movie was so lame. I was referring more about the facehugger than anything else, but I agree with you on that sudder bit.
  4. These Predators are supposidly "teens" undergoing their first major hunt against Aliens, so it's not all that horrible that they're not the best fighters around. Besides, people can rag on this flick all they like. I usually like the movies that everyone else hates, anyway
  5. It deals with an alien species that reproduces through a slightly stylized version of rape, that's why
  6. This is my first time ordering through Kevin (or any web-dealer, honestly). About how long can I expect to wait before he asks for the payment? I don't think I've ever quite been this eager to send someone else huge gobs of money before
  7. Actually, they grabbed the idea for that mace from the RPG, which states that the Alpha fighters can also use a Gladiator's mace. The gamemakers wanted to give some extra variety to the Alphas and thought that'd be a nice way of doing it. And they used the Havok engine for more realistic physics, so driving the Cyclone around is a blast, especially to a 'bike head like me I just played the demo, and it's a lot tougher than it would seem. Besides, the Invid have a nasty habit of covering up their sensor eyes when you shoot at them All in all, I had a blast playing that demo. Good fun.
  8. Hmm. That could be why Ebert & Lackey have yet to do a review of it, nor is it scheduled for their next week's bickering.
  9. Nope, the game is Alpha-less. And good riddance, too. Cyclones are where its at. Cycs, baby, CYCS! I thought i saw a rendering of an alpha with a mace as well as you can fire from an alpha or something like that. Well, the game is Alpha-less in regards to playable mecha, but there are NPC Alphas and background mecha.
  10. Nope, the game is Alpha-less. And good riddance, too. Cyclones are where its at. Cycs, baby, CYCS!
  11. Rated PG-13 for violence, horror images, slime & gore. Um... by that definition, Aliens would be PG-13.
  12. Oh, be my guest to bitch away about stuff that you don't find interesting and fun. Just be kind enough to experience said stuff for yourself, first. I'll have to take your word on I, Robot since I haven't seen it myself, and I'll withold my judgement on the Star Wars DVDs and the new Robotech game until their released. So far, I've been impressed with what I've been told about each of those things, but any real judgement will have to wait for now. EDIT Where did you hear that AvP isn't rated R?
  13. Predator 2, towards the end when Harrigan gets the disc and uses it to slice of Preddy's arm. The Predator goes hurtling down the side of the building, catches on a downspout, swings across the alleyway and through the hefty brick wall of the neighbouring apartment building. I'm not referring to just AvP, sadly. I'm talking about all the yakking going on in the I, Robot thread, the multiple "me, too" posts in the Star Wars DVD thread, the majority of the dissenting voices in the MPC thread about the Alpha, the Robotech game thread, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It just doesn't seem to end, really.
  14. This is MacrossWorld. Mindless bashing on unreleased products is the norm here. It really is sad.
  15. The Xbox demo will be in the September issues of Official Xbox Magazine, which has been released in certain areas, Canada not among them as of yet.
  16. Odd. I had no trouble following what was going on in that fight. This is looking better and better. Only 7.5 days left to go
  17. This is MacrossWorld, that's why It just wouldn't be the same place if everyone were nice, polite, courtious, and didn't judge books (or movies) by first impressions
  18. Actually, Shannon Someone did Mara's voice for one of the video games. The expansion pack for Jedi Knight, I think. And I like her character. Much sass in her
  19. Future Shop *shudder* Don't get me wrong, I like the products they have and their prices usually are very competitive. It's just that I dislike being beset by jackal-like vultures that wear the skins of salesmen the second I step one micron into the store. Now, it's understandable that they'd act like that because they're all working on comission. No sales for the store = no money for them.
  20. yup... a mace. now I agree, cyclones are cooler than alphas... It took you that long to figure out? Nothing tops powered armor on the cool scale except transforming powered armor . Damn straight.
  21. Bah, silly moderators. What can they possibly know?
  22. First off, yes, that picture is Mara Jade. When it came time to make a Mara Jade card for the CCG, they went out and found this woman, Shannon Something, and she's since become the official model/actress for Mara Jade. And I'm happy that we're not going to be getting that much Vader in the new movie. The less we see of him, the cooler it's gonna be when we finally DO see him.
  23. No Alphas = no need to worry about low ceiling heights. It's a trade-off, really. And besides, for those of us who properly worship the Cyclone as the coolest mecha in all of RT, this game will be a wet dream come to life
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