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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. well, at least now we know he's not following the Plus and Zero line with older mature character hmmmmm...
  2. great job, you really nailed the grey scheme there!
  3. 'school story' or 'skull story' ?? here's to me being EXTREMELY optimistic
  4. He never got any conclusion if Global and the rest of the bridge crew besides Misa were killed and oh yeah, I totally hated how they killed Roy in DYRL, it was pathetic, getting killed by and unnamed zentradi soldier...LAME!! the TV version was so much honorable
  5. The Macross 7 pilots were the worst cannon fodders ever, they couldn't even get a decent shot away before getting blown up, at least in the old SDFM we see them take out a pod and then bite the dust. They even got to face a Zentradi fleet against old Q-Rau's in superior VF-11 that's supposed to be miles ahead of the old VF-1's and yet they could not even put up a fight, even Milia on her old VF-1 got to kick ass Their elite pilot, Gamlin and Docker, weren't that very good, only cool character was Kynriu; Diamond force got destroyed twice and even Emerald foce in the mightly VF-19 got destroyed also, so in conclusion, Basara wasn't that good a pilot, it was just that the pilots around him were soooooo bad that he looked good, besides, he just had to dodge fire...
  6. err....yessss...I will be so angry and dissapointed if the Fold booster doesn't fold me to another part of the galaxy /[end sarcasm] hehehehe!!
  7. my interest in macross will be defined by this new series, if it's all good, I'm hook, if it sucks, I'm signing off and selling all my stuff, hahaha! Hope kawamori learned a valuable lesson out of 7 and Zero
  8. hahaha! nice catch on the gunpods... you should take botch gunpods on put it on your 1/60 and strike a rambo pose!
  9. WOW! great pictures! Yamato does really go out of their way to make the thing looks the way it should... I must go rob a bank now...see you in 10 to 20 years....HAHAHA!!
  10. soo...that's where the custom come from... haven't heard of it, i'd be interested in it also...
  11. *droooooooooooooooooooool....swaps drool away and hit my girl with it.... I get slapped right back* hahahha looking good Captain I was wondering about the size to the IMAI/ARII too, I got one of those cheapo recast job from ebay of the regult, looks more like 1/80 than 1/72...
  12. Wow!! looking good!! impressive job, I so envy your talents
  13. WOW, how long did it take to make?!
  14. wow, even bootlegs have 'special' editions, hahahaha
  15. I heard Reba West is the new macross idol, hehehe . . . . . *dodges flying chairs*
  16. cooooool!! just 2 more months... emmm...what will the concert be about? does it have anyhthing to do with the line that says something about basara, minmey, etc.?
  17. wowwwww...wicked cool! congrats to your gf for a job very well done
  18. great news Graham, I only ordered the fold booster, but I'll wait to see and read the improvements are faults the new 19 bundle will have, if it's good, I'll get one and do a little custom painting to my old one, hehe
  19. he can get up to 120 for the monster if he plays his cards right... on ebay they're always going off above 130 due to shipping charges the Elintseeker and Ostrich can go between 85-100, they're a bit on demands from time to time...don't know about now... I think they're a pair on ebay going for almost 250 togueter!!! damn thieves
  20. neat design...but where would the passenger go?? haha...by the way, someone needs to seriously take that pink crayon away from Kawamori so...no Mikimoto? he's the character designer, right? guess we'll be having flash animation then...bah
  21. good editing... but I Ben Affleck... hehehe, no... only nice thing to watch was Jennifer Conelly
  22. all I really need to be satisfayed with the new macross proyect is this: 1. Good Story 2. Nice characters persona and design 3. Epic battles/War 3.1. A serious look at battle and death, no singing poo in a red indestructible valk 4. Love triangle with resolution with no character dying 5. I can deal with the music mystic as long as it doesn't go over the top like Zero 5.1. Avoid one of Zero's main flaws, an episode ends with a cliffhanger and in the next episode it's completely solved with a few words and not explain thoroughly I don't think it's too much to ask, right? PS. oh yes, a nice little bonus might be that the wars starts off by Basara getting murdered!! HELL YEAH!! HAHAHHAA!!
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