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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. I voted for Grimmy... and I like it... my Opinion.
  2. With 40mm rounds? That's gotta hurt. explosively.... yes... could give it own ballet version of the "Nut Cracker".
  3. Too make it cute... Needs to be in a pink colored camo and a pair of chibi neko ears. -or- Forgoe the Pink, use a light blue camo color, keep the ears, and give it the personality of a tachikoma/fuchikoma.
  4. That Valk reminds me of those die cast mini mechs from Tatsu... very nice details.
  5. Well to elimante the competition. (If you could call it that) You don't have to do anything with it. Just buy it to control it and then do nothing with it so it dies off. The ultimate irony if Bandai did buy out H.G.,... previously H.G. prevents Bandai from from launching Macross VFX2 (and probably other vfx series before and after) into the U.S. a couple years back, and turns around buys up H.G. and closes it's door by making it stagnate.
  6. What's really sad... I could probably sell the buyer a land lot in Florida near a sink hole and state and claim that's where a piece of the Macross landed.
  7. Elton John is not that bad,... However can't say anything good about GM and PSB and no I haven't watched M7 yet, reason you can tell I have not watched it... "I am still typing, for I have not gauged my eyes out yet."
  8. wow, that looks like it was pieced together, but I could be wrong. Is that red nailpolish?
  9. There's no chance we can hit them with a stupid stick is there? . . . . . . . . Wait... they have been hit with the stupid stick, what was I thinking.
  10. Classical, Classic Rock, Some Rockin' Jazz, Boogie Woogie, House, Techno, Chicago Mix Style (esp. by Bad Boy Bill and Too Kool Kris), Soundtracks (only from good movies), Various anime music, some J-Pop... and some classic Hymns .
  11. I'll bet you $389 it does!... haha... and then I'll buy it! I can think of better things to buy than waste nearly $400 on that item! How about a 256mb FX6800 and a refurbished Ipod?
  12. If you must buy a 1/48 IMO go for a low vis or a 1S Hikky... or even try a 1/48 M&M super set.
  13. heh so when the gun pod makes the sound "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" it set on pleasure instead of full auto. Meltraedi sized (brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) pleasure toy.
  14. Your not racist... you would need a car for that... mainly with a number 5 on the side. Oh that word..., your just typing the truth.
  15. Then let me link to the pinned... "A Newbie's Guide to the Differences Between..., ROBOTECH and MACROSS - by lebhead" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228
  16. to be fair we have to put in a trek thing. macross= starwars rt=startrek. You have the equation all wrong... Macross(X OVA series/timelined episodes + 7) > (Robotech + CHZ / ST)^2 * 0
  17. Is this the Galactica or the Macross... forgot which ship it was... I remember... it's the goodship lollipop.
  18. Just for your info. ppl, I used to be Robotech fan... Till I got converted to be a Macross fan... If MW can save a soul (mainly me) from RT then, I do believe that MW can save atleast one more. My sig say's it all... to top that of, I am also in the SSL.... booyah.
  19. Actually you both are correct about the lights and vernier thrusters. There is supposed to be an indent, not an outdent for the thrusters themselves... this means that it may have a retractrable cover for the boosters during flight mode in atmosphere and probably opened in space since drag is not a problem. I am not technical about this stuff, but my observations at night looking at airplanes whether it be civilian or military, is to show that there is a plane in the sky, the lights do flicker and are placed accordingly in order to ensure air traffic safety.
  20. Finally got Ravage... btw, is this transformation correct?
  21. this is funny pure and simple... i laughed, i laughed even more, then stopped. will watch it again later for more laughing.
  22. ... *Chomp Chomp* Heeey, this popcorn ain't bad. Let me have some of that popcorn... Thanks... *Chomp Chomp*, Not bad indeed.
  23. Well, seeing as how the game is supposed to lead directly into Episode III, I would say the game's ending would piss some people off. I was a little shocked to see how it ended also, but after the release of the new movie, who knows? Maybe Delta will be used as a Jedi extermination squad? How about the option to choose between the Alliance or the Empire.
  24. beat the game today on the PC, I was very happy with it, bit too short, made commanding units very easy. i do smell an add-on to the game... probably will not release that part of the game till after ep3, since it may coincide or show parts of the movie plot.
  25. Actually, place a tri mounted triple gatling gun on a pickup, load the ammo on the cab portion and have yourself the biggest lawn mower there is... great in ventilating zombies instead of rush hour.
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