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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Bah...I wouldn't worry, people like that have a way of filtering out, sometimes unfortunately they don't filter out as quick as they filter in. The problem is that people don't know how to debate and agree to disagree, people have to get nasty and name call, start flame wars and etc. EXO, I'd call Roger a f**king tool for you, except a tool is useful and he isn't. Don't get in a war with him, you're a good mod and he's not worth it. While I agree that I wish there was some way to diversify the forums, I understand why they don't. It's too much of a headache. 18,000 different threads blasting the stimulus package? Ugh, I come here to get a way from that. Maybe a philosophy forum...call it the new age hippie crap forum. Or since all the great philosophers were from ancient Greece, the "Greek love" forum. At least if you named it that, no one would be caught dead posting in it. All in all, I think the Anime/Science fiction forum does fine for off-topic stuff. I get my Gundam fix, my Eva fix, and all else from there. Anyone who thinks this sucks head on over to a certain "botcon award winning TF website" out of Chicago, IL if you want to see a real mess. Immature mods and admins., lots of spamming idiot posters, and a Buy/Trade forum that's an absolute mess! This is the only site I post on, and there's a reason for that. So, genuinely and without sucking up, thanks Graham, Shawn, and all the mods for making this my favorite site.
  2. Does anyone know if the individually packaged constructicons will make Devastator, or do you have to get the set to make it? I guess I should ask the same question about Jetfire/Optimus and whatever the hell they combine into...
  3. That's the beauty of Gundam, to you Char is a bastard, to me, he was entirely in the right. I think that in that respect, Gundam deserves praise because it's the only story in any medium that I've seen that actually makes you truly see both sides of the conflict, and even at the end of Counterattack, I was glad it ended the way it did, because I kept finding myself going back and forth pulling for Char and Amuro. I don't think Gundam really re-uses storylines...especially 00. Seed was admitted to be a reboot of UC, although loosely based. I for one loved Seed, and while Destiny was kind of weak, it was still good IMO. The only Gundam series I can say I didn't enjoy was G Gundam (other than G-saviour), but even then, the Mobile suit designs were great. Even Wing had a lot of strong points. For the 30th anniversary, I'd love a dub of ZZ, X, and Turn A. As for a new UC series, I'd rather see something that takes place immediately after CCA, or a Sentinel series, but it's ok. I really don't care what, I just like to see Gundam still going strong, and I really wish they'd find a way to bring it back to the states the way it was here for Wing and somewhat for Seed. I mean, I used to buy Wing 1/100's and 1/144's at Walmart! Now, I have to order them and wait...
  4. For those interested in MG's, Dalong.net has started his GM 2.0 review.
  5. Watching gundam 00 and revisiting seed destiny. Seed was awesome, surprised it got as bad a rap as it did.
  6. Personally, I paint very little if anything on my PG's. I paint little things like thrusters, weapons, etc. but I think they look great as is, unlike some MG's and all HGUC's. I think PG's look perfect the way they are.
  7. Bah...I said the same thing, and ended up wasting time on MG's...you just got to jump in! If you've built anything from the Zeta 2.0 forward, you could build a PG. Just remember that the same applies to the MG line as the PG line...earlier kits are easier, later kits are harder/more complex. Basically, start with the RX-78-2 and work your way up. The RX-78-2 is fairly simple compared to the Strike/Wing Zero/Mk.II/Gp01 or Zeta. Try it, then maybe a Zaku or something. Once you do, you'll never go back. Actually, if you really want to start from the beginning, you need to build the EVA 01 PG. It's not hard at all, I've built MG's that were a lot more elaborate than that. Plus, it's a really cool kit still, all these years later. And all they really need for detail is a Gundam marker. If you still don't want to do PG, then the 1/100 seed kits of the Astray Red, and astray blue 2nd level are worth a look.
  8. Anyone hear that Faith No More is doing a reunion?! Thank god, although I pray it means a new album. Album of the year was NOT a good album to go out on. Good album, but a band of that caliber, with that much talent needs to go out with the be all, end all mindblowing album that will have music fans of every genre scratching their heads, and spawn imitators for the next 10 years. Angel Dust pt.2, anyone?
  9. It comes out sometime this month. When, I don't know. How can you NOT get the Red frame?! It's the coolest mobile suit of them all! Well, to be fair it's a toss up between that and the Strike in Aile mode, but still!
  10. I agree that it's nice to have a collection that's all in the same scale. However, I disagree with the 1/100. I built a lot of MG kits, which are all in boxes now because I got addicted to PG and 1/60 scale. There's just something incredibly satisfiying about a 12 in. + robot. That and my PG's and 1/60's fit in nicely with my DX collection. On top of that, the 1/60 collection isn't as limited as one might think, with the PG, Bigscale/real detail line, older 1/60's, glorious, and G-system kits. I do have a G-system 1/35 RX-78-2, but I'm terrified to build it as looking at it makes me think I'm way out of my league. On another note, for my birthday my wife bought me the G-system IWSP conversion, and I just ordered the G-system Kampfer as well. Anyone built these yet, and how are they? Also, anyone heard an exact date for the PG Red frame? I pre-ordered it but haven't heard anything more.
  11. Well, I went unaffected for a long time, until Caterpillar announced their layoffs (I'm a CNC setup machinist for them), until the end of January, when they asked higher seniority people if we wanted to take a voluntary layoff for three months, with a guaranteed recall after my 3 months was up. I was worried at first, but then I found out I'm getting 30 dollars MORE a week than I was working, and in accepting the voluntary layoff I was able to keep my insurance as well, and cash out my remaining vacation time for the year. I also just ran into a guy from work who's still there, and he said the past 3 weeks they've all been cut down to 24-32 hours a week, so I'm actually doing BETTER that they are. I'm using the time constructively, spending time with my kids and I enrolled in a Swiss CNC course at the local college, so I'll actually come out of this being more qualified than I was going out on layoff. My collecting has been non-exsistant as of late though, mostly because I'm more of a modeler than a toy collector, and the focus of my collection is PG Gundams, which haven't had a new release in like 5 years. I did pre-order the Astray Red, as it's my favorite Gundam so I had to. I'm also using the time to build all the kits I have still sitting around and never got to. The only things I can honestly say in the past year or so I've felt the NEED to buy other than the Astray PG is the Mac Frontier kits, and the 1/55 super 1A Max and Hikaru. So I haven't spent too much.
  12. Ok, if it's power we're talking, I'd be the headmaster for Fortress Maximus or Scorponok. Since I'm not a big TF fan anymore though, and it is Mecha we're talking I'd have to say I'd take on either the Gaea from AC, or the VF25.
  13. Nice job, but I have one question: Why does it have vf and skull squadron markings?
  14. I have the 08th team set and Zeon commando set. They're ok, it pisses me off they aren't 1/100 or 1/60 though, as I'd like them in scale with my other stuff. My MG RX-79 looks odd next to it. As for painting...it's not all bad. Just don't pick something that's a bunch of different colors...and basic weathering is usually easy enough to remove if it doesn't come out right. As a trick, one of the first weathering jobs I used to do was when I'd built a non-painted MG, I'd intentionally make really heavy panel lines, then when I'd wipe them off I'd always work it one direction and fade it so it spread across the white plastic, dulling it a bit.
  15. I used a small amount of rubbing alcohol (diluted) to remove tampo printing on an Alternator Smokescreen once, don't know if that helps but it worked good, looked real clean afterwards.
  16. I can vouch for this. I have a Dell Desktop that I customized and use as a media center that's hooked to my TV. That's got the modem hooked to it. I have a wireless router that feeds 2 laptops, and another modem connection for a desktop in my bedroom. Anyhow, I was downloading a system update today, and it was taking forever and at the same time my laptop was freezing up, which it rarely does. As soon as it was done with the DL, my laptop suddenly at that exact moment went back to normal.
  17. Real anime? Other than TF, RT, and Voltron that were bastardized by the US? The first real anime film I watched was Lensman. Still looking for a copy of it.
  18. Well, I got RROD'd for the second time...the falcon is better my ass. I'm not pissing with a jasper either. I'm going to mail it in again, then get it back, and sell it off to pay for some PS3 games. It's sad, I loved 360, the games are great, but I just can't take it anymore. This is actually my third 360 now, as I bought an elite back in Sept. and sold the refurb one from my first RROD. I'm done, the whole thing just pissed me off too much. At least I can get Fallout 3, and at least SOME of the games I enjoyed on it.
  19. That mecha sucks!!!!!!!!!! It's like a headless EVA with a crotch rocket shoved in it's back...weak.
  20. Yeah, limited. Like the Low viz, 1D, etc. right? I don't by into Hase's limited BS anymore. Besides, like there won't be bootleg decals anyway. I'll wait because even if it isn't re-released, some knock off decals and a 20 buck 1A will look exactly the same.
  21. It says in one of the pics of the back of the box that he bears marks from his reign over the decepticon army, whatever that means.
  22. I'm one of the 1.5 % INTJ's. Introverted Intuition- The strategist, I like that. Hey, now we can be a sindicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Yeah, let's break that down: 1/100? Other than being absolutely fugly, I mean straight up coyote ugly (never thought I'd use that term for toys, but the vf-1s head especially is hideous), do we all not remember the cracking polycaps on series one, or trying to pose them and having legs/arms fall off super easily. Or how about series 2? Those 1J's with those BEAUTIFUL elongated necks...yeah, great. Beta? Oh please...the only reason the Beta is getting "Love" is because until recently the only "real" tread toy you could get cost you your left testicle, a kidney, and your firstborn child. I've gotten to mess with one, and I was very unimpressed. Besides, why on earth would you want that POS when you could get a Brave Alpha/Tread set that is so much cooler it's not even funny. So in conclusion, you say I'm 8 years out of date...I say you're 8 years in denial.
  24. Hey, I'd be more than happy to help out if someone gets the ball rolling.
  25. New PG?!?! About damn time!!!!!!!! Not only that, but my FAVORITE MS!!!!!!!! Dreams do come true! I'm so all over the eventual G-system L2 conversion kit for this, because I'm sure it's coming.
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