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Everything posted by Gamma00Ray

  1. I got mine from CD Japan. Did I get it on or before release day? Hm... I couldn't wait for the weekend. I watched the main feature tonight. It was great. I don't want to say anything more. Except Macross Frontier Movie 3 or we riot!!!
  2. Oh man, they actually made the Blue Ninjas into toys. I never thought they would come off the pages of the comic book.
  3. I just got it in the mail. I'm saving the main feature for the weekend, but I had to watch the Frontier short. OH MY GOD! It's gorgeous. Totally beautiful. But it's the very definition of leaving you wanting more! Macross Frontier Movie 3 or we riot!
  4. I guess it's just what they were pushing for some reason. I remember seeing a Valkyrie in the promos before the movies, but they did not push it. It was kind of odd. But I guess they felt the microphones would be the bigger draw in Japan, and the promos seemed Japan-focused even if they appeared to have been shot in the same sessions as the US-focused bonus content before the movies.
  5. I was totally taken by marketing. They're good things, but I totally could have not gotten these They ran an ad for these before the Macross Frontier movies they showed in theaters in the US last spring, and I was sold. I was so sold. All it took was the incredibly cute voice actresses from the Macross Frontier anime talking about them for me to want them. Oh man, that's some dangerous advertising These are microphones that the main characters Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee of the anime series and movies Macross Frontier use in the anime. (You guys know this, but I copied and pasted this from elsewhere, so bear with me.) They're good little things. Not great, but good. The details are decent. Perhaps not fantastic, but decent. They're lightweight, and that could actually be a positive thing if you're going to use these all day long in your Sheryl and Ranka cosplays at conventions. They play little voice clips of the characters, and they play the songs from the show. There's even an infrared-enabled duet mode that could be fun if you're into that. The microphones have full vocal muting karaoke modes that you can turn on and off at any time during the songs. The microphones kind of fail in karaoke purposes two ways. First, there are no actual microphones in them. It doesn't amplify your voice. Second, the built-in speaker is really weak. I couldn't find a way to increase the volume. There's enough English in the manual to say that I'm pretty confident that there is no way to increase the volume of the speaker. I took a video of one of Sheryl's songs playing, and you could barely hear it, so it wasn't worth risking a copyright issue to share it. The microphones have an audio-out that can be used to connect to an audio system or something. They look like headphone jacks. I haven't tried connecting them to my PC speakers, but maybe I will at one point. If you look closely enough, you'll see that I actually have these microphones displayed wrong. I think they look better the way that I have them. There are little clips that you can use to put the bases together if you have the bases oriented as intended, but I think Ranka's microphone gets too covered up by Sheryl's microphone and the vertical part of the base. The bases don't look 100% like they belong together like this, but it's not hard to hide the imperfections. All in all, they're cute, but I'll probably keep them in their boxes for most of their lives. Maybe if I come up with some space to display them then maybe I'll get them back out, but I'm not really in a hurry to do so.
  6. Then you would have to pretend that the Zentradi won while the BMW was broken down Seriously, I hope the BMW Supra holds up better over time than a regular current day BMW, but I've got to kind of doubt it despite Toyota being involved.
  7. Here's my new Traxxas TRX4 2021 Ford Bronco. I just got it a few days ago. I'm going to take it out for a short shakedown on some dirt soon after posting this. Just letting lunch settle. I already changed the Traxxas battery connector to a deans one. Besides that, this truck's 100% stock.
  8. Me, too, but you could essentially consider it not a Supra and pretend it's a Veritech car I kind of like it.
  9. I got too many toys recently. I picked up a Traxxas Latrax Rally for racing in Aberdeen, NJ at The Hobby Shop this fall. I think I posted in the past that I got a mini Sega Genesis joystick. I picked up some more. Now I can have two or more players for my dolly stuff. I got this Rumbling Hearts/Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien figure of Mitsuki Hayase. I've had her friend Haruka Suzumiya for years. (The one on the right in the second pic.) And here's a wedding gown figure of Tamaki Kousaka from To Heart 2. You could say that she's literally mai waifu
  10. So, I just finished the TV series. It was good. Nothing really wrong with it, especially the ending. But compared to the second movie, it can't compete in my opinion. It's not the TV series's fault. The second movie was just that spectacular. I thought the big duet at the end was better and done with way more feeling in the second movie, too. All in all, I'm glad I watched the TV series again. I'm looking forward to whatever comes of that short film that's going to be part of the second Delta movie that's coming to blu ray next month.
  11. I have just a couple episodes left. I'll watch them tomorrow or Saturday. I hope the last couple episodes have a bombastic finish like the end of the second movie. I feel like the Ozma and what's-her-name being on the run thing isn't as good as Sheryl goes to prison and then they have a FIRE BOMBER concert with Alto as a gothic lolita. While the TV series has been more character driven, the movie is more "truly outrageous!" and impactful more often.
  12. Mine is a blu ray set, and it's also... well, if I said it was sailing the seven seas... It's actually very well done, but the video is a little aliased. I wonder if the show was done in 720p since it is from way back in 2007. Either way, I'm down for the official US release. I like my current set, but I'll go legit when the time comes. I think about the same thing regarding Original vs. Frontier. The "music is the weapon" angle really is something very different from the original Macross that puts it in a different category, IMO. I really liked the more conventional flight combat with transforming mechs focus of the original series (and Robotech) a lot. I don't think I would have gotten into Frontier with its music focus when I was 12. Except for Macross 7. That one's my absolute favorite Macross of all time I'm not even joking even though it's funny I just finished disc 3 earlier today. It was good, but I feel like they're dragging out the situation with Sheryl too much. And this second half of the series, I think I'm liking the movie version better which was largely a different story anyway. Not that I dislike the TV version. Far from it. But that second movie to me is consistent with all characters involved and impactful the entire time.
  13. I went to Paul's Toy Room in Parlin, NJ today. I don't know if it's a weird place, but a toy store is unusual these days! It's always cool to take a look at Paul's display of vintage Robotech/Macross toys in the front of the store.
  14. I went to Paul's Toy Room in Parlin, NJ today. I picked up a couple newer Toynami Robotech/Macross action figures and a micro Sega Genesis for my BJDs.
  15. This might be my favorite part of Macross Fontier EDIT: This was originally a screenshot of the "my chest gives people hopes and dreams" line. It was funny.
  16. It looks like it's been so long since there was a Macross Frontier TV series topic. I went looking back to 2015 or so and found this oddly interesting shipping topic. But, it's not a Macross Frontier TV series topic! So here we are! I just finished the Macross Zero episode. Sheryl looks lovely in that bikini I'm enjoying the additional stuff this time around after recently watching the Frontier movies in the theater. I completely forgot about all of the high school drama in the TV series. I also noticed a bit of reused Sheryl concert animation which was a little surprising but I'm not going to complain because it's Sheryl concert animation! 🤣 I like the fast paced and impactful Valkyrie combat especially compared to the dancing stuff in the Delta movie I also recently watched. Not that I didn't enjoy that Delta stuff, but Frontier keeps it a bit more serious which speaks to my inner 12 year old watching Robotech for the first time in 1998. I'm also finding the subplot between, I believe it was Michel, and Klan to be interesting. I'm excited to see how their relationship progresses over the remaining episodes. I'm especially intrigued by Klan. She's adorable in miclone state, too! I'll probably watch one more episode tonight to finish out the second blu ray. This is probably going to be my last time watching this version of the series since Rightstuf/Nozomi now has the license, and I'm super down for the US release! And, well, I want more Sheryl! 😍
  17. I hope yours arrived in better condition than mine. I got one a couple months ago. It was like someone broke it over their knee. Straight from Sony. Practically zero packaging material. I was not impressed. At first I was going to get a replacement, but the return shipment was lost, so they refunded me instead and put me in the next lottery the following week as a guarantee. I didn't want to potentially deal with it again, so I passed on my guaranteed spot and stayed with the refund. At least my next credit card statement said I didn't have to pay anything because I had a surplus from the refund on the PS5 that I already paid the bill for
  18. Ah, so it is a one level repeater. I know the early Famicom games were simpler than later games, but a bunch of them still had multiple distinct levels. I wasn't sure if I was going to see some additional stuff if I kept playing.
  19. I'm confident enough in my masculinity to say that I'm happy about it
  20. Yeah, those last 13 or so First Macross episodes were weird when I watched them a few years ago. I don't remember them being so weird in the context of Robotech. I think they made more sense there. It's been a long time since I watched Robotech, but it almost felt like a four part series considering those 13 episodes. If I was going to watch First Macross again, I'd probably just watch the first 26 episodes. I know I'd be missing the pivotal plot point of leaving the Earth to ensure the survival of humanity, but I could live with a cliff's notes version of that. It would have been better if they just worked that into the end of episode 26.
  21. Eh, I thought Plus was kind of uninteresting for a Macross, too. I didn't think it was bad, and I did think it was okay, but it's one of my least favorite Macross things there is.
  22. That's my plan! That's where overzealous film grain belongs!
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