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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. well since the instructions are so bad, how bout some one post their own pictoral guide on how to transform this beuty?
  2. I really dig the look of the old dougram's does any one have any pictures of the takara toys that were made a while back. I know they made a 1/48 as well as a 1/72 scale.
  3. Hmmmmm its been a while since I have seen 0083, when does synapse get exicuted? I remember the zeon admiral getting his brains blown out by the green haired chick when did synapse buy the farm?
  4. http://sideswipe.fotopic.net/photo.php?id=1309506 Looks from this pic that the front headlights fold into his back.
  5. I say wait a few months, the new resculpt will blow the old one out of the water. I have seen the model its based on, it was in an issue of model japan I think, *Note* I said the model it will be based on not a proto of the toy itself, only Graham has seen that. Anyway if the model is any indication of what the resculpt will be it will be well worth the wait.
  6. all I want is a little sticker saying release 2. is that asking too much?
  7. Still thanks for the heads up D, I'll just keep in mind to be uber careful. Still is there alot of parts scraping that would make paint chip inevitably? or if one is careful should one be okay?
  8. well I am still very excited about the alternator line. also if the joints are so tight I may just go at it with a small screw drivers and voila! instant loose joints! Its funny usually I pull out the screwdriver to tighten my joints no lossen.
  9. I have seen some pics of the american version, it looks a lighter blue. Hmmmmm if what you say is true drifand I may also spring for a plastic version as well, one for collector value the other for play. When is it coming out in the states?
  10. these will also have the redesigned flaps and nose cone, thats a direct design alteration that for me warrents marking.
  11. When you get it there better be pictures and reviews!!!! Other than the 20th prime this has to have been one of the most anticipated transformer ever!!!!!
  12. I think with todays standards in toys, if alot of the older vintage ones were released now, we would be bitching at them I remember when I 1st handled jetfire and he assaulted me with his landing gear and I was bitching at him like there was no tomorrow (just a joke not a knock at the old 1/55)
  13. Will there be any differences in the packageing? reason I ask is I am very serously debating in purchasing a new roy as my old one has so many issues. Will there at least be a little sticker stating its a 2nd edition like on the 2nd edition YF-19's box? Reason I ask is I want to make sure I am getting a 2nd edition Roy when I buy one.
  14. Thats a teeny tiny one, and looks awful when tranformed as armor. this one on the other hand is worth every cent. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=36568 whats the differnce between that and the red one? i looks like it was made by the same company. *sigh* bout 12 inches in height the large one the small one is only 3 inches I think. Large one actually looks like what it should in the cartoon as opposed to the POS that the little ones are. Really the small ones are little better than steaming piles of poo.
  15. where can I get citidel sealent? also would you recomend touching up the chips? if so what kind of paint should I use?
  16. Hey, I am really getting sick of the chipping of paint on my 1S's landing gear doors. Is there anything I can seal them with to protect them? and why does it seem I only have this problem with my 1S? my Hikaru and low viz are fine. *sigh.....* should I just sell it and get the new reissue coming out at the end of october?
  17. Thats a teeny tiny one, and looks awful when tranformed as armor. this one on the other hand is worth every cent. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=36568
  18. I don't know, for my 1S I may just bit the bullet and get the reissue with all the fixings.
  19. hey rob, if this is your last order I need to make an amendment to what I need in addition to the 2 BD-6 from any valk I ordered, it doesn't matter I just need new gear covers I also need a L-W2
  20. The small ones are junk IMHO, the large one is great.
  21. I it just me or do the arms look thicker?
  22. New size comparison for alternator Smokescreen next to the original G1 Smokescreen http://members.lycos.co.uk/tfalternators20...escreen/010.jpg And here is a comparison for prime to a Datzun G1 http://www.cosmicrust.com/images/news/mpc1.jpg
  23. Hasbro bought up Tonka back in the 1990s and today, Tonka is one of Hasbro's subdivisions. Look behind the box of any Tonka toy and it would say "© Tonka, a division of Hasbro, Inc." Because of this, Hasbro now owns the Gobots name, the franchise and most of the trademarked names (such as Leader-1's name ended up as the name of Megatron's Minicon partner). However, Hasbro cannot reissue the 1980s Tonka Gobot toys because they are owned by Bandai, Takara's toy rival. With Hasbro owning the Gobots, they get to gloat about it. An Autobot in the Generation 2 line has the name "Gobots": http://www.tfu.info/1993/Autobot/Gobots/gobots.htm The name "Gobots" in Generation 2 were also a subline of minicars, which later became the Spychangers in RID: http://www.geocities.com/futuristgroup/vsp...pychangers.html http://www.tfu.info/1995/Autobot/Blowout/blowout.htm http://www.digiserve.com/eescape/tf/toylis....html#A-Go-Bots Lastly, Hasbro created the preschool "Transformers: Gobots" toyline, replacing the preschool 1-2-3-Transfomers and Playskool Transformers lines: http://www.digiserve.com/eescape/tf/toylis...03.html#Go-Bots http://www.tfu.info/2003/Gobots/Aerobot/aerobot.htm The fact that Hasbro owns Tonka (and the Gobots) are common knowledge in Transformers fandom/message boards. Wow, how do they expect fans to follow such a convoluted and butchered story? Thanks for the info. I think TF lost me with "Starscream's Ghost" after that it I couldn't make sense of anything! transformers is all about the toys, screw continuity Its true, most of the toys that were made never show up in the cartoon, and alot only got small cameo's in the marvel comic which was a pretty good series.
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