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Everything posted by RedComet

  1. I'm jealous! I pre-ordered missiles from Nin-Nin back in April and haven't seen any change to the order status at all And I paid for FedEx/DHL FWIW
  2. Yes, I unfortunately posed my DX VF-1J a little too aggressively in Gerwalk mode and it tumbled off a 5 foot shelf Onto a wood floor luckily the only thing that Broke was the antenna, and they do give you an extra
  3. Bowing to popular demand. We ware also making weathered SSP available with the Roys what do you think?
  4. I finally got some things that shipped on April fourth last week, so maybe you’ll get yours in two weeks?
  5. My bad, I was actually just really excited to get my long lost package!
  6. It is different. That’s an old sales post. I should just delete it.
  7. So my long delayed local group order I put together at the end of March, clicked ship, April 2nd, and that actually shipped April 4th, finally arrived long after everything in it had been replaced and shipped DHL haha. SO I have a bunch of stuff that now needs homes. 1 NIB 1S, 1 NIB 1J, 1 Open box "displayed but never transformed" 1J 3x NIB SSP (1st run if that matters) 2x Missile sets. LMK if anyone wants any of it just looking to recoup costs at this point. I am a teacher on summer break at the moment, I live in the East Bay and would deliver anywhere in the Bay Area, or even meet you half way to Sacramento/Stockton if you want. I would also ship it of course, but that would obviously cost more.
  8. Well, shortly after complaining about it, my long lost box finally arrived! Only 62 days late Anyone want any of this group buy stuff that I long ago replaced? DX VF S, Jx2, Strike Parts, Missiles
  9. I think it's a better deal than that! A VF-1S costs $20 USPS CA to GA and DHL is $40 from Japan to anywhere in the states. Color me fairly impressed. I think we were all just a little spoiled by how INSANELY cheap an SAL small packet was that could arrive in a week for $25.
  10. Haha, just projecting what I hope they release next I guess I meant YF-19 haha
  11. Here are some prices in case they are useful, it seems they only have a few different sizes of Mandarake boxes, so perhaps that's why some not exactly the same items cost the same to ship DHL. DX VF-1S (and I would assume the 1A) or VF-31F 4130yen DX VF-1J or YF-21 Full Set 7950 Yen
  12. So here is a bit of a dilemma. I WAS going to offer people who wanted the TV version of Roy the TV style blue flight suit option, but then I took a look at the difference between the DYRL and TV suits and realized that it is a BIG difference haha. So what do you all think? Should I just give up on doing more than the helmet color change? (FWIW almost everyone is getting DYRL style anyway, but I personally was gonna have mine done TV)
  13. For sure! PM me with how much you were gonna want for the YF and we can work out the details!
  14. And that reminds me, one issue to settle before doing a Max, what do you all figure his Rank would be right when he pilots the 1S and fights Milia in DYRL? Would it likely be 2LT like Hikaru since he was acting as leader of Skull Squadron? Luckily for ease of doing the conversion, his 1S is clearly labeled as 001 (three "Skull One" in one movie haha) Also although his 1A clearly has a blue blast shield, the different figures of the 1S seem to be split between wether to make it blue like the 1A or black as it appears in the animation. I guess people could have it done either way they like whatever the animation or Arcadia or Yamato say, the customer is always right.
  15. If you're referring to the 001 rendered as 100 on the fins I considered it but ultimately did not. It turned out to just be too hard to get it 100% the same size and font, as you would have all the other 001 to compare it to, so I decided it would probably be best left alone. For something like the Rank and Name overlay though, if you get it 95% the same fonts and size, it looks just fine because there's nothing to immediately compare it to.
  16. You're in the Bay Area? If you send me an invoice for one now, I could pay it now and then just come pick one up from you when you get them in October if that's cool with you LMK
  17. Not sure how to summon Slave IV, but Mentioning a Roy 1S is how you get ME to show up in this thread. Here’s a pic of the finishing touch, the helmet paint change. Still room for 2 more on the June batch if you want one July batch might be Max 1S.
  18. So here's the $1800 (value of package) question. How do I tell if it has been returned to the Buyee warehouse or not? Would it tell me on the shipping status? Cause things that shipped both before and after it from Buyee made it through. Also had a long delayed EMS from Mandarake that shipped a day before (April 3) eventually went through, arriving about 10 days ago instead of being recalled by Mandarake. I don't really even care about the contents of the package at this point, as everything except one open box fix figuration Wing Zero has been replaced, some things in the package, like DX SSP have certainly gone DOWN in value, although others have gone up a bit. And then if I did get a refund, and got blacklisted, but the package eventually showed up in July, would I owe Tenso/Buyee/PayPal back the money anyway?
  19. This is from Buyee, who is not even offering to recall the packages that are out there ( and believe me, I asked). So yeah, not sure what to do about it. I have never actually had to open a claim with PayPal before, how long would that take to resolve? And is 2 months of no-delivery enough?
  20. Well, as bad as it is to have something waiting to ship that never actually ships. I promise it feels worse to have a package that shipped long before the suspension was announced that sill hasn't arrived. This was a big group buy and now 2 months later after it would have arrived surface for 1/3 the cost and I have weeks ago replaced people's orders cause I felt bad, I am still waiting. Something that shipped small packet a day before from the same seller arrived a month ago, something that shipped the same seller and same EMS 5 days after arrived two weeks ago. I honestly just don't have any idea what to do about this. Is it time to consider it "lost in the mail" and open up a PayPal complaint?
  21. Yeah, it is my understanding that is the reason. But it sure as hell makes it easier to do the customization, so I appreciate it!
  22. It's like they don't even know DHL exists...
  23. Well the original idea was honestly to just get enough other ones of these done to cover the cost of my own and with the cost of the figure, I am not quite there yet haha, but it looks like I will get there! I am a middle school science teacher (read, not a ton of disposable income) who loves the DX, really wanted a Roy and thought weathering would look sweet. The cost to make just one though would have been staggering and nothing I could justify to myself (let alone my fiancé haha). So I worked the problem, and it looks like I found a solution I am not doing this as a business though, just as a fan (and yeah, I admit that I may have gotten a bit carried away on yahoo auctions getting DX VF-1S figures, and need something to do with them haha). But thanks to members of this community and others on FB, it looks like this crazy idea might actually pan out! I appreciate the support!
  24. Yes, in case I didn't make it clear I am working with an artist(I am humble enough to admit I don't have the steady hand needed to do this quality of work). But I did come up with the idea. I sought out an artist who I felt could properly do the work (lots of Gunpla Experience), drew up schematics, and had multiple design meetings. I created the custom water slide decals (did you even notice the "MAJ Roy Focker" on the cockpit?) I found examples of just how I wanted the weathering to look and I even picked out the paint colors. Then I systematically started building up a stock of DX 1S for the project. I also built up a reputation on Facebook as a guy who can get you the figure you want from Japan for a reasonable price delivered quickly. And of course the artist still gets the lions share of each one cause he has talents I don't possess. The TLDR is I'm not a broker I gave birth to this custom project! I guess you could call me the real Mother Focker
  25. It's something I thought about, then probably overthought But let me ask you a question, can you name one episode where Skull 1 doesn't fire off every single missile? Logically to me, weathering happens over time, but every time missiles are loaded up, they are instantly used and even the micro missile boxes are discarded. So stylistically you may be right, but logically it didn't make sense to me but hey getting missiles, and strike parts for that matter, weathered and/or panel lined will of course be an option for anyone who orders their own. That's kinda the nice thing about small batch customs
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