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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. I just wanted to say thanks to all the people helping me with my questions regarding display stands. I ended up deciding to give FlightPose's 6 inch stand a try, as a low-cost solution. Ordered two of them for $30, including 2 day shipping. Hopefully, this will do the trick.
  2. Hardpoint fiasco? I was able to successfully put missiles on my regular release Arcadia Max + Miria VF-1J's.
  3. MEEEEEOWWWWW, that looks purrfect. Plus... it helps satisfy my symmetry OCD.
  4. Oh oh! do a dual-strike cannon confliguration!
  5. As it is, I am already collecting Arcadia/Yamato v2 1/60, Bandai HMR, and Toynami 1/100 scale valkyries. Don't make me buy another form-factor... please!!! 1/48 scale? It's too big. It could not possibly fit. I just opened up and transformed my HMR VE-1 Elintseeker this afternoon *cough* instead of writing my research papers *cough*. I have to admit, knowing that the HMR cost 1/7 what I paid for my Yamato v2 version makes me feel far more comfortable playing with it as a toy... along with the knowledge that I ordered a second HMR last night.
  6. A few of us here managed to snag the 35th anniversary HMR VF-1S for 2,400 yen from CDJapan, when they were doing their outlet clearance last week. I would suggest checking CDJapan periodically, as it looks like they will do outlet clearances from time to time, to get rid of old inventory. They also had an outlet clearance on the DX Chogokin Macross Delta Sv-262Hs Draken III (Keith Aero Windermere Custom) for 12,000 yen last week.
  7. Oh wow! There are 6 in the picture? I did not even notice the dark colored valkyrie. A stealth version? Thank you for the shopping list! This is very helpful!
  8. I think I would like to be able to do something like this...
  9. First of all.. WOW, I feel psychic for actually picking the perfect name example. Secondly, I agree with you on trying to keep the naming consistent between box-art and toy-paint job. I just, in my own internal head-canon, imagine that some ground-crew person, tasked with painting Miria's valkyrie, got annoyed at how many hours he had to put into painting the plane red, that he just stopped caring when it came to painting the pilot's name by the cockpit, and did not look closely at the work order. Furthermore, with Miria not being familiar with the English language, did not complain as she could not tell the spelling was wrong.... she just identifies her plane based on the red paint job. *hee hee*
  10. Oh, the spelling... Good question. Considering that that name is not English, nor is it Japanese, but rather Zentradi... I guess you can chalk it up being being a phonetic approximation... in which case, I suppose there is no official English spelling for it. For example. I know some Chinese classmates who technically have the same family name, but one is spelled in English as "Wong", another "Wang", and another "Huang", yet each is pronounced the same.
  11. Given that both Max and Miria would be "M GENIUS" otherwise, it makes sense to me that they would use her maiden name.
  12. Hello, I would like to be able to display 3 or 4 Arcadia/Yamato v2 1/60 scale valkyries on a single YetiStand, but am unsure what I components I should buy. Could someone experienced with YetiStands give me shopping list of what to get? I think I want to use the YetiStand Alpha.
  13. So... I was about to order a couple of YetiStands to display my Arcadia/Yamato v2 1/60 scale VF-1 collection, but as I was about to checkout my shopping cart, I hesitated. I thought to myself, "For the cost of these stands, I could buy another valkyrie..." ARGH! Has anyone else here ever thought that? How do you decide?! ARGH!
  14. It's conclusive. I am weak too! I just ordered a 2nd HMR VE-1 Elintseeker... and an HMR VF-1J Hikaru. They looked at me with their puppy-dog surveillance packages and my heart just melted.
  15. Is it bad that I spend SOOOO much time browsing for Macross toys at various online stores and eBay, that I am actually tempted to create a thread called "Shizuka's Deal Watch" when I list deals I find out there, in case people are interested?
  16. Fighter mode is definitely the best for the VE-1. It's so pretty! Must resist urge to buy a second HMR VE-1.... Must find more valkyries to bundle a VE-1 order with for cheaper shipping...
  17. I spent $500 for my Yamato v2 1/60 VE-1 Elintseeker + $25 shipping... and that was after taking $50 off thanks to an eBay coupon. By far my most expensive, single valkyrie purchase. It hurt... it hurt a lot... but it felt so good. I wonder if buying drugs on the street is cheaper than collecting valkyries? LOL I'd be happy to join you in rehab, so long as rehab does not require me to get rid of my collection.
  18. 25 valkyries in 4 months? WOW! I am up to 8 1/60 scale valkyries in a bit over 2 weeks. *cry* As for the Kakizaki and Max VF-1A TV versions, I ordered those from Jungle. These, along with Roy's VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, were the first purchases I made. Max was 30,240 yen, while Kakizaki was 20,520 yen, both before shipping and 5% processing fees, which together tacked on an additional $80+ to the cost. *sigh* I do see a 1/48 VF-1A Max TV version listed as brand new on eBay for a buy now price of $350 + $20 shipping. Not sure if that is a good deal or not, as I have been avoiding the 1/48 scale toys.
  19. The VF-4's arms are too darn short. I just cannot imagine it ever getting into hand-to-hand combat with anything. I do wonder if there is such a thing as Super or Strike parts for the VF-4.
  20. So... I showed one of my friends my new Valkyrie collection today, before heading out to grab some brunch. She thinks I might have gone over the deep end.... just a little bit. I did point out that she probably spends more on wine in a year than I did on my Valkyries. (No, I don't think she is an alcoholic, but she does regularly drink a glass or 2 each day). I also told her that Valkyries are like my wine... they grow finer with age. But she is of the opinion that wine or clothes or jewelry is a better purchase. *sigh* Normals.... am I right? *sigh* Okay, I admit it.. I like clothes and jewelry too. But Valkyries beat out alcohol any day of the week! Oh, she did say something funny. She thought the Elintseeker's yellow schlong stood out too much. Now I keep imagining Valkyries needing pants.
  21. I have no regrets staying up til past 4am to pre-order my VT-1. *looks at how much school work still needs to do* I only have a few regrets about staying up til past 4am...
  22. When fireworks are going off in the air, people traditionally shout out "Tamaya!" and "Kagiya!" in celebration. I was just celebrating @borgified joining the VT-1 party!
  23. 玉屋!!!! 鍵屋!!!! Welcome to the party!
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