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Shizuka the Cat

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Everything posted by Shizuka the Cat

  1. Please.... this is a family-friendly Macross forum. If you are going to pose naked VE pictures, at least pixelate the naughty parts.
  2. Agreed. Also... is it sad that I am spending the day by the hotel pool browsing MWF on my tablet? That's what I call a pleasant vacation! :
  3. I am lucky enough to spot a random opening, but not lucky enough to take advantage of it most of the time... Not sure if you call that awesome or torture. LOL.... CRY I figure I will probably stay away from the 1/48 DX VF-1 line. Separate bills for the fighter, missiles, and super/strike pack kind of annoy me. Just too expensive to fully deck-out a valkyrie., when all is said and done. Plus the high probability of missing out on pre-orders makes me even less inclined to own them. I know that it is the new hot thing, but as it stands, I am seriously thinking of selling off my VF-1A Max and set myself free.
  4. Hope someone here snagged it.
  5. Pre-order reopened? Or maybe someone cancelled an order?
  6. Worse yet, your 16,000 yen pre-order attempt fails during the final stage of check-out, not because NY ran out of stock, but because they want you to pay 25,000 or 27,000 or 28,000 yen instead.
  7. DX Chogokin VF-1 Super Parts pre-order Currently Available: 9,200 yen : Nippon-Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28386-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1-strike-super-parts-set-limited-edition.html 9,780 yen : Anime-Export http://www.anime-export.com/product/44320 91.90 usd : Kurama Shop https://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-strike-super-parts-set-for-movie-edition-vf-1-macross-do-you-remember-love/?setCurrencyId=1 139.99 usd : Loopaza https://www.loopaza.com/figures/action-figures/dx-chogokin-strike-super-parts-set-for-movie-edition-vf-1.html
  8. That seems to be the case, as the stores I am looking at are not selling out after 30 minutes so far.
  9. DX Chogokin VF-1 Super Parts pre-order Available Now: 9,200 yen : Nippon-Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28386-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1-strike-super-parts-set-limited-edition.html 9,780 yen : Anime-Export http://www.anime-export.com/product/44320 91.90 usd : Kurama Shop https://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-strike-super-parts-set-for-movie-edition-vf-1-macross-do-you-remember-love/?setCurrencyId=1 139.99 usd : Loopaza https://www.loopaza.com/figures/action-figures/dx-chogokin-strike-super-parts-set-for-movie-edition-vf-1.html
  10. LOL. I am flattered, really!
  11. At least I hope that a high percentage of MWF folk were able to get an order in.
  12. Oh, I am sorry to hear that they sold out while in your cart. You have my sincere condolences. These pre-order madnesses are getting harder and harder, at least when it comes to the DX Chogokin VF-1
  13. ( @Shizuka the Cat peeks into the MWF forums for a moment, still on her summer vacation trip. ) So.... how was the DX VF-1S pre-order madness? Was it as bad as the VF-1A Max was? I really wanted to participate in the madness, but I promised my fiance that I would give him my undivided attention last night. I hope most MWF members were successful in ordering the valkyrie. Let me know how it went! Best wishes from a beach resort in St. Petes, @Shizuka the Cat
  14. Unfortunately, I am out of town on vacation and will not be able to attend pre-order madness. I want to wish everyone here good luck in pre-ordering the Hikaru VF-1S. Hopefully someone can take up the mantle of maintaining a store price and URL link list. My apologies for not being available to help out.
  15. YAY! Glad you were able to resolve the problem.
  16. Hey @vlenhoff Thanks for messaging me, inquiring why I have not been around MWF much recently. Last week was Spring semester final exams week at MIT, so I have been hosed with paper-writing and studying for the past month. Now, I am doing some vacation traveling. Currently visiting the Tampa area for a few days, then off to Fort Lauderdale, then back home before visiting relatives in Japan and Korea. Wait... is there an upcoming pre-order madness coming up soon that I am forgetting?
  17. Yeah, they are the option parts baggy moving around inside the box.
  18. Can you post pictures of this booster bowing and looseness issues?
  19. For what it is worth, just thinking about @jenius reviewing the PF Elintseeker gets me VERY excited! ... That might have come out a little weird...
  20. Just got my DHL tracking info from AmazonJP. Can't wait to own my 3rd Elintseeker, with even more markings!
  21. YAY! My 1/60 v2 DYRL VF-1A Hikaru with Super/Strike parts arrived. Now I have 2 of these VF-1A Hikaru toys, one that comes with the Super/Strike parts and one that doesn't. Heh, kind of parallels how I also have 2 of the VF-1J Hikaru toys, again one that comes with Super parts and one without. If I were smart, I should probably sell off the duplicates that don't come with the Super parts... if I were smart. *sigh* Anyways, quick question... I am planning on visiting family in Korea and Japan for a few weeks this summer and introduce them to my fiance. I figure I will also do some valkyrie shopping while I am in Japan. Since I just started collecting Macross toys a little over a year ago, this will be the first time I have to deal with declaring stuff with Customs upon re-entry into the U.S. Anyone know what the limitations are, and other US Customs-related details when it comes to bringing in valkyries in my luggage? Thanks!
  22. It comes with the stand and thick primary arm, but does not include the thinner secondary arm.
  23. Tamashii Act 5 stand is correct.
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