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Everything posted by Grey728

  1. I have 2 SSPs with them (They apparently already have them) but haven’t received any additional email asking to pay for shipping. I was just going to ask them to hold off on shipping for now until things start turning normal.
  2. The subtle changes to the paint scheme are really nice and I'm almost tempted to get one to replace my original release. Almost, but not quite. I'll wait and see if @Kuma Stylecan change my mind with his review.
  3. Yeah, I have two items that I attempted to ship right at the beginning of April from AmiAmi and Mandarake and neither have seen movement. Guess they're at the bottom of the pile with yours.
  4. Holy crap. 4 months!? So shipping by boat is now the faster AND cheaper method of shipment?
  5. For those still looking for the strike packs Amazon Japan will ship to your door for $146.40 shipped and it will arrive in 3-5 days despite the pandemic. FYI https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07T9FL5F7/ref=crt_ewc_img_srh_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1O4RZPJ0KOOSM
  6. This is a pleasant surprise. After one month sitting at the Shangai Airport, my Kampfer that I ordered from Show-Z is finally moving!
  7. I can't stand transforming Gundam. It's such a mess and full of compromises that make a relatively weak model even weaker and I say this as a fan of the Zeta, Zeta Plus, ZZ, and Ex-S designs. I hope one day Bandai releases non transformable versions of these kits, HG, RG, or MG. Bonus for PG.
  8. Tempting. Could you link to some examples of your work?
  9. I remember this comment... It IS your fault. You have a whole lot to answer for buddy! Anyways, I might be down to do this on a VF-1S and an SDF-1. There is no deposit to hold a place in line in case you get cold feet or anything 2 years from now?
  10. Really? My Kampfer has been sitting at the Shanghai airport since April 6 with no movement at all. I guess your Sazabi is less than 2kg? I'm hesitant to order anything because losing a package is huge risk now.
  11. Even if they did ship, nothing is moving out of Japan other than through DHL. I have two packages that haven't moved for nearly a month now from Mandarake and Amiami even though technically they've shipped. I think NY will be taking advantage of that and delaying your shipment until after their golden week.
  12. Well, the blue frame did come out after the red frame. With any luck they might have fixed the V-Fin fit issue. There is one major 'problem' I have with the Kai is the gap between the Kai backpack and the gundam itself. I would say it's roughly 1.5 - 2cm between the backpack and the gundam. It just looks so stupid. It was so ugly that I just ended up putting away the Kai add-on back in it's box the same day I got it and replaced it with the flight pack I already had instead. I don't know if I did something wrong but I'm not alone on this 'mistake'. No picture on the internet seems to show this issue prominently anywhere that I've found.. It's only in video reviews that I've seen. You'll see what I mean in the video below ~31 minutes in.
  13. Loose connections? I'll have to check mine. Do you think you might have gotten a KO version? http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-metal-build/metal-build-blue-astray-gundam-central The only thing I noticed loose on mine was the V-Fin which is annoying as hell but I can't bring myself to glue it in.
  14. I love the over-the-top weaponry on that blue astray. The red frame is mostly disappointing unless you get the Kai version or flight pack to go along with it.
  15. @Lolicon is known around here for improving his toys by adding missing decals, panel lining, and weathering. They just discussed painting the landing gear here just a few posts up. He was one of the first to modify his DX and normally takes his toys apart the day he gets them.
  16. I ordered one as well. I have no idea at this point and who knows when and if they can ship at all. I ordered a Kamper that's been sitting in 'Waiting to ship' for over a week now.
  17. Try HLJ https://www.hlj.com/search/go?af=selectseries%3amacross selectmanufacturer%3ahachettecollectionsjapan&lbc=hobbylink&method=and&p=Q&ts=custom&uid=443533447&w=vf-1&isort=title
  18. It would be an insta-buy for me for a 1/2000+ SDF-1. I would prefer a TV one over a DYRL but I don't think I could say no to either. Recession/Coronavirus be damned. I would hope that it's durable enough to transform like the Arcadia/Yamato one. Motorized would be cool but I would settle for lighting gimmicks. Someone please let Hachette know there's a market for this!
  19. I don't like how it's super dense and that I have stuff in boxes that I can't display because I don't know where to put it. I want everything out to look at and enjoy but I can't make myself put anything away to add some focus and class to it.
  20. So I asked everyone to share but I've been too ashamed to show my display. Here's my bedroom that I subject my wife to. Trying hard not to have it creep into the living room but I think it's inevitable haha.
  21. Yes. Not trying to be a jerk Just accepting my life how I see it. Oh and I forgot this was in the YF-21 thread so yeah.. that's an entirely new mold. I was actually talking about the VF-1 and VF-31 molds which I have multiples of because I NEED TO COLLECT ALL THE COLORS.
  22. Are you trolling right now? Macross collecting is all about getting the same mold re-released in the color variant and head style we want. And we gobble them up. We're practically printing money for Bandai with extra steps.
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