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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Who knows if Bandai will re-release the 25a with the Supers as a Full Set Combo Set @rematron. All they care for now is to re-release the Alto and Michael versions to get $$$ and screw the rest of the 25 line up. Ozma’s and Luca’s valks are still missing but, Bandai will most likely skip that also just as they skipped if the Supers for Arad’s and Chucky’s 31, and other teases items.
  2. One collectors question: “Where’s the tubby belly on Thrawn?” My snarky answer: “I’m sure that it will be there when the office date release nears as it’s been photoshopped for the teasers only. If it’s not there upon you getting it, then you can add a Stay Puff fluff suit afterwards to make it more realistic”.
  3. Charging soon, but may take their sweet a** time in getting shipped out.
  4. Just announced. ** Possible outcomes here as follows - Hears the groveling in the distance: "I don't give a **** about this Predator. It looks like an utter abomination. Why the **** did Hot Toys decide to make this??" or "Why did they not make Naru and her wolf in the first place?" ** Honestly saying, I might be interested. Seen the movie and I did enjoy it. Didn't not see Shane Black's version at all after reading that it stunk big time.
  5. The Yammie YF-21 had the legs turned over like the DX 171ex to fit into valk mode and the arms followed alongside unrotated too (am I correct?), therefore seeing the hollowed out guts underneath when the delimiter mode is deployed.
  6. Are you sure that you’re not going to get this version of the DX YF-21 @Angesdad as it looks un proportionate and an ugly mess? Edit: Down in the deep depths of your soul, you’re still going to get it.
  7. Sunny Side up egg punch effects? How un-original.. After all this complaining, who here Is not (I repeat Is Not) getting this version of the DX YF-21 at all ‘cause its not faithful to the original Anime Series? After all said and done, there’s still someone that changes their mind and says: “Oh screw my budget and my original thoughts. I will still get it due to FOMO and I want to be part of the gang in getting one. I want to be like the Joneses and stay in trendy with the times. The others are so out of style”.
  8. The Yammie YF-21/VF-22 had nothing underneath or above to indicate that any armaments can be placed inside the valk itself. All we can see is the smoke trail behind the missiles from the top triangles (and maybe from underneath the fuselage of the YF-21 based on M+ if I remember correctly). Bandai can implement the sliding (yet hidden) hatch covers a la the VF-31, but we all know that Bandai loves to make things simple during the first production round and then jazz it up for the next stage (like the DX Leg armours for the VF-1. Super glue the covers with no colour and then add colour for the second release as the Clear Parts version [which is the up coming TWE pre-order madness]). Be a cheapskate with the no frills version now and then jack up the add ons as a TWE. Years later, slam us with the complete combo pack (just like the rerelease VF-25 Full Set, YF-29 Full Set and the upcoming VF-171ex Full Set after so many flaws and sloppy workmanship in the first release.
  9. Since the DX YF-21 has now been legitimately announced and after all those embellished teases, what does everyone think that it will be packed with? (1) Fold Booster, a plethora of missiles, Fast Packs or (2) Bandai’s regular MO: Bare bones valk with two gun pods. Missiles and everything else is an additional $$$$ to get Bandai to make our wallets croak in agony to keep us buying their hollow worthless pieces of plastic, clown hands and clown feet attachments and shoddy workmanship.
  10. Phhttt,.. A DX VF-2ss (Silvie or Nexx version).
  11. I think 50% of us members did tune out as nothing new as been solicited since Bandai has been tossing out uninteresting Delta Live DX stuff. Sure.... Down vote this post if you want guys as I was more interested in the Hot Toys 1/6 Artisan crapfest that was done since InArt stepped in and changed the game.
  12. Edit: Posted earlier. If you guys want to give hell to Mez about not going to source material and it looks like utter garbage, then don’t buy his stuff anymore. I will still buy stuff from Mez depending if it looks decent enough for my collection.
  13. I think its going to be March/April 2025 honestly. Mezco is still behind on everything that they list of solicitation and everything is held up overseas (which includes their inhouse items as well).
  14. King Conan has arrived. $100 USD, May - July 2024.
  15. The 3z MMPR is a re-release (as September 21 on their Fakebook Page) Mondo posted this on their Fakebook page, rumored to be up for grabs on Monday
  16. $112USD (Deluxe Edition), June - August 2024
  17. Not even a peep @Mommar. I was waiting for an email form Mezco saying that Gaslights Bats has arrived and that you will be charged back in August. Have no idea what's slowing them down as of right now.
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