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Everything posted by americankgb

  1. Since we're on the topic, crab battle anyone?? Crab Battle MSG3
  2. I think the new episdoes are very good. I was kinda tired of the series just focusing on naruto all of the time. I'm glad that they have gone more in depth with other characters. It's more enjoyable now i think. Anyways, it's gonna get even better because the manga from here on out is just amazing.
  3. I thought the same thing. I had to do a double take on the topic. Anyways very nice work. The weather looks very nice as well as the black highlights. Can't wait to see more.
  4. I can't decide wich episode is my favorite. The one with the guy doing the beat box or the one where they uncover the counterfit money ring. What about you guys.
  5. I'm holding out for revolution just because of nintenod's back catalog. Plus i've already spent to much money on my pc to really justify buying another console. Not so sure about PS3 because Jonh Carmack said it was a bitch to program for. It will take a long time before developers actually make games that use the full power of the PS3 and by that time newer systems will be out.
  6. Only the most awesome RC boat/plane/car evar. It's not really a breakthough technology, but it's cool nonetheless. Hydrofoam
  7. I would love to pick up some of the figures, as well as the LE Box Set but money is an issue. That LE Box Set is just to damn expensive. I already have the tifa, cloud and sepiroth figures from a different manufacturer. I wouldn't mind picking up the ones made by play arts though.
  8. I've only gotten up to about episode 30 so far and have really been liking the series. I'm mad that they killed of Heine Westenfluss, because he had that bad ass X2000 Gouf Unit. He was only in the show for like 3 episdoes and then just got axed. GRRRRRR!
  9. I started ordering styrene foam so that i can try to make a battroid cosplay costume for next year. I haven't figured out which model i should build though. Wether I should go with the VF-1A, VF-1S or one of the other models. Let me know what you guys think.[\Font]
  10. The girl with the funny mushroom costume was from Maple Story. It's a free online mmorpg from korea. There were actually a few people dressed as characters from that game. I was kinda dissapointed in the selection of macross products. I did pick a 1/100 VF-1S and VF-1A model kits for $5 a piece since i didn't have them yet. Hopefully next year will be more fruitful.
  11. I really enjoyed the macross panel @ Otakon. I'll definitely be there next year to give my support. I was very disappointed that no one was cosplaying as macross characters. I saw one person that was dressed as Isamu Dyson from plus, but that was it. I'm definitely going to make a macros costume for next years con.
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