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Posts posted by Ishimaru

  1. Sorry I can't screen cap from my SNES. But I'm pretty darn sure of what I typed. JBO found Metroid 3, now I just need ones to prove Mario 4 and Zelda 3. I said intro/title screen. As in, anything shown in the first 60 secs or so. And that's not even Mario 4's title screen, that's the little demo that will end up at the title screen if you let it run.

    Or in Metroid, it might actually be in the opening prologue technically...

    Regardless, my point is the games themselves have their "true" numbers clearly shown.

    I'm positive there is no such name as "Zelda 3" or "Mario 4", knowing Nintendo every Zelda and Mario game is given a proper title.

  2. The manager at my GS told me that MS is handling all the replacements. If you go to GS and exchange it, chances are you are going to get another scratched disc.

    My brother gave me his Limited Edition for my son which was scratched. I sent it off to MS, cost me about $2, and after about a week, we got the replacement discs, non-scratched and works fine.

    Here's the page where you can download the form.


    I just bought a bubble mailer when I was at the store, stuck the scratched discs in between the forms (I printed two, one for each disc), and stuffed it all in the envelope and sent it off.

    PITA, but no scratched discs.

    Haven't really played it much since my son and I finished it splitscreen while waiting. Took about 2 to 2.5 hours. Done. Tried some online the other day, but I'm trying to finish most of the quests in Oblivion before Ace Combat comes out.

    I can't wait a week thats the thing I got plans for a vacation, the disc is freezing up my system. I told Gamestop that and they kept giving me the phone number and what not. I mean come on it says it right on the receipt that I can exchange it within 7 days, why am I not allowed to do that?

    What should I tell them so that they would exchange it?

    I'm aware of it having the chance of being scratched again but my chances are not better with what I have right now. :(

    Also if I added another month of live gold to my account via the Xbox Live Gold Card to my current subscription which is at a month, would it add on to it?

  3. I'm sure they will, but it honestly shocked me that they didn't start out with more maps than that or at least give players maps from Halo 2 with better graphics. And I'm pretty sure people will have to pay for them if they want the new maps when they come out (just like they did with Halo 2 maps). I wonder how bad cheating is on Halo 3 b/c that's one of the reasons I stopped playing Halo 2 was that the cheating got so bad it wasn't fun anymore.

    I have been playing for 2 weeks and I did not find any cheating so far.

    But to be honest the amount of game modes does make up for the amount of maps, but the maps alone are still fun to play on. :)

    Whenever I play Halo 3 online I stumble around like a drunken man, and then when I see an enemy I shoot at them and he runs up and super punches me to death. I'm terrible. :( I just can't get the hang of the control sticks.

    That's multiplayer for ya there are ******** online.

    My best time was when I was the juggernaut being chased and I had the beat stick (forgot the name :p) and went on a rampage of 5 people straight on, and kicked their mofos as far away as possible. :lol:

  4. I played the single player Halo 1 and 2 storylines just for the story. The combat wasn't really good. But the online multiplayer for Halo 2 was good enough to keep me interested and playing actively for over a year. The multiplayer is what it's all about. Personally, I was really shocked to hear that there were only 11 maps for Halo 3 (I think it was 11). Seriously, they should have focused all their attention on the multiplayer and made the single player story an afterthought after they finished with multiplayer. I'll get a 360 around Christmas so I get the two games free, but even when I do I'll only play story mode a few times (once by myself and again with some of my friends so they know what happens and can get a feel for the controls before heading online). I can't really say for Halo 3, but Halo 2 had a decent balance in combat for the most part if you were in a decent clan.

    Just try out Halo 3 online, there is already a update so no doubt maps are going to be added frequently in the future.

  5. Any tips or suggestions man? I read on kotaku.com that one member placed his console and power brick on a wire rack.

    Well I keep it on wooden tile flooring next to my TV in the living room I don't place it on any stands like the majority of the people do, but I keep it standing up since it seems to gather more air that way in my house.

    My house has no door access accept to bedrooms, bathrooms, and the outside. So the environment is nice and cool for the system.

    It's really where your going to place it that'll matter too, my other recommendation is to keep it away from other electronics it really helps out.

  6. Regarding the ending for Halo 3, has anyone noticed that it comes full circle with the beginning of the first Halo? At the begging of Halo CE it starts with the Master Chief being revived from one of those hybernation pods. At the end of Halo 3, it ends with him going back into one of those pods. Guess we'll see in a few years what's next in store for MC and Cortana.

    Something interesting in relation to their past is my guess in Cortona's perspective with the MC, they rushed through this info throughout the game and I'm guessing the only things of clue were the disturbances you had through out the game and the sequence from the start.

    That just cracks me up so much. :lol:

    Edit: Grammar.

  7. So is there no definitive way to avoid RROD? Just wanted to know your opinions. The guy at my local gamestop said "if its going to happen, its going to happen".

    I think it's possible to not get it, mine is from January of 2006 and it's running strong. ^_^

    The system won't break, but it's the way that your going to take care of it that'll matter.

    Now the Xbox itself was a brick man, you can throw it at the wall and it wouldn't break. XD

    (I did do that actually and it still works like cake.)

  8. Why would a Macross fan who is no longer a fan of Robotech want to contribute to a fan made thing redoing a hack series because HG neglected it? And, don't adapt the valkyries from the Macross sequels into Robotech, please, it's just disgustingly wrong. If HG can't provide Robotech fans with original new mecha, don't go continuing HG's butchery legacy by hacking other Macross things into the Robotech universe. :(

    Macross doesn't need a "Macross Genesis". For a retelling of Macross we have Do You Remember Love. Changing the music and audio still won't help the visuals (like the corrugated sheet-metal veritechs). :p

    My valkyries don't have toes to play with. Maybe that's what their veritechs need. Toes to play with... or... missile toes! Then we could make Christmas jokes! :lol:

    It doesn't matter dude, they enjoy doing it and it's out of fandom.

    Screw all this crap about licensing and the series man, you guys are far too into it that the group is just making this out of love for the series.

    Whats up with that man, thats is just not cool. <_<

  9. Ok so who's the best subber?

    I didn't mind wing except that the suits were "themed" as if they were trying a bit too hard to be flashy and stick out from each other and belong in a boyband or something.

    Macross-style military mecha with generic mass produced body with off the shelf parts is more my thing. Unique robots are good for super robot shows where the technology might be mysterious or from an advanced civilisation. Not so good for robot war stories though.

    Honestly there are way too many macross references, the most notable one would be the character looking almost and exactly like Minmei's chinese dress. -_-

    The suits are a gimmick too.

    Aside from that the series is off to a real strong start. :)

  10. Sitting on carpet's been an official Bad Idea since the beginning, though.

    The original Atari VCS has stickers on the bottom warning you not to set it down on carpet because it blocks the vents.

    And if it can hurt THAT, then it can hurt ANYTHING.

    Given the thermal load of modern computing components... even if the 360 WASN'T fundamentally flawed, sitting on a carpet would probably be a death sentence.

    Yeah but you should be able to put it wherever, regardless..

    But yeah I have been playing Halo 3 for 8 hours today, it's just so freaken fun man. XD

    We need to resetup the macross gamertag list.

    My gamertag is Ryvann.

    And here is my bungie.net profile. ^_^


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